Hold on a moment, Brodoin. You say that Harold is a protagonist, and give no other reason then that you say so? Doesn't fly. In the least. Harold exploited a compliment out of Duncan by using Leshawna's gas. Further, why are you ignoring Harold's cheating. DJ shows us the protagonist's way of dealing with cheating: He eliminates himself for following the rules.
Just because you think the two should have split the money doesn't mean they should.
Why does Courtney need to "rescue" them again? Because you say so? She didn't think they were in trouble after the countdown starts: She out and out states she thinks it's another trick by Chris. Leshawna just said she'd rather not chance it. If they are forcing Courtney to do what they want, why shouldn't she turn a profit?
What does Courtney playing hard-to-get have to do with using her looks to manipulate Justin?
Just because Justin was at a low point then doesn't mean he's going to be at a low point forever. If you recall, Justin manipulated the girls into voting of Izzy using his looks after he lost them. It's strategy.
Beth took Courtney's PDA, and then kept it to try and talk to her boyfriend. That's theft. It's how she discovered Leshawna's rant against the cast, remember.
Lindsay neither hesitated nor looked regretful. She just told Courtney no one liked her. She paused because she was speaking two sentences. Don't throw your subjective opinion into this.
Why are you bringing up Noah as an example? All Gophers were angry with him for his acid tongue; him being nasty to Courtney is not an example of her being annoying.
Leshawna's insults had everything to do with Courtney, are you crazy? She specifically insulted Courtney (and no one else) even when the two had a cordial relationship throughout TDI. Apparently, the two talked enough for Courtney to divulge the secret about Bunny.
Courtney's large bone is actually more of a hindrance given her proximity. She wouldn't be able to swing it very well, and she has her own balance to worry about.