Let's put it this way:
Harold is good in TDI, Courtney is good in TDA
Both have been given a chance at redemtion and to prove that neither one is useless. That's that.
I'm simply not bashing Courtney, just giving points to back up in my defense over Harold. As much as I loathe Courtney with a burning passion, I try to be as fair in my arguments as I possibly can. Courtney's doing well this season, but even in TDA, it's hard for me to give her credit seeing as she has a lawsuit as a safety net. She has accomplished some of the chalenges on her own, but even between breaks, she's been trying to call her lawyers to either get her out of things or to make sure that no one but herself wins the million dollar prize. And even with all the out-of-office replies that she recieves, Courtney would rather call Michael, use her brain second. With all the out-of-office replies that she's getting, Courtney then has no choice but to use her brain to get her out of situations, which is not what makes a good competitor. Harold on the other hand, has proven that he could work well in both team challenges and individual challenges. He has proven that he could work well under any circumstance, whether it is at his own pace or under pressure and he knows just as well that he were in any kind of danger, he could come up with creative ways to get out of it.
Secondly, even in the new season, it's pretty close between Courtney and Harold. Here are my justifications on that:
Harold originally ended up getting chosen to compete in the new season, not Courtney. In TDDDDI, Chris set up a challenge for the twenty-two campers to find a suitcase with a million dollars inside. In the end, fourteen contestants landed in the water which happened to be the given destination of the challenge. Chris then said that fourteen of those contestants were then chosen to compete in the new season. One of those contestants was Harold, not Courtney.
While Harold was chosen to compete, Courtney went out of her way to file a case to be on the show. If Chris failed to let her on the show, the show would have been sued. This is unfair.
Courtney was granted immunity for her first week back. Yes, Owen costed the challenge by having the wheels burnt. Courtney however leaded the team and even though Owen costed more of the challenge, Courtney was the next in line voted off since Owen was liked. But since Courtney was granted immunity from her lawsuit, the others had no choice but to vote Owen off. This isn't considered unfair since Owen ruined the challenge. My point is that if it weren't for being granted invincibility, she would have been voted off.
While the others have to settle for eating Chef's gruel, sleeping in the same trailer and sharing the same bathroom, Courtney is given a gourment dining menu every episode, a private bathroom, a comforter, a phone to contact Michael and a PDA (with built in GPS). Being well fed and kept usually helps athletes stay better focused and in top shape to compete better.
Courtney has done well in challenges. Unfortunately, there are a couple of drawbacks to her accomplishing this:
- Courtney has proven that she can't work well under certain conditions. She needs pampering, contact with the outside world, gourment dining, etc...
- Courtney has shown that she has the raw physical skill to win individual challenge, but lacks working in team challenges.
Harold has also done well in challenges...
- He has proven that he could work well any circumstance (is able to get productive)
- He is both a good competitor and a team player
- He's morally just. He could set things aside to assist other people and still stay better focused in challenges
- He posesses the same amount of good leadership skills as Courtney
While Courtney may be beating him in challenges this season, Harold still manages to come pretty close. And like algaesian says, the show is not all about challenge performances. While it is a major part of this show, you need other types of skills and knowledge to balance you out as a competitor. Courtney may have physical strength, which is something that Harold lacks, that is all she has. It's useful, but it won't always help you get by. You need brains and brawn.