You're not discussing about our opinions. I am. I just stated something. I didn't say that Courtney and Duncan had an agreement. I said that they should have had an agreement. You may disagree with this, but my statement remains as follows.
Again. It's wrong. Simple as that.
Courtney is the villain. She's the meanest one out of all the characters. You seem to be forgetting the fact that she threatens people over minor misunderstandings, so of course they're going to do things against her. Beth didn't exactly call her boyfriend to get back at Courtney, but recall that Courtney kept throwing threats at her before she did this.
Not true. She also acted nasty towards Bridgette, Tyler and Sadie. Instead of forgiving them for incidents that were only accidental, Courtney gets angry at them.
Noah wasn't insulting Courtney. Like Lindsay, he was telling the truth. Just because he insulted everyone at the dodgeball game, doesn't mean that his comment shouldn't be taken into account. Again, if you had to listen to someone complain over and over again, would you not get fed up with it? Courtney had to bring up the subject enough times just to provoke a few people to say something about it?
Throughout TDI or at least in TDDDDI, she has shown to care for no one but herself. She threatens people, she betrays them, she stole a hot air balloon (talk about doing things against the rules) and she physically harms them. Okay, yes Leshawna and Courtney were friends. But Leshawna has this tendency to stand up for people. She must of found out about all the things that Courtney has done to other people and that made her lose respect for her. Whether it was concerning her or not, Leshawna doesn't like people who treat other people terribly. Lindsay found out the same things, and said what she said to Courtney because of Courtney treating so many other people badly, instead of helping them. Let's face it, bossing other people around, calling them out on their faults, acting vengeful for everything... these things don't exactly make Courtney look so attractive as a person. And since then, most of the players have lost a lot of respect for her, including Lindsay and Leshawna.
Again, you're missing the point. Courtney had Duncan by the wrist. She had him by her control which was helpful for her to gain more balance. And therefore, this meant that she could have done anything else to him.