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Does Harold deserve to be picked on by Duncan and Courtney so much?

Does Harold deserve to be picked on so much?

  • Avatar of stalemate666


    [561]Oct 24, 2009
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    Brodoin15 wrote:
    shishkabob999 wrote:
    BrainMan820 wrote:
    How, exactly, does Harold's whining justify mistreatment? Harold was not "defending" himself; Duncan was still around. He just went for the pain, and further than that, it wasn't a strategy move or anything. It was just to hurt him. That's unforgivable. That's what socipaths do.
    Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second.

    Harold is a sociopath for voting off Courtney for revenge, and Courtney isn't for wanting to drop four innocent guys to their death?

    And during the game, Harold never "whined" about being hurt and humilated (hot sauce to the balls, getting stripped naked in front of the girls), whereas Courtney throws a temper tantrum whenever she doesn't get a damn prize.

    But of course you're not biased.

    Yeah. Truth being told.

    If anyone is sociopathic, Brainman, it's Courtney. Cheating isn't a sign of a sociopath, willingness to commit murder is.

    Even if Harold did whine, he has a much better reason. Being bullied.

    Courtney? Hardly anything worth whining over. Being cheated off? Perhaps. But whining over a prize? Honestly? She's nothing but a selfish brat. She's lucky to even be on the show.

    Um you really think Courtney was stupid enough to think the explosion was real?
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [562]Oct 24, 2009
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    yes. she admitted in the confessional in get a clue that she wasnt sure about the murder thing and thats besides the point. courtney took advantage of the others panic about getting out in time for a 50/50 split of the million.
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  • Avatar of Brodoin15


    [563]Oct 24, 2009
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    stalemate666 wrote:
    Brodoin15 wrote:
    shishkabob999 wrote:
    BrainMan820 wrote:
    How, exactly, does Harold's whining justify mistreatment? Harold was not "defending" himself; Duncan was still around. He just went for the pain, and further than that, it wasn't a strategy move or anything. It was just to hurt him. That's unforgivable. That's what socipaths do.
    Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second.

    Harold is a sociopath for voting off Courtney for revenge, and Courtney isn't for wanting to drop four innocent guys to their death?

    And during the game, Harold never "whined" about being hurt and humilated (hot sauce to the balls, getting stripped naked in front of the girls), whereas Courtney throws a temper tantrum whenever she doesn't get a damn prize.

    But of course you're not biased.

    Yeah. Truth being told.

    If anyone is sociopathic, Brainman, it's Courtney. Cheating isn't a sign of a sociopath, willingness to commit murder is.

    Even if Harold did whine, he has a much better reason. Being bullied.

    Courtney? Hardly anything worth whining over. Being cheated off? Perhaps. But whining over a prize? Honestly? She's nothing but a selfish brat. She's lucky to even be on the show.

    Um you really think Courtney was stupid enough to think the explosion was real?

    I was speaking of the TDI Special, when she told Tyler, Cody, DJ and Owen to give her the box, or she'll let them fall off the hot air baloon.

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  • Avatar of BrainMan820


    [564]Oct 24, 2009
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    shishkabob999 wrote:
    BrainMan820 wrote:
    How, exactly, does Harold's whining justify mistreatment? Harold was not "defending" himself; Duncan was still around. He just went for the pain, and further than that, it wasn't a strategy move or anything. It was just to hurt him. That's unforgivable. That's what socipaths do.
    Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second.

    Harold is a sociopath for voting off Courtney for revenge, and Courtney isn't for wanting to drop four innocent guys to their death?

    And during the game, Harold never "whined" about being hurt and humilated (hot sauce to the balls, getting stripped naked in front of the girls), whereas Courtney throws a temper tantrum whenever she doesn't get a damn prize.

    But of course you're not biased.

    Show me where I said Courtney isn't a sociopath. That has nothing to do with anything. We're discussing Harold. You people need to stop making assumptions and stick with the facts.

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  • Avatar of BrainMan820


    [565]Oct 24, 2009
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    Brodoin15 wrote:
    shishkabob999 wrote:
    BrainMan820 wrote:
    How, exactly, does Harold's whining justify mistreatment? Harold was not "defending" himself; Duncan was still around. He just went for the pain, and further than that, it wasn't a strategy move or anything. It was just to hurt him. That's unforgivable. That's what socipaths do.
    Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second.

    Harold is a sociopath for voting off Courtney for revenge, and Courtney isn't for wanting to drop four innocent guys to their death?

    And during the game, Harold never "whined" about being hurt and humilated (hot sauce to the balls, getting stripped naked in front of the girls), whereas Courtney throws a temper tantrum whenever she doesn't get a damn prize.

    But of course you're not biased.

    Yeah. Truth being told.

    If anyone is sociopathic, Brainman, it's Courtney. Cheating isn't a sign of a sociopath, willingness to commit murder is.

    Even if Harold did whine, he has a much better reason. Being bullied.

    Courtney? Hardly anything worth whining over. Being cheated off? Perhaps. But whining over a prize? Honestly? She's nothing but a selfish brat. She's lucky to even be on the show.

    God, you people are the thickest group around. Why can't you just stick to what is written on the page, and not just spout random assumptions that have no basis in anything I have said. Nowhere did I claim Courtney wasn't cruel or a sociopath. And I've said it over a dozen times. I have stated that so are the other campers. None of you Harold lovers have actually shown to justify Harold being a "protagonist." Yeah, you say it a lot, but you've yet to provide a single shred of evidence to support it.

    And I suggest you read up on sociopathy. It has nothing to do with murder, it's an inability to consider the feelings of others when you make your decisions. Harold fits that to a T.

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  • Avatar of BrainMan820


    [566]Oct 24, 2009
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    imverybasic wrote:
    BrainMan820 wrote:
    How, exactly, does Harold's whining justify mistreatment? Harold was not "defending" himself; Duncan was still around. He just went for the pain, and further than that, it wasn't a strategy move or anything. It was just to hurt him. That's unforgivable. That's what socipaths do.

    I'm actaully not accomodating Courtney for stealing the balloon: It's completely irrelevant. It would be just like discussing something Sadie did. What does it have to do with that fact that Beth stole Courtney's PDA?

    I might as well reverse your question on you. Chris deosn't do anything about it until he is forced, but he doesn't think that Harold is in the right. He states that Harold was stupid because Duncan is a bully, and bully bullies. You're letting your own opinion supercede.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. Harold whines? Okay... I won't even bother touching that one. So if Harold wasn't defending himself, what would you call giving someone a taste of their own medicine? Duncan was still here and still bullied him. And Harold knew this beforehand how? His plan was to give Duncan the exact same treatment that he was recieving. How does this not qualify as defending yourself? Sure, Harold's a psychopath for making Duncan suffer, but Duncan is a complete saint for pouring hotsauce in his underwear...

    This is irrelevant how? Beth took Courtney's PDA. You say that's considered theft, okay so admittedly I agree with you there. But Courtney stealing a hot air balloon isn't considered theft? Both have commited acts of theft, except Courtney committed a bigger offense and never once felt remorseful about it. Why should characters have to own up to their actions if Courtney never does?

    So? Chris obviously has the power to bring back previous contestants. Does he do that with Courtney? No. He may have stated that what Harold did was stupid, but does he believe that it was unfair and unjust to Courtney? No. He said it was unfair to Duncan.

    What do I call it? A cruel, deliberate and malicious act designed to make someone suffer. How, exactly would Harold have known Duncan would stop bullying him? Courtney wasn't close to Duncan until the Hell Week challenge, and Duncan punked him beforehand.

    Defending yourself would be Harold blocking an attack from Duncan, maybe a mousetrap in his drawer the next time Duncan rummages for a prank. That specifically has something to do with the pranking, insomuch as if Duncan doesn't prank him, nothing happens to him. That's the definition of "defense", it's not proactive. Harold's cheating was proactive.

    It's irrelevant because we're not discussing whether or not Beth is more or less virtuous than Courtney, we're arguing whether Beth is a "protagonist" or not. Courtney is irrevelant.

    Clearly, Courtney had a leg to stand on regarding the vote-off if she sued the show to get onto it successfully. Chris simply didn't care. Or maybe he wanted Harold to suffer the carnage when he got voted off because he "likes nasty" and enjoys torturing the campers. Who knows. My arguments still stands. Yours don't.

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  • Avatar of shishkabob999


    [567]Oct 24, 2009
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    I've got another drinking game, you guys. Take a shot every time Brainman dodges an issue by saying it's "irrelevant" or tries to change the subject away from what Courtney's done.
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [568]Oct 24, 2009
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    No offense, BrainMan but you're the one who has trouble keeping up with discussion. You keep changing the subject if the argument is not to your convinience. First we were debating Courtney vs. Harold, then you say that we were discussing about dodgeball, now you bring about subject of/with Beth taking Courtney's PDA. You penalize other characters for their actions, but you never consider the fact that Courtney never owns up to her actions. So, I'd just like to know, why is it okay for Courtney to do whatever she pleases, but it's not okay for others? What makes Courtney so special that she is entitled to more treatment than everyone else?
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  • Avatar of BrainMan820


    [569]Oct 26, 2009
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    shishkabob999 wrote:
    I've got another drinking game, you guys. Take a shot every time Brainman dodges an issue by saying it's "irrelevant" or tries to change the subject away from what Courtney's done.

    I've answered every question you've posed. Now how about you actually stick to the topic and startshowing where other characters are somehow virtuous.

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  • Avatar of BrainMan820


    [570]Oct 26, 2009
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    imverybasic wrote:
    No offense, BrainMan but you're the one who has trouble keeping up with discussion. You keep changing the subject if the argument is not to your convinience. First we were debating Courtney vs. Harold, then you say that we were discussing about dodgeball, now you bring about subject of/with Beth taking Courtney's PDA. You penalize other characters for their actions, but you never consider the fact that Courtney never owns up to her actions. So, I'd just like to know, why is it okay for Courtney to do whatever she pleases, but it's not okay for others? What makes Courtney so special that she is entitled to more treatment than everyone else?

    I've answered the discussion just fine, you just go off on random anti-Courtney points.

    And, I can't believe I have to answer this yet again (it's been about a dozen times now). I have never, not once, justified Courtney's behavior aside from saying "she plays the game, she's trying to win the prize, as that is the purpose of the show." Everyone here likes to whine and moan and go off into "Harold is a protagonist" points. We argued the dodgeball game, and then you decided to go off and discuss the other episodes. Then, you people start talking about how Courtney is all evil, and I bring up that all the characters are evil, Beth being a prime example. But you people just whine and moan and say Courtney's worse without ever acknowledging Beth's flaws.

    Wise up, because I'm honestly sick of repeating myself.

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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [571]Oct 26, 2009
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    BrainMan820 wrote:
    I've answered the discussion just fine, you just go off on random anti-Courtney points.

    And, I can't believe I have to answer this yet again (it's been about a dozen times now). I have never, not once, justified Courtney's behavior aside from saying "she plays the game, she's trying to win the prize, as that is the purpose of the show." Everyone here likes to whine and moan and go off into "Harold is a protagonist" points. We argued the dodgeball game, and then you decided to go off and discuss the other episodes. Then, you people start talking about how Courtney is all evil, and I bring up that all the characters are evil, Beth being a prime example. But you people just whine and moan and say Courtney's worse without ever acknowledging Beth's flaws.

    Wise up, because I'm honestly sick of repeating myself.

    Wait a second: First of all, my other points were just responses to another person. They were not intended for you. Secondly, we're not the ones whining about Courtney. Courtney's the one whose been whining about everything on the show, and quite frankly, we're getting sick and tired of it. Thirdly, you are getting way too defensive about Courtney. You're willing to go the extra mile for penalizing Beth and Lindsay who have done these things for the sake of revenge against Courtney, or you penalize them for making minor mistakes. However, you somehow have no problem excusing Courtney for everything she's done. And I can't beleive that I have yet to repeat myself again. I have acknowledged both Beth's actions and Courtney's feelings. I've said this about at least three times: I said that what Beth has done was wrong, but I provided this action with a justified response. I also repeated myself countless times of all the things Courtney has done to everybody and has never once shown any remorse towards it. Also, I have no idea where you get off saying that Lindsay is evil. Like, seriously. Lindsay is unintelligent, unaware, gullible and absentminded. Just because she said some things to Courtney doesn't automatically signify her being malevolent or evil. Lindsay told Courtney that she stinks. Okay, not neccessary to say, but keep in mind that she was yet again telling the truth and didn't expect Courtney to get defensive. This being because they both went to a cheese factory and therefore they both smelled bad. Courtney could have obviously responded back to her by saying "You stink, too" instead of the additional commentary. And even after she got back at her by insulting her, Courtney still had the nerve to insult Lindsay after the first part of the challenge. Lindsay told her that no one liked her. Again, this wasn't intended to tick Courtney off, this was what she believed seeing how nasty Courtney was acting towards everybody.

    You keep going on and on saying how evil Beth and Lindsay are. And then when I try to explain how vicious Courtney is, you basically dodge the bullet. If anything, I'm just as sick of having to repeat myself as you are.

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  • Avatar of shishkabob999


    [572]Oct 26, 2009
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    Thank you, basic.
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  • Avatar of alagaesian


    [573]Oct 26, 2009
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    I just think this entire disagreement is over a sense of morals.

    BrainMan obviously thinks that, as long as she is playing to the purpose of the game, Courtney can do whatever she wants. I can see your logic in this; they are playing a game, and thus should be playing their hardest. People shouldn't get upset by being lied to in this situation, where betrayal is not only possible, but encouraged at times.

    Basic and some other Harold fans think that Courtney can't get off the hook just because she wants to win some gold and glory. They think it's just another reason to hate her, because it signifies that she'd kill people for money. That's called greed.

    So if you believe in BrainMan's point of view, great. Your arguments can't be refuted by a Harold fan whose points are based around a different set of morals. If you believe in the standard Harold fan point of view, also great. Neither BrainMan nor most hardcore Courtney fans can refute your arguments, because their points are set up around a different set of morals.
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  • Avatar of snowedin


    [574]Oct 27, 2009
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    I think Harold deserves it. I mean, he changed the votes to get Courtney off and turned her into the annoying villian (that I love btw) that she is today. Besides, it's fun to see Harold get picked on and punished for changing the votes
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [575]Oct 27, 2009
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    shishkabob999 wrote:
    Thank you, basic.

    No problem.

    Yes, I can pretty much see what alagaeian is saying. This first started off as a Courtney vs. Harold, which slowly evolved into a discussion of ethics. And here's what I'm thinking: Yes, arguments and debates have facts, but part of it is also about opinion, which is why so many people tend to disagree with the other.

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [576]Oct 27, 2009
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    ok snowedin you just lost all my respect. how can anyone like what courtney is doing?
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  • Avatar of alagaesian


    [577]Oct 27, 2009
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    ^ I don't know, but there are some exceptions. You CAN like people because they're mean and nasty.

    For instance, the current season of Survivor, there is a guy who pretty much gained instant villain status during the first episode. Basically, he made an alliance by manipulating what he considered to be the airhead blonds and lying his mouth off to all of them. Even worse, the first night at their camp, he emptied the water out of everyone's canteens and burned all their socks while they were sleeping, and never told a soul. It made his teammates miserable, naturally...but I still love him, because his nasty attitude brings a lot of drama to the show.

    That was how I felt about Courtney. She was a good competitor and had a nice set up to be a mild villain. Then, she started floating over to the Mary-Sue end of the spectrum...and then began her whining rampage. While I like a good villain, Courtney just doesn't look like Heather-grade material to me.
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  • Avatar of BrainMan820


    [578]Oct 27, 2009
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    imverybasic wrote:
    BrainMan820 wrote:
    I've answered the discussion just fine, you just go off on random anti-Courtney points.

    And, I can't believe I have to answer this yet again (it's been about a dozen times now). I have never, not once, justified Courtney's behavior aside from saying "she plays the game, she's trying to win the prize, as that is the purpose of the show." Everyone here likes to whine and moan and go off into "Harold is a protagonist" points. We argued the dodgeball game, and then you decided to go off and discuss the other episodes. Then, you people start talking about how Courtney is all evil, and I bring up that all the characters are evil, Beth being a prime example. But you people just whine and moan and say Courtney's worse without ever acknowledging Beth's flaws.

    Wise up, because I'm honestly sick of repeating myself.

    Wait a second: First of all, my other points were just responses to another person. They were not intended for you. Secondly, we're not the ones whining about Courtney. Courtney's the one whose been whining about everything on the show, and quite frankly, we're getting sick and tired of it. Thirdly, you are getting way too defensive about Courtney. You're willing to go the extra mile for penalizing Beth and Lindsay who have done these things for the sake of revenge against Courtney, or you penalize them for making minor mistakes. However, you somehow have no problem excusing Courtney for everything she's done. And I can't beleive that I have yet to repeat myself again. I have acknowledged both Beth's actions and Courtney's feelings. I've said this about at least three times: I said that what Beth has done was wrong, but I provided this action with a justified response. I also repeated myself countless times of all the things Courtney has done to everybody and has never once shown any remorse towards it. Also, I have no idea where you get off saying that Lindsay is evil. Like, seriously. Lindsay is unintelligent, unaware, gullible and absentminded. Just because she said some things to Courtney doesn't automatically signify her being malevolent or evil. Lindsay told Courtney that she stinks. Okay, not neccessary to say, but keep in mind that she was yet again telling the truth and didn't expect Courtney to get defensive. This being because they both went to a cheese factory and therefore they both smelled bad. Courtney could have obviously responded back to her by saying "You stink, too" instead of the additional commentary. And even after she got back at her by insulting her, Courtney still had the nerve to insult Lindsay after the first part of the challenge. Lindsay told her that no one liked her. Again, this wasn't intended to tick Courtney off, this was what she believed seeing how nasty Courtney was acting towards everybody.

    You keep going on and on saying how evil Beth and Lindsay are. And then when I try to explain how vicious Courtney is, you basically dodge the bullet. If anything, I'm just as sick of having to repeat myself as you are.

    So Courtney whines. Big deal. Lindsay whines about no one listening to her, Harold whines that Duncan picks on him. Sick of it? Fine, but that doesn't make her evil.

    And, yet again, I must repeat myself. The only justification I ever made for Courtney, ever, is that she is playing the game. You manipulate people, you trick them, you do what it takes to get them kicked off and you stay on. This is in contrast to Beth, who stole Courtney's PDA for her personal use. No strategy involved. I've never said Courtney was virtuous or a protagonist or anything like that. That's why I'm not arguing: I agree Courtney's ruthless. However, as I've stated, ruthless is not evil.

    And yet, Courtney too, tells the truth about Lindsay, who stinks as well, that she doesn't like her, or that Owen cost the team. Why then, is Lindsay virtuous and Courtney evil? Courtney, at least, talked about people after she met them. Further, Courtney insulted Lindsay for something that was, again, the truth: Wonder Woman already existed.

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  • Avatar of alagaesian


    [579]Oct 27, 2009
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    And there's the rub. You believe that Courtney's actions are justified by the game. Most Harold fans do not, myself included. But, BrainMan, if Courtney does a villainous act to spite someone, not further her efforts in the game, would you accept that as a valid reason to Courtney is an antagonist?
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [580]Oct 27, 2009
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    BrainMan820 wrote:
    So Courtney whines. Big deal. Lindsay whines about no one listening to her, Harold whines that Duncan picks on him. Sick of it? Fine, but that doesn't make her evil.

    And, yet again, I must repeat myself. The only justification I ever made for Courtney, ever, is that she is playing the game. You manipulate people, you trick them, you do what it takes to get them kicked off and you stay on. This is in contrast to Beth, who stole Courtney's PDA for her personal use. No strategy involved. I've never said Courtney was virtuous or a protagonist or anything like that. That's why I'm not arguing: I agree Courtney's ruthless. However, as I've stated, ruthless is not evil.

    And yet, Courtney too, tells the truth about Lindsay, who stinks as well, that she doesn't like her, or that Owen cost the team. Why then, is Lindsay virtuous and Courtney evil? Courtney, at least, talked about people after she met them. Further, Courtney insulted Lindsay for something that was, again, the truth: Wonder Woman already existed.

    You're always telling us to stop whining, or penalize Harold for supposedly whining. Courtney's whining doesn't make her evil. It's the way she treats people that makes her evil. Furthermore, everybody has valid reasons for their whining. Harold for being picked on; Lindsay for being mistreated... What does Courtney whine about? Not getting a prize. Big deal. So she doesn't get a prize. How does this make her more entitled than anybody else?

    Listen, you don't need to constantly repeat yourself. I completely understand the point that you're trying to make. I just disagree. You can't refute me because of that. Okay, fine. Manipulating, strategizing, trickery... yes, Courtney's playing the game, but this is what makes her the antagonist and henceforth, evil. Mainly because Heather said the exact same thing as last season's antagonist. She basically strategized, manipulated, whatever. She said she was playing the game. Yes, she got pleasure out of humiliating and mistreating others, but this is exactly how Courtney's acting now. The only difference between the two is that while she tried to humiliate others, Heather's prime goal was to scope out the weaknesses in them. Courtney is mean for the sake of being mean.

    Beth took Courtney's PDA, fine. I already recongnized that that was wrong and it since Million Dollar Babies, the action hasn't been repeated. There's nothing more to say.

    Yes, I know that Courtney tells the truth about Lindsay. While I already pointed this out from/in my last post, I have yet to repeat this again. Courtney and Lindsay both stunk. Lindsay said that she stinks, Courtney could have easily said that Lindsay stinks, as well. But what does she do? She continuously brings up her odor and heckels her mid challenge. "Ha! Not such a wonder woman after all, huh?" Does Lindsay do this to Courtney? No, she doesn't. And even after she told Lindsay, she told her that she stinks like feet, Courtney has the nerve to bring it up again after the challenge. This of course, provokes Leshawna to stick up for her. And yes, I also don't deny Courtney telling Lindsay the truth. She was right about the Wonder Woman costume, but the additional commentary was completely unneccessary. In addition, if Courtney's going to dish it out, she has to learn how to take it. If she has the luxury to insult other people, she can't get defensive when someone insults her. It's hypocrisy. I'll agree that it wasn't neccessary for Lindsay to tell Courtney that she stinks but again, she didn't deliberately tick Courtney off, Courtney did that to herself.

    People insult Courtney. Well why do you think? Based on the way she acted from TDI, most of the contesatnts have lost respect for her. Not only that, news travels fast. So say that someone gets eliminated, events happen and that/the eliminated contestant finds out about it within the next week or so.

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