In case you're wondering about my Avatar (no pun intended), I just migrated from the XS Forum. Yes, my first post in this board is in a pairing thread. What are you going to do, shoot me? Actually the reason I came here is because I'm confused. I was wandering around the Internet, when I found out that Zutara is popular. So, I think to myself, WHAT THE HECK? Zutara honestly makes no sense whatsoever. I'm not just saying this because I'm a Kataang fan, it's because it's true. I also saw some other couples in the very beginning of the thread that I thought weird. Anyhow, this is my personal opinion on all those listed at the very beginning. Likely: These are ones that have lots of evidence supporting them, and are extremely likely. Kataang: Seriously, it's been likely since nearly the beginning. I don't think I need to explain. Maiko: Another one that has a lot going for it. Really, the only thing arguable is the end of The Eclipse (Zuko turning good). Sukka: Another pretty obvious one. In the Serpent's Pass, it was somewhat doubtful because Sokka still seemed to miss Yue. But she's been dead for over a season. Of course, another question is if Sukki is alive. If so, I find it pretty inevitable. Possible: These ones aren't extremely likely, but at least they are in the realm of possibility, which is more than I can say for some of the other ones. Tokka: A few hints, notably The Serpent's Pass and Sokka's Master. Really, the main thing in the way of this one is Sukka. Taang: Not as many hints as Tokka. Still, it makes at least SOME sense. Main thing in the way of this is Kataang. Not possible: The one I really don't get. Zutara: Seriously. At least Taang makes some sense. Anyone else hear Katara's last lines of The Western Air Temple? She threatened to KILL Zuko. Wow, that really fits well. Come on guys, they hate each other. Katara is much more likely to end up with Aang, and Zuko is much more likely to end up with Mai. wtf?: Ones that are just ridiculous. Azulang: Come on, guys. Azula almost KILLED Aang. Plus, she's more evil than Ozai. She'll probably end up dead. Zhaozula: Anyone else noticed that Zhao is dead? And Azula will probably die too. Unless you guys are thinking about something happening in the Spirit World, it's ridiculous. Yaoi and Yuri: Haven't seen any of these yet. Fortunately. Despite that I haven't seen any of these here yet, this is only my first post in this Board. I'm giving these their own rank. You heard me. RANK. Not SECTION, RANK. The lowest Rank of them all. Dumber than Zhaozula. Seriously, guys. Not gonna happen. |