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Does Harold deserve to be picked on by Duncan and Courtney so much?

Does Harold deserve to be picked on so much?

  • Avatar of NejiShikamaru


    [141]Jul 7, 2009
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    "Your antipasto passed the testo!" With a smile. He didn't score either of the appitizers, but was pleased with the antipasto of Sadie and Harold, which, compared to his reaction to the dessert by Courtney and Duncan, shows he would have given it a high score.

    "Ehhh...6." No smile, a frown and a handshake signifying middle.

    You're arguing for no reason, you just don't want to lose a debate over a show. You just can't accept that people believe Courtney isn't as valuable to the team as Harold is, which has been proven quite often. The fact that you continue to argue the same points that were already proven to be worthless shows that you're just aiming for upping your ego, which isn't working.

    Can we please get back on topic now?

    Edited on 07/07/2009 5:01pm
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [142]Jul 7, 2009
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    Plus didn't The Bass win 21 to 12?


    Let's just call off this debate. Let's just agree that Harold wins and Courtney loses and get back on topic.

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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [143]Jul 7, 2009
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    Yes but Harold still got a zero.

    "On a scale of 1 to 10.. 15!!!!!"

    "Ehhh..... 6..."

    "The Bass win 21 to 12" 15 + 6 = 2

    1 Chris was probably just ACTING like he liked the food to get Harold's hopes up.

    Yes I hate being wrong. I think you hate it to.

    The apatizers didnt count? Why not? When did Chris ever say that?

    Let's say that it DID NOT. Ok? And Harold wins because if he was in the game he would have gotten a good score.

    If that is the case then why is it a win for Harold in the Paintball challenge?

    It wasnt Courtney's fault that she wasnt a hunter

    But she still did her job.

    Harold was the one that got to the points.

    Oh but when Courtney is in a challenge that counts and Harold isn't its a whole different story.

    Come on even YOU guys have to admit that that's unfair (Or not)

    But I'd like u to convince me on episode 10 and 9.

    Edited on 07/07/2009 5:09pm
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  • Avatar of NejiShikamaru


    [144]Jul 7, 2009
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    CrystalCoconut wrote:
    Yes but Harold still got a zero. "On a scale of 1 to 10.. 15!!!!!" "Ehhh..... 6..." "The Bass win 21 to 12" 15 + 6 = 21 Chris was probably just ACTING like he liked the food to get Harold's hopes up. Because that obviously prooves that he got a zero. Tell me how he did NOT get a zero. Yes I hate being wrong. I think you hate it to.

    I already said HE DIDN'T GRADE THEM. And Harold wasn't even there, so he couldn't aim for getting Harold's hopes up. You keep trying to argue that he got a zero, he didn't even get a grade, but he got a positive response, hmm, Courtney and Duncan didn't get a positive response...I think that shows how he liked Harold's dish more.

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  • Avatar of NejiShikamaru


    [145]Jul 7, 2009
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    Harold has won 2 challenges for the Bass and cost 1. He's positive 1.
    Courtney cost the Bass two challenges. Negative 2.

    Harold doesn't go around saying "I WAS A CIT!"
    Courtney does.

    Harold didn't have to sue the show to advance.
    Courtney needed to sue to get onto TDA.

    Harold has been shown to be liked or partially respected by other campers.
    Courtney only has 1 known friend: Duncan.

    Harold won the challenge in which he needed to catch Bridgette before she landed in the jellyfish pool.
    Courtney got nailed by apples and otherwise contributed nothing.
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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [146]Jul 7, 2009
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    NejiShikamaru wrote:
    Harold has won 2 challenges for the Bass and cost 1. He's positive 1.
    Courtney cost the Bass two challenges. Negative 2.

    Harold doesn't go around saying "I WAS A CIT!"
    Courtney does.

    Harold didn't have to sue the show to advance.
    Courtney needed to sue to get onto TDA.

    Harold has been shown to be liked or partially respected by other campers.
    Courtney only has 1 known friend: Duncan.

    Harold won the challenge in which he needed to catch Bridgette before she landed in the jellyfish pool.
    Courtney got nailed by apples and otherwise contributed nothing.

    Now ur just saying random crap about Courtney that I couldnt care less about.
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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [147]Jul 7, 2009
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    NejiShikamaru wrote:

    CrystalCoconut wrote:
    Yes but Harold still got a zero. "On a scale of 1 to 10.. 15!!!!!" "Ehhh..... 6..." "The Bass win 21 to 12" 15 + 6 = 21 Chris was probably just ACTING like he liked the food to get Harold's hopes up. Because that obviously prooves that he got a zero. Tell me how he did NOT get a zero. Yes I hate being wrong. I think you hate it to.

    I already said HE DIDN'T GRADE THEM. And Harold wasn't even there, so he couldn't aim for getting Harold's hopes up. You keep trying to argue that he got a zero, he didn't even get a grade, but he got a positive response, hmm, Courtney and Duncan didn't get a positive response...I think that shows how he liked Harold's dish more.

    Harold wasnt shown on camrea but he was there obviously.
    Chris never said some dishes wouldnt be graded.
    That'd be pointless.
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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [148]Jul 7, 2009
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    imverybasic wrote:

    Plus didn't The Bass win 21 to 12?


    Let's just call off this debate. Let's just agree that Harold wins and Courtney loses and get back on topic.

    Yeh 15 from Dj and Geoff and 6 from Duncan and Courtney.
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  • Avatar of NejiShikamaru


    [149]Jul 7, 2009
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    You know what? I've had enough of proving you wrong, since it's BLATANTLY obvious you will keep arguing until we agree with you. I'm not going to agree with you, you're flat out WRONG. Harold, the camper whom I dislike, is a better camper than Courtney. It's obvious you don't want to be proven wrong, despite hard evidence.

    It's a show, that fact that I spent this much time proving you wrong over a show is amazing.

    Now then, BACK ON TOPIC, I still believe Harold deserved to be picked on. It provided more character development for Duncan and Harold.
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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [150]Jul 7, 2009
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    NejiShikamaru wrote:
    You know what? I've had enough of proving you wrong, since it's BLATANTLY obvious you will keep arguing until we agree with you. I'm not going to agree with you, you're flat out WRONG. Harold, the camper whom I dislike, is a better camper than Courtney. It's obvious you don't want to be proven wrong, despite hard evidence.

    It's a show, that fact that I spent this much time proving you wrong over a show is amazing.

    Now then, BACK ON TOPIC, I still believe Harold deserved to be picked on. It provided more character development for Duncan and Harold.

    No i want YOU to convince ME. I still dont get 9 Courtney avoided the hunters And Harold shot the deer
    That's what they were supposed to do and they did it perfectly
    Can you explain it to me how harold wins?
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  • Avatar of stalemate666


    [152]Jul 7, 2009
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    NejiShikamaru wrote:
    Harold has won 2 challenges for the Bass and cost 1. He's positive 1.
    Courtney cost the Bass two challenges. Negative 2.

    Harold doesn't go around saying "I WAS A CIT!"
    Courtney does.

    Harold didn't have to sue the show to advance.
    Courtney needed to sue to get onto TDA.

    Harold has been shown to be liked or partially respected by other campers.
    Courtney only has 1 known friend: Duncan.

    Harold won the challenge in which he needed to catch Bridgette before she landed in the jellyfish pool.
    Courtney got nailed by apples and otherwise contributed nothing.

    One of the challenges Harold won Courtney contributed more in (getting everyone to wake Duncan up and participating regularly in the matches) and one of the challenges Courtney cost they both failed I don't get how you can say Harold is better based on that No Harold goes around saying he has mad skills...

    Courtney only sued because Harold cheated her off the show

    Courtney has been liked by Leshawna, Duncan, Geoff and Bridgette and Harold has been liked by, Lesawna... and that's all I can think of care to give some examples?
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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [153]Jul 7, 2009
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    Ok I am going to tell you what I disagree with you guys on.

    Episode 4. Dodgebrawl

    Courtney did this
    1. Thew a ball at Heather Owen caught it causing her to be out.
    2. Got Duncan in the game.
    3. Got four ppl out with "Rush The New Guy"
    4. Got Cody out.
    5. Gwen got her out.

    Harold did this
    1. Sucked horribly in the beginning
    2. Got Owen out.

    Hmmm... Think it would be fair to atleast call it a win?

    Episode 7.
    Both did not face their fears.
    Harold tried but it doesnt matter because it didnt count.

    Episode 9. Paintball DeerHunter

    Ok I do not get how this is a win.
    Courtney was a deer
    She avoided all of the Gopher hunters
    She was never close to being shot.
    She wasnt lucky She just knew what she was doing and avoided them
    This contributated to the win

    Harold shot deer.
    .... That's it
    This also contributated to the win.
    Harold didnt single handedly win the game. Neither did Courtney

    They both did EXACTLY what they told to do.
    Courtney even slightly better.
    Please explain how it is a win for ANYONE when they both perfect did their assignments.

    Episode 10.
    How is it a win for Harold?

    He got a 0.

    Chris never said that certain food would never be scored.
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  • Avatar of Brodoin15


    [154]Jul 7, 2009
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    I don't like to be rude, but this is getting out of hand.

    I just think you are in denial that Harold is, in fact, a better player.

    Courtney didn't have to face anyone in the deer challenge, Harold shot at least one. How is this a win for Courtney? She didn't even do anything! At least Duncan got away from Owen, who was the only one trying on his team.

    Courtney gave up triple points for her fear. Harold didn't do it, yes, but he attempted too. He did not stop out of fear, like Courtney, he stopped out of being knocked out by himself by accident.

    Would anyone else have won against Owen if Harold couldn't dodge like that? Duncan may not have even won. Owen was the best on the other team and Harold still won.

    And how did Harold and Sadie get a 0 on their food? Chris liked it! He wouldn't give them a 0! He liked it better than Courtney and Duncan's food. Jeez.

    You just don't wan to accept it, even when the facts on right in front of you, like the several that Neji posted.

    Anyway, on topic. I do think Harold deserved to be picked on a little, for a few episodes maybe. But the constant tricks and stuff are getting old. It's time for Duncan and Courtney to move on. They are still in the running for the 1 million dollars. Picking on poor Harold so much won't help them in any way.

    In fact, I think it'll cause Harold to "crack" again and do something else to either Duncan or Courtney.

    Edited on 07/07/2009 7:02pm
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [155]Jul 7, 2009
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    Brodoin15 wrote:
    Anyway, on topic. I do think Harold deserved to be picked on a little, for a few episodes maybe. But the constant tricks and stuff are getting old. It's time for Duncan and Courtney to move on. They are still in the running for the 1 million dollars. Picking on poor Harold so much won't help them in any way.

    In fact, I think it'll cause Harold to "crack" again and do something else to either Duncan or Courtney.

    I agree. Duncan and Courtney just need to learn how to move on. What Harold did was illegal, but they drove him to it. I know that Courtney may have not been flat-out mean to him, but she has said things that shouldn't have been said and Duncan showed hatred towards Harold since the beginning, even before he got to meet him. He just assumed that just because Harold was a nerd, it was right for Duncan to go all "tough guy" on him.

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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [156]Jul 7, 2009
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    1. Courtney AVOIDED the players. She didnt face everyone because she managed to avoid them all which is what she was supposed to do.
    Harold also did what she was supposed to do.
    I never said its a win for courtney
    I said its a tie

    2. Tripple points as in 3 point but even with that much the Bass still wouldnt have won. Yes Harold tried but it still didnt count.

    3. Oh please Duncan could have easily got owen out.

    4. Because if you watch the episode
    Bridgette and DJ Get 15
    And Duncan and Courtney Get 6
    Chris then says in the end the bass win with 21 points.
    15 + 6 = 21
    Probably some writing mistake with Chris liking it.
    Like remember when Chris said at one point that that ribs werent that bad and then he said they sucked.
    Exact same thing.
    But the score is clear that he got a zero.
    Asuming they choose random dishes not to scored is crazy.
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  • Avatar of stalemate666


    [157]Jul 7, 2009
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    Brodoin15 wrote:

    I don't like to be rude, but this is getting out of hand.

    I just think you are in denial that Harold is, in fact, a better player.

    Courtney didn't have to face anyone in the deer challenge, Harold shot at least one. How is this a win for Courtney? She didn't even do anything! At least Duncan got away from Owen, who was the only one trying on his team.

    Courtney gave up triple points for her fear. Harold didn't do it, yes, but he attempted too. He did not stop out of fear, like Courtney, he stopped out of being knocked out by himself by accident.

    Would anyone else have won against Owen if Harold couldn't dodge like that? Duncan may not have even won. Owen was the best on the other team and Harold still won.

    And how did Harold and Sadie get a 0 on their food? Chris liked it! He wouldn't give them a 0! He liked it better than Courtney and Duncan's food. Jeez.

    You just don't wan to accept it, even when the facts on right in front of you, like the several that Neji posted.

    Anyway, on topic. I do think Harold deserved to be picked on a little, for a few episodes maybe. But the constant tricks and stuff are getting old. It's time for Duncan and Courtney to move on. They are still in the running for the 1 million dollars. Picking on poor Harold so much won't help them in any way.

    In fact, I think it'll cause Harold to "crack" again and do something else to either Duncan or Courtney.

    We're saying the deer challenge is a tie, and since the others were being so annoying about it, I said Courtney won because Bridgette probably shot Heather and Harold probably missed but judging fairly it's a tie (if Harold got 3 ppl out single handed it would be a different story but he didn't he got 1 out with help)

    "Courtney gave up triple points for her fear. Harold didn't do it, yes, but he attempted too. He did not stop out of fear, like Courtney, he stopped out of being knocked out by himself by accident."
    How does Harold sucking so much he knocked himself out give him a point, maybe he knocked himself on purpose because he was so scared, this has to be a tie, they both failed, and one could argue Courtney tried to face her fear just by climbing up the latter, she didn't outright refuse to do it

    "Would anyone else have won against Owen if Harold couldn't dodge like that? Duncan may not have even won. Owen was the best on the other team and Harold still won."
    Anyone else probably would of thrown Owen out while Owen got the last one besides Harold out, he isn't exactly a hard target to hit, so yeah anyone else would of won, just not as dramatically and Courtney got Duncan in the game which turned the tides from 0-4 to 4-4, I can't see giving the win to Harold here "And how did Harold and Sadie get a 0 on their food? Chris liked it! He wouldn't give them a 0! He liked it better than Courtney and Duncan's food. Jeez."
    I'd give that one to Harold, been awhile since I've seen the episode, but from what I heard in this thread Harold did seem to do better

    Harold only gets picked on because he deserved it, even when Duncan and the others were picking on him in TDI it was because he was leaving his "crusty underwear" all over their cabin and then he cheated Courtney out of the Challenge and showed no remorse and made no amends so yeah he deserves it all
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [158]Jul 7, 2009
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    CrystalCoconut wrote:
    1. Courtney AVOIDED the players. She didnt face everyone because she managed to avoid them all which is what she was supposed to do. Harold also did what she was supposed to do. I never said its a win for courtney I said its a tie 2. Tripple points as in 3 point but even with that much the Bass still wouldnt have won. Yes Harold tried but it still didnt count. 3. Oh please Duncan could have easily got owen out. 4. Because if you watch the episode Bridgette and DJ Get 15 And Duncan and Courtney Get 6 Chris then says in the end the bass win with 21 points. 15 + 6 = 21 Probably some writing mistake with Chris liking it. Like remember when Chris said at one point that that ribs werent that bad and then he said they sucked. Exact same thing. But the score is clear that he got a zero. Asuming they choose random dishes not to scored is crazy.

    1. Well, you can't really consider it a tie. I mean, Courtney avoided all the hunters, but avoiding the deer was only part of the challenge, the other part was not to get shot which is considered to be a more difficult task. It could be a tie at best, but throughout the entire game, it was almost like Courtney never even tried at all. Dodgebrawl has proven that Courtney is not a very good dodger. Yes, she dodged a ball and singlehandedly got Cody out, but that was the only victory that Courtney achieved on her own. She got more outs.

    2. This I don't understand. Courtney was the only one left. At least everyone or almost everyone else faced their fears.

    3. How are you so sure that Duncan could have gotten Owen out? That's just a prediction.

    4. Chris liked the meal. There's nothing more to say. Why would he lie about something just to build Harold's self-esteem? Anyone's self-esteem at that matter? He's a host. His job is to judge contestants based on their individual (and sometimes teamwork) skills and abilities, not to make biased choices. With teamwork, the Gophers were able to assemble an exceptional and maybe the best plate of ribs that anyone has ever enjoyed. Whether or not Owen ate the ribs, he didn't eat them all; the Gophers still had a chance to take the lead with their ribs, but Chris barely approved them.

    Bottom line: Chris is a brutually honest guy and is not one to lie or judge unfairly, just to spare a person's feelings and Courtney's and Owen's dishes have proven that so. Furthermore, whether or not the Killer Bass won the challenge, Harold still did better than Courtney.

    Edited on 07/07/2009 8:20pm
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  • Avatar of stalemate666


    [159]Jul 7, 2009
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    1. Well, you can't really consider it a tie. I mean, Courtney avoided all the hunters, but avoiding the deer was only part of the challenge, the other part was not to get shot which is considered to be a more difficult task. It could be a tie at best, but throughout the entire game, it was almost like Courtney never even tried at all. Dodgebrawl has proven that Courtney is not a very good dodger. Yes, she dodged a ball and singlehandedly got Cody out, but that was the only victory that Courtney achieved on her own. She got more outs.

    Harold just followed Bridgette, and together they shot 1 deer, this one is a tie

    2. This I don't understand. Courtney was the only one left. At least everyone or almost everyone else faced their fears.

    So, she got Duncan in the game turning the tides and actually competed in it, the first round Harold got out within seconds, and the last one he got Owen out, Courtney wins this one because her actions directly lead to their wining streak where Harold just made 1 play 3. How are you so sure that Duncan could have gotten Owen out? That's just a prediction.

    and saying they wouldn't have is just a prediction, but do you see Owen dodging after he throws a ball, anyone would of had a clear shot, but Harold can't throw 4. Why do you have the longest explanation on the one I gave to Harold?

    Edited on 07/07/2009 8:20pm
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [160]Jul 7, 2009
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    stalemate666 wrote:
    Harold just followed Bridgette, and together they shot 1 deer, this one is a tie

    He ended up leading the team. So in a sense, Bridgette followed Harold.

    stalemate666 wrote:
    So, she got Duncan in the game turning the tides and actually competed in it, the first round Harold got out within seconds, and the last one he got Owen out, Courtney wins this one because her actions directly lead to their wining streak where Harold just made 1 play

    Wait? What episode are you talking about? It's pretty clear that we're not talking about the same thing.

    Anyway, with Courtney getting Duncan to contribute was not an act that she performed on her own. She forced Harold to do it and after he refused, she still went around asking. In the end, the entire team ended up performing the act with the stick.

    stalemate666 wrote:
    And saying they wouldn't have is just a prediction, but do you see Owen dodging after he throws a ball, anyone would of had a clear shot, but Harold can't throw

    I'd like to remind you that Owen got every member of The Bass team out. And the way Harold got him out was done differently. He didn't throw the ball. He just caught it. And sure, Owen looks like an easy target, but how do you know that he can't/couldn't get anyone else out any other way? Throwing is not the only option to get a person out. Besides, if Owen's also a terrible dodger, he could of just catched any of the throws that came his way.

    stalemate666 wrote:
    Why do you have the longest explanation on the one I gave to Harold?

    Could you be a bit more specific to which episode I gave Harold a point in? I recognized both him and Courtney for every challenge. I even gave her credit for an episode which clearly belonged to Harold. I even said that she dominated him in the cooking challenge, though a few posts changed that. So I don't know why you think that I'm being more biased over Harold. And as for why I have to provide the longest explanation for him. Well I provided pretty hard evidence for Harold's and Courtney's contributions and yet it seems as though I need to repeat myself.

    Edited on 07/07/2009 9:28pm
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