imverybasic wrote: |
BrainMan820 wrote: | Harold is shown to be bad in dodgeball: Leshawna threw him out with no effort, and she wasn't half the player Owen was. He wasn't some effortless dodger. In fact, I'm quite willing to bet it was more Owen's fault than anything, as he threw many balls concurrently. This is only my hypothesis, but the fact that Leshawna did in fact throw Harold out is a damper on his skills. And as for the other part, please remember that the game is dodgeball. There is nothing to do other then throw the ball and catch the ball. Leshawna proved that Harold wasn't skilled at either of them. He was able to catch only when he focused on the task (with prodding from Courtney) As for the voting, I agree. I actually don't mind that Harold pranked Duncan in retaliation. What matters is what he did to do it: He cheated off Courtney. She was the one affected by this, and Harold had no right to take revenge against her. Thus, she is within her rights to torment him, and Duncan, who also suffered, has a right to bully Harold for cheating off his girlfriend. |
Hold on a second. If half the players that Owen got out were coordinated, who prevented who from getting Heather out, and by that person catching the ball got the other person out instead? Isn't Courtney supposed to be one of their strongest players? Owen may have lacked the skills to dodge, but do you know how difficult it is to dodge many fastballs thrown at once? Every player but Harold seemed to have trouble pulling that off, especially the Gophers who were leading before this. And everyone else cheered Harold on in the final round. Courtney didn't prod him to completing the task, it was Duncan. It also didn't happen until the second inning of the final round. But by that time, Harold was already well focused. As for the voting, I think that part of the reason Harold went for Courtney was due to all the comments she made. His motive was mainly to spite Duncan in retaliation, but I could bet that he wouldn't have thought of cheating off Courtney had she not told him that he sucked at dodgeball or called him out for his lack of body strength, every so often. Personally, I think that Courtney is acting hypocritical. She hates it when someone cheats her out of a game, but she has no problem trying to call her lawyers to cheat others out of a million dollars, despite all the out-of-office replies she receives. |
I never said Owen was a bad player, I'm just saying that Harold dodging Owen's balls isn't some godly ability, and the fact that Owen got out four campers in a row rather quickly is not that great when two of them suck. Owen's still a good player, mind you. Just don't take it like Harold is some uber-awesome character because he was able to catch one of Owen's balls.
Actually, Owen's strategy was significantly different from Duncan's. Recall that each time the blitz happened on the Bass team, it was with four balls thrown from different angles. Owen, being a single player, can only throw the ball from one point. Also, given that Owen has one target, they are all going from Point A to Point B. The lack of variation is going to hurt significantly more.
Please rewatch the episode: It was Courtney who told Harold to catch the ball, not Duncan. Geoff said that dodging wasn't enough, Duncan said Harold would be unable to throw out Owen, then Courtney said to catch the ball.
And again, there is no evidence of Harold wanting to prank off Courtney because of anything Courtney did to him. Harold was expressly clear that he performed the crime to get back at Duncan because Courtney was his girlfriend.