I have reasons why Alejandro should be "The New Harold":
1. They got women voted off (Harold voted off Courtney in TDI, Gwen, LeShawna, and Heather in TDA, whilst Alejandro got all the females (except Lindsay (Lost the tiebreaker against DJ), Izzy (Removed from the game via Army), and Heather (who won TDWT against Alejandro) eliminated.)
2. Harold got mistreated by Justin, Duncan, and Courtney in TDA, so Alejandro (The New Harold) eliminated all three of them.
3. If Alejandro was based off of Harold, then Harold would get Justin, Bridgette, DJ, Noah, Tyler, Gwen, Owen, Blaineley, Courtney, and Duncan (Both for revenge for making him vote off LeShawna in TDA) eliminated.
4. Harold can't take evil for Extra Credit since Alejandro is based off of him.
5. If Duncan and Courtney continue to mistreat/harass Harold, and Alejandro witnesses this, then they'd (Alejandro and Harold) form an alliance to get these two voted off.
6. I'm pretty sure that Alejandro and Harold would trust each other since Alejandro took care of Duncan and Courtney.
These conclude my reasons why Alejandro is based off of Harold.
Edited on 07/25/2012 12:38am