Well i guess that if you switch votes to get rid of an inocent person in revenge of someone,Then he must have a heart
Nice Logic
Well i guess that if you switch votes to get rid of an inocent person in revenge of someone,Then he must have a heart
Nice Logic
When it comes down to it, Harold is inferiorto Courtney in almost all respects. Courtney helped Duncan and the team in the challenges several times. Most people who think Harold is superior merely think he single-handedly won the dodgeball tournament (untrue, Harold did less then practically any on their team. It may have been the final ball, but it was only one) and the beatboxing. Whereas Courtney's failures stem from not jumping off the cliff (which wasn't even the challenge, building the hot tub was) and not jumping into the green jelly (useless, as their team would have lost anyway even if she succeeded)
As for "CIT" versus "mad skillz" it's Harold who speaks more of his skills then Courtney mentions CIT. He always used to do this and he still ends up failing. A synopsis of their challenge performances was already done before, and the only challenge that could be compared in TDA is Ocean's, since that's the only challenge Courtney's been in, and she's still superior to Harold here (Duncan was the one who built and drove the car, Harold did nothing but argue with Heather, Courtney at least whipped the team into attempting to win. The failure of the Grips to win was not the fault of Courtney.)
Frankly, there's little anyone can say about Harold being the superior camper. The Napoleon Dynamite ripoff even has less personality then Courtney.
HaydenAvery wrote: |
wow that post is so untrue its not funny. |
Riankg wrote: | ||
Well if this is comming from a Courtney hater and a Harold lover of course you would say that. But what he said is right Courtney is better then Harold in the challenges. |
Hayden, I have provided many reasons as to why Harold is the inferior camper. His victories are overhyped, his failures (like burning the oars in "Up The Creek", dropping the flags in "X-Treme Torture Challenge") are ignored.
If you think I am telling a lie, explain how. And not just "You're telling a lie." Back it up with facts. Show us irrefutable evidence that Harold is the superior camper. Because breaking down the challenges puts Courtney in the superior light.
n5d25d90 wrote: | ||||
Actually, I too like Harold and am not very fond of Courtney (though I respect her to some degree). So... "of course", huh? ...No, it's not "of course". Why? Because I have to say, a lot of what Brain said makes sense. In other words, Hayden's views do not reflect all Harold fans' views. |
Riankg wrote: | ||||||
Ohh sorry..i didnt want to say for everyone who likes harold and hates courtney..but in Hayden's case it's different because he doesnt accept the others oppinion. |
n5d25d90 wrote: | ||||||||
It's fine. I just didn't want Harold fans to get a bad name here, so I stepped in. XD To everyone else, can't we just say the dodgeball event was a team effort and leave it at that? |
alagaesian wrote: |
It's strange that people think that Courtney won the dodgeball challenge when all she really did was threaten to vote Duncan off. His strategy fell apart in the last round anyways, which is why Harold was even needed. Basically, the Bass wouldn't have won the challenge if either one of them had been absent. So, it's a tie. |
Not necessarily. Harold still only got one camper out. Courtney got out at least four. Duncan's strategy was directly responsible for two rounds of victory, which was impossible without Courtney.
Basically, no matter how you look at it, Courtney was superior to Harold in respect to winning dodgeball. So was Duncan, DJ, Geoff, and Katie. Tyler and Sadie were definitely worse, and Bridgette could be a toss-up (she won the 4th round, but she did get thrown out a lot). Who on the Bass would be ruthless enough to coerce Duncan into participating? By contrast, who else could have thrown out Owen? More people would have been able to throw out Owen.