Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
derkins83 wrote: |
Bumoph is going to win the shipping war. Mentally, Toph and Bumi are like the same age. |
the1stavatar wrote: |
Tokka 4 The Win! |
ozai890 wrote: | ||
Spacerac wrote: | ||||
ozai890 wrote: | ||||||
Spacerac wrote: | ||||||||
It seems in your rush you misspelled crush.
ozai890 wrote: | ||||||
tvcrazy12 wrote: | ||||||||
Spike815 wrote: | ||||||||||
Sokka is 15. |
MarryLarry wrote: | ||||||||||
It seems in your rush you misspelled crush. |
tvcrazy12 wrote: | ||||||||||||
tvcrazy12 wrote: | ||||||||||||
Spike815 wrote: |
Katara is 14. |
Spacerac wrote: | ||||||||
ozai890 wrote: | ||||||||||
people seem to
1- compare their ages to the CURRENT world thinking
the world of the 4 nations is not like our world, and they don't have kids having to stay at school till at least 17(high school) and maybe a few years more in college, and we have kids that are ON THEIR OWN, none of them older than 16, without any adult supervision, traveling around the world without anyone calling "social services", the closest to that was when Aang was called to go to school at the headband episode, and THAT WAS ONLY because he was wearing the uniform
2- put their relantionships in the context of marriage or "making out" right now
almost all of them if not all are not ready in the sense of being of a marriageable age which is at a minimum 16(established with Yue in the last 3 episodes of book 1)
George close but not cigar, Sokka is 15, Suki is unknown, some say 15, other say 16
Maizu very close as Zuko is 16 but Mai is almost 16
Zutara not ready, as Zuko is 16 and katara 14
Kataang not ready as Aang is 12 and Katara 14
Tokka not ready as Sokka is 15 and toph is 12
Taang not ready as both Aang and Toph are 12
Yuekka close, as Yue was 16 and Sokka is 15
Ty Lee is 15 or 14
Azula is for sure 14, maybe 15
Haru is unknown, but most probably 16 or 15, otherwise we talking him being the eldest of the current Gaang
the Duke is 8
Teo is 13
Jet was somewhere between 14 and 16
most minor characters are at most 16 but they seem to be 1 or 2 yrs younger(Jin, Song), sometimes clearly younger(as Meng and On Ji)
Aang at 20 and Katara at 22 (8 yrs in the future)would be ok to get married, and so would be Toph at 18 and Sokka at 21 (6 years in the future) or Zuko at 20 and Katara at 18 (4 years in the future) or Zuko at 19 and Mai at 18 (3 years in the future)
being GF and BF are not the same as Engaged
On Ji is either 12 or 13, (same class as Kuzon Fire) and has a boyfriend (Hide who is probably 14 or 15), that cancels the thinking of 12/13 being too young to have a relationship, and AT LEAST puts the stamp of approval if Toph ends with either Zuko or Sokka(for those who think the man HAS TO BE THE ELDEST )