Duncan may have been a little distracted by picking up a child from a ball pit, but ultimately, distractions like that are a part of reality show twists. Courtney won because she refused to give him an edge. That's how you win these shows.
As for the superhero challenges, it's quite possible that Harold not stopping to talk to the potato sack might have given him a victory. That's utterly irrelevant. The point is, he did in fact do that. Courtney was the superior camper in that challenges. End of discussion.
Until Courtney actually cheats, I'm going to swing my condemnation mallet on Harold for actually cheating rather then Courtney calling her lawyers. What she plans is irrevelant compared to what she actually does.
There's no reason for Courtney to improvise. They are her wire-cutters, and no one was using them since Lindsay had finished with them. What's wrong with using a pair of wire-cutters to cut a wire?
No one should ever, at all, be praising Harold for being a "protagonist" because when it comes down to it, no one has cheated on Total Drama Island besides him. Sure, Duncan's a jerk, but nothing he does has broken the rules of the competition. Heather was super cruel, but everything she did was within the rules of the show. Courtney bends the rules and skirts the gray area, but she has never broken them. Harold, on the other hand, cheated. The fact that he was picked on is irrelevant, it just goes to show what people will hypocritically defend cheating in one place and call someone else a cheater just because they like them. It's ridiculous how people blame Duncan for getting Courtney kicked off. It was, start to finish, Harold. Accept it. Quit whining that he had a motive. Courtney has a motive for everything she does too: she wants to win.
Further, this show is a competition with only one victory. A betrayal is neither rare nor surprising. Why should Courtney be criticized for playing the game as it was intended to be?