imverybasic wrote: | ||
1. Well, you can't really consider it a tie. I mean, Courtney avoided all the hunters, but avoiding the deer was only part of the challenge, the other part was not to get shot which is considered to be a more difficult task. It could be a tie at best, but throughout the entire game, it was almost like Courtney never even tried at all. Dodgebrawl has proven that Courtney is not a very good dodger. Yes, she dodged a ball and singlehandedly got Cody out, but that was the only victory that Courtney achieved on her own. She got more outs. 2. This I don't understand. Courtney was the only one left. At least everyone or almost everyone else faced their fears. 3. How are you so sure that Duncan could have gotten Owen out? That's just a prediction. 4. Chris liked the meal. There's nothing more to say. Why would he lie about something just to build Harold's self-esteem? Anyone's self-esteem at that matter? He's a host. His job is to judge contestants based on their individual (and sometimes teamwork) skills and abilities, not to make biased choices. With teamwork, the Gophers were able to assemble an exceptional and maybe the best plate of ribs that anyone has ever enjoyed. Whether or not Owen ate the ribs, he didn't eat them all; the Gophers still had a chance to take the lead with their ribs, but Chris barely approved them. Bottom line: Chris is a brutually honest guy and is not one to lie or judge unfairly, just to spare a person's feelings and Courtney's and Owen's dishes have proven that so. Furthermore, whether or not the Killer Bass won the challenge, Harold still did better than Courtney. |
1. Courtney avoided and the deer and didn't get shot.
She did both of those things.
Why does it matter how much Courtney tried?
She still got the most points possible (or no points as in a good thing) for a deer.
She tried enough to do the right job.
That's all that's tried
Notice how Harold tried really in the fear
And it was a very funny fail.
She got lucky and avoided all the Goaphers.
We don't know how hard she truly did try but the facts clearly show she did both parts perfectly and I dont see how its a win for Harold.
Sorry but I will stay say it's a tie for Courtney and Harold in this.
2. Harold, Tyler, Bridgette, and Geoff didn't face their fears as well you know.
3. If Harold could get Owen out I'm pretty sure Duncan could LOL
4. Ha Ha Ha! Chris is an honest guy ROFL ROFL
Oh.. Anywayz
I've said this over and over.
Dj and Bridgette got 15 points
Duncan and Courtney got 6.
Chris says the pass win with 21 points
15 + 6 = 21
Probably some writing error of chris saying he liked it.
They have those a lot.
So come on it's obvious Harold got a zero.
Or did Chris choose some random dishes not to be scored?