Let's put it this way: Since we're comparing Courtney and Harold, we are judging them based on their individual contributions. In the dodgeball challenge: Yes, Courtney coerced Duncan into participating in the game. Did it help out the team? Yes. Does that make her superior? No. The reason for this is as follows: During the game, Courtney showed some leadership skills. She managed to pep-talk and tried to motivate the team for most of the game which helps which contributes. But if we were to award someone for the best leadership skills, it would be given to Duncan. This is because, while Duncan was asleep, the Bass were down two nothing. Now I'm willing to credit Courtney for trying to get the team together, but things already started to fall apart. Courtney even admitted that the team was really sucking and needed someone more superior to help them win. Also, based on individual performance, Courtney did not do so well, herself. She did eliminate the player who threw one of the difficult balls to dodge, but before Duncan came into the picture, Courtney only proved that she was able to throw the ball. But even that didn't work so well, seeing as she got out twice. Her coercing Duncan shows some leadership skills, but everyone who took on leadership responsibilities had a strategy. Duncan had a strategy. Heather had a strategy. Courtney, did not have a strategy. And while motivation is one of those factors that makes up a leader, strategy is the most important thing. Seeing as that Courtney had nothing planned or prepared, does not make her such a great leader.
Harold was benched early for making a bad impression his first time. That's true. In this instance, however it is completely understandable. Harold running away screaming simply meant that he was afraid and didn't know what to do the first time. This is completely understandable, considering that that moment of fear returned to him when he was facing Owen. Harold was simply under pressure, but this time, convinced himself to look past it. Believe it or not, I studied the footage of that scene very carefully and noticed that 2-3 out of the 4 balls that Owen was throwing could have hit Harold had he not dodged them. Making Harold look spectacular is what made the Bass won. Perhaps, Owen could have thought out his strategy a little better, but needless to say, Harold still won. Harold was also not the Bass' weakest player. If you recall-- aside from Tyler-- Bridgette, Katie and Sadie were played a lot worse than Harold. They were much more uncoordinated. If Courtney couldn't stand up to Duncan, she might as well could have tried to sacrfice anyone else, seeing as all or at least most of them played so poorly. The only thing that Harold was unable to do was throw, Duncan even said so. The only players that the Bass probably couldn't afford to lose were Geoff and DJ. Furthermore, benching someone early and telling them that they suck at something is basically a judgement call. It's judgement without fair trial. The fact that Harold was benched so early in the game and only had one chance to eliminate one camper is not a fair shot. And telling Harold that he was the one who sucked doesn't help Courtney much with leadership, either. One might even say that Courtney contributed more because she granted herself many more chances than Harold.
My bad. Wrong episode.
Even in the hot tub segment of the challenge. Courtney costed the challenge. She tried to lead the team and it failed. Duncan was even considering of voting her off because she and DJ were the only two who didn't jump off the cliff.
There is actual proof that the error in Phobia Factor is a writers' error. Someone submitted a blurb saying this and it got accepted. Courtney still did not face her fear and neithe did Harold. But considering that Harold was willing to face it, and Courtney wasn't, Harold was safe and Courtney ended up on the bottom two. You might even say that he outlasted her. Owen doesn't lose in Search Or Do Not Destroy, Chris just simply tricked him. Courtney costed a challenge for her entire team.
Yes, Courtney carried the canoe and yes she helped get wood to make fire. This doesn't count in her favour considering that everybody else was behind in the canoe and gathered wood. Recall that in one of your posts (not partculary on this thread) that gathering firewood in TDA was not a point in Harold's favour because everyone else was performing the same task. And yes, Harold burned the oars and he should be faulted for that. On the other hand, him burning the oars still got the Bass working together nicely.
My position still stands for the Paintball Deer Hunt challenge. The reason being that even though Courtney wasn't shot, she made absolutely no effort to hide, while everyone else had a hunter after them and managed to get away.
I agree that in Heat, Chris enjoyed Bridgette and DJ's the most. However, note the expression and the choice of words that Chris uses when tasting Harold's dish. Then, note the body language and choice of words or word that Chris uses it when tasting Courtney's. Yes Harold's dish wasn't scored, but it probably didn't need to be, seeing how much Chris approved of it. You could say that if he were to be scored on his dish, Chris would probably give him a 7 or an 8.
I'm not faulting Courtney for what happened in Trust. I'm faulting Sadie. But since the purpose if the challenge was about teamwork, Sadie and Courtney were unable to work together.