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Create your own Fake Avatar* Bloopers 2

  • Avatar of DanSandwichBoy


    [2701]Dec 10, 2007
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    "The Headband"

    (Zuko's spy bird returns to him)
    Zuko: Ah... let's see what you've got for me.
    (we see the footage recorded by the spy bird)
    Sokka on footage: Great work on the cloud camo, you guys. But next time, let's disguise ourselves as a cloud that knows how to keep its mouth shut.
    Toph on footage: (jokingly) Yeah, we wouldn't want a bunch of birds turning us in.
    Sokka on footage: (turns around and points to Zuko's spy bird among the others) Hey, we're on enemy terretory; those are enemy birds!
    (the spy bird hops on Sokka's head and squaks innocently; the rest of the gang laughs, and the spy bird gets a good look at Aang)
    Zuko: Gasp! The Avatar is alive! (erases footage, then he sneaks out to hire Combustion Man)

    Edited on 12/10/2007 6:54pm
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  • Avatar of crazy17


    [2702]Dec 10, 2007
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    The Invasion:

    (Hakoda goes into a battlement and fights. A huge fire blast a a scream comes from the battlement. Sokka and Katara look on in horror. They wait five minutes, but Hakoda still hasn't returned.)
    Katara: Shouldn't he have returned by now?
    Sokka: Yeah. *runs inside* Dad?
    hakoda: *laying on the floor inb a straitjacket* hehe...preety colors...
    Sokka: O_O WTF? Why are you in a straitjacket?!
    Soldier: We thought it'd be funny...
    Sokka: Oh for the love of god! *slices soldier;'s head off*
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  • Avatar of the1stavatar


    [2703]Dec 11, 2007
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    "Aang's Top 10, (Not seen on TV) attempts to kiss katara"

    10: Ending of Seige of the North

    *after they look at the moon and sokka leaves*
    Aang: Wow, the moon sure is pretty.
    *prepares to say more romantic comments*
    Katara: Aww, you have a crush on Yue.
    Aang: What?!?! No I don't.
    Sokka: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! *tackles aang*
    *katara walks away giggling, aang doesn't see her leave*
    Sokka: *getting off aang* I guess that's true. My bad.
    *sokka leaves*
    Aang: So katara... *looks around* -_-

    9: In the Libary!
    Aang: Hey katara, there's a story in here that says how a air nation monk and a water tribe girl start out as friends.
    Katara: Cool.
    Aang: And then they later fall in love and get married.
    Katara: Cool.
    Aang: Won't that be funny if that happened to us?
    Katara: Cool.
    Aang: Really? You'd like that.
    Katara: Oh sorry aang, I was talking to the proffesor. What were you talking about?
    Aang: -_-

    8. In the fire nation town during "The Deserter"
    *after fireworks explosion*
    Aang: Wow, don't those fireworks look cool?
    Katara: They look amazing.
    *aang closes his eyes, katara turns her back for a sec to get some water, aang leans in to kiss katara, but ends up kissing air, then falls back*
    Katara: There we go, reloaded. Aang? Why are you on your back?
    Aang: -_-

    7. Headband: Dancing Scene (Deleted Scene)
    *katara and aang are dancing*
    *heads start coming close to each other*
    *aang leans in to kiss her*
    *Katara is unaware of this, turns her body*
    *aang trips and hits the ground*
    Audience: Ouch....
    Aang: -_-

    More Moments coming soon...
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  • Avatar of Atu_1


    [2704]Dec 11, 2007
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    Wow, that's funny, keep em comin. I have this idea where Riley Freeman gets on to Hide for snitchin.
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  • Avatar of DanSandwichBoy


    [2705]Dec 12, 2007
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    (Admiral Zhao appears before a group of school kids as a motivational speaker)
    Admral Zhao: We are the sons and daughters of fire, the superior element! When you grow up, you will put your gift to good use by fighting in the name of our great nation! Can you tell me what we're fighting for?
    Kids: Firelord Ozai!
    Admral Zhao: And, what is it that we're fighting?
    (short pause)
    One Kid: (shoots fireball into the air) COOTIES!
    Other Kids: (same gesture) YEAH!
    Admral Zhao: (facepalms)

    "The Beach"
    Ty Lee: (points to a picture) Who are these two beautiful women?
    Lo and Li: Can't you tell? It's Lo and Li. (take the same position as on the picture)
    (Ziuko looks ready to barf; The Duke appears out of nowhere)
    The Duke: Helmet? (Zuko takes it and vomits into it)

    Director: (after another slip-up on filming aBook 3 episode) Cut, cut, cut! OK, people, let's take it from the top.
    Sokka: That's it, I can't take it anymore! (storms off) If you need me, I'll be in my trailer.
    Director: Sokka, don't go all diva on me now! We've got a show to film!
    Sokka: Yeah, well there's a writer's strike anyway, so we won't have material to work with, will we?
    Director: (sigh) Sokka, the scripts for the entire series were written ahead of time. The strike doesn't effect our show when we already have our material written for us!
    Aang: (to himsefl slyly) So, everything's already written, huh?
    (a few days later, the director barges into the studio looking mad)
    Director: OK, who sold the series finale script online!?
    Aang: Someone sold the series finale? That's terrible! If anybody needs me, I will be mouring this horrific deed in my yacht. (leaves dramatically)
    Sokka: I_T Since when does Aang own a Yacht?

    Edited on 12/12/2007 8:21am
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  • Avatar of Atu_1


    [2706]Dec 12, 2007
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    ^ Hahaha.
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  • Avatar of theredrobin


    [2707]Dec 12, 2007
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    Additional Scenes from "The Invasion"

    Toph: No way! Is that...?

    Hippo: *lifting and hugging Toph* Hippo happy to see Blind Bandit!

    Toph: Okay, enough with the mother f@*&!%# blind jokes!

    *crickets chirp as everyone faceplants*

    Toph: *clears throat* Er...I mean...you guys here for a rematch?

    Edited on 12/12/2007 11:52am
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  • Avatar of MaiAndZuko4eva


    [2708]Dec 12, 2007
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    Zuko: I'm ANGRY AT MYSELF! *blows fire*

    Azula: Dumb Dumb! You just blew fire at mai's head!

    Mai: GRRRRR!

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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [2709]Dec 12, 2007
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    mdd: so i guess the series is finished
    bk: i guess so
    mdd: we need a new idea for a show in the avatarverse
    bk: i got it! a sitcom!
    mdd: that's stupid!

    several months later

    and now, the premiere of our new show, avatar in the city!
    *scene starts with the gaang entering their new apartment with their possesions in boxes*
    katara: wow, this apartment in ba sing se sure is nice, right guys?
    toph: it looks lovely! *canned laughter*
    aang: c'mon toph, we don't need your sarcastic comments
    *canned laughter*
    sokka: oh no!
    katara: what?
    sokka: my boomerang! i forgot it at our old apartment! boomerang! no! why?
    *canned laughter*
    zuko: oh get over it!
    *canned laughter*
    aang: zuko? what are you doing here?
    zuko: i've got the apartment next door with mai
    sokka: cool, that means we'll be seeing lots of each other! *puts arm round zuko, zuko stands there with a horrified look on his face*
    *canned laughter*
    aang: this sofa is nice
    *canned laughter*
    aang: wait? what was funny about that?
    *canned laughter*
    aang: was it something i said?
    *c l*
    aang: st laughing at me!
    *c l*
    stop it! *runs of sobbing*
    *awkward silence*
    *c l*

    anyone can feel free to continue avatar in the city, go on, it'll be fun!
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  • Avatar of theredrobin


    [2710]Dec 12, 2007
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    Nice, TomTitan.

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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [2711]Dec 12, 2007
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    theredrobin wrote:

    Nice, TomTitan.

    i feel loved!
    go on, add to it!
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  • Avatar of Azula_sis93


    [2712]Dec 12, 2007
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    Wow, I haven't been here in a while. Here's another College Days: Avatar Style if anyone's interested.

    *a few days before fall break* *Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, and Katara are talking during lunch, eating a school meal*

    Azula: *wincing* Uh, this food is worse than yesterday AND the day before.

    Ty Lee: *licking lips* I've tasted things that are a lot more horrible than this; like Zuko's cooking...I will never forget that night.

    Mai: What's wrong with his cooking?

    Katara: Mai, you weren't there; it was just me, Ty Lee, Azula, and Zuko. Zuko said he would cook dinner for us, and what we got was some...um...I don't even know what it was.

    Azula: It resembled a rotting corpse of a rabbit.

    Ty Lee: Was it rabbit? It tasted like duck mixed with the rotted insides of a goat's stomach.

    Mai: How would you know how that tastes??

    Ty Lee: ...I wouldn't know! It just tasted that way!

    Katara: Uh, right. Well, let's get off that subject. Um, oh! I know! How about we tell riddles! Okay, guys, here's one: A man is heading to St. Ives. On the way, he passes two women. Each woman is holding two sacks. Each sack has two cats. Each cat has two kittens. How many people are going to St. Ives?

    *Mai and Ty Lee blink* *Azula snorts and rolls her eyes*

    Azula: Well isn't it obvious? One of course!

    Mai: One? Isn't it two?

    Ty Lee: Um, isn't it like sixty-four or something?

    Katara: No, actually you're right Azula.

    Azula: *smiles* Of course. I'm the best there is at riddles.

    Ty Lee: *puffs up* All right, then. Take on this one! What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up, up it goes, and yet never grows?

    Azula: *smiles* Easy: A mountain.

    Mai: All right, well, how about this one? Thirty white horses on a red hill, first they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.

    Azula: *smile grows wider* Teeth.

    *Mai and Ty Lee's jaws drop*

    Katara: Well, then here's this one! Voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless mutters!

    Azula: Wind.

    *all girls gape at Azula*

    *Aang hears off in the distance* *Aang runs over*

    Aang: Hey, are you guys telling riddles? Here's one! I cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter.

    Azula: Dark.

    *Toph hears and runs over*

    Toph: Here's one! A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid!

    Azula: Eggs.

    Mai: Oh, here's one! This thing all things devours Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; gnaws iron, bites steel; grinds hard stones to meal slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountain down.

    Azula: Time.

    *all gape* *Azula smiles*

    Azula: I told you I'm a master at this. There is no riddle I can't solve.

    Aang: *thoughtful, dreamy look* Here's one. What's the only time a man thinks of a candlelight dinner?

    Azula:...what? Is that a riddle?

    Ty Lee: *laughing* I know this one! The answer is: When the power goes out!

    Toph: Oh, here's another one! What do men and women both have in common?


    Katara: OH! OH! They both distrust men!

    Mai: Here's one! What do men consider house cleaning?

    Toph: Lifting their feet so you can vacuum under them!

    Azula: I don't know these....

    Katara: Oh, that's easy, Azula; you don't have a sense of humor!

    Aang: *gets flushed* She does too!

    Ty Lee: No she doesn't!

    *Ty Lee throws food at Aang* *Aang throws food at Ty lee but misses and hits Azula* *Azula growls and throws food hitting Katara* *food fight starts* *entire cafeteria joins in*


    *a few minutes later*


    Entire cafeteria: OH, SHUT UP!


    Not one of my best in humor, but I thought it would be fun to do all of the riddles!

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  • Avatar of Azula_sis93


    [2713]Dec 12, 2007
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    Here's another College Days: Avatar Style.

    *Friday before fall break* *Katara and Azula are at their lockers*

    Katara: Oh, did you hear the rumor?

    Azula: What rumor?

    Katara: I heard a transfer student is coming.

    Azula: Really? From where?

    Katara: Um...some other public school...I'm not exactly positive...

    Azula: That's very informative.

    Katara: Hey, it's only arumor! I don't know anything about the details.

    *Ty Lee walks up*

    Ty Lee: Mai is so lucky that she had a dentist appointment today! I don't want to be here right now.

    Katara: Ty Lee, it's only one more period and then we're free for fall break.

    Azula: Yes, and thank goodness Zuzu's break is already over. I'm glad he's back in college away from me.

    Katara: You really don't like him, do you?

    Azula: He acts dumber than Sokka. He's emo.

    Ty Lee and Katara: Ooooooh. Gotcha.

    *bell rings*

    Katara: Oh, great; math.

    Azula: Calculus...ugh, I barely got the homework done before Dad sent me off to bed last night.

    Ty Lee: Hehe. More than I can say. I still have two problems to finish.

    Katara: Does anyone know what 'antiderivatives' are? I forgot...

    *girls head off to class* *students sit down in calculus classroom* *student comes rushing in*

    Student: Is this General Calculus?

    Teacher: Yes, it is.

    *student looks around room*

    Student: Funny; this doesn't look like a history room...

    Azula: What?

    Student: Well didn't General Calculus live in the Roman Empire or something? The name sounds like he did...

    *class does a facepalm* *teacher looks irritated*

    Teacher: Get out!

    *student runs off*


    *after class*

    Katara: *moans* My head is going to explode.

    Azula: Homework...homework...homework...


    Katara: Calm down, Ty Lee.

    Azula: Homework...homework...homework...

    Katara: Uh, Azula, are you okay?

    Azula: Homework...homework...homework...

    Ty Lee: I think her brain's on overload.

    *Azula's head snaps up into focus*

    Azula: No, it's not on overload; I was just looking at what I was going to be doing for the break.

    *girls walk down to their lockers but are blocked by a large group of students standing in the hall*

    Ty Lee: I wonder what the commotion's about?

    Azula: *standing on tiptoes* What in the world?

    Katara: What?

    Azula: That tenth grade kid, Aang, is sticking stuff in my locker!

    Ty Lee: And everyone's staring?

    *Azula begins to push through crowd*

    Azula: What are you doing to my locker?

    Aang: *jumps* Azula! I've been trying to tell you this for a while...um...

    *Aang blushes*

    Azula: ??????

    *Aang suddenly gets down on one knee*

    Aang: Roses are red, violets are blue, and I love you!

    *Azula stares* *students all stare* *Ty Lee's and Katara's mouths drop*

    Azula: How sweet. I have a poem for you, too, Aang.

    Aang: *perks up* Really?

    Azula: Yes. Fire is red. Ice is blue. You'd better head off to the nurse's office because I'm going to kill you.

    *Aang runs screaming* *students dissipate*

    Ty Lee: Well, that was interesting.

    Katara: Um, yeah. Well, you guys want to walk home together?

    Azula: *stares after where Aang ran* *rolls eyes* Sure.

    *girls walk off together* *they walk down street, by the dentist's office* *they look into the window* *girls see dentists and dental assistants pinned to the wall by darts*

    Ty Lee: Uh-oh. Looks like they did something Mai didn't like...

    *Mai walks out smiling*

    Mai: Hey, guys.

    Azula: Had fun?

    Mai: Yep.


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  • Avatar of the1stavatar


    [2714]Dec 12, 2007
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    the1stavatar wrote:
    "Aang's Top 10, (Not seen on TV) attempts to kiss katara"

    10: Ending of Seige of the North

    *after they look at the moon and sokka leaves*
    Aang: Wow, the moon sure is pretty.
    *prepares to say more romantic comments*
    Katara: Aww, you have a crush on Yue.
    Aang: What?!?! No I don't.
    Sokka: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! *tackles aang*
    *katara walks away giggling, aang doesn't see her leave*
    Sokka: *getting off aang* I guess that's true. My bad.
    *sokka leaves*
    Aang: So katara... *looks around* -_-

    9: In the Libary!
    Aang: Hey katara, there's a story in here that says how a air nation monk and a water tribe girl start out as friends.
    Katara: Cool.
    Aang: And then they later fall in love and get married.
    Katara: Cool.
    Aang: Won't that be funny if that happened to us?
    Katara: Cool.
    Aang: Really? You'd like that.
    Katara: Oh sorry aang, I was talking to the proffesor. What were you talking about?
    Aang: -_-

    8. In the fire nation town during "The Deserter"
    *after fireworks explosion*
    Aang: Wow, don't those fireworks look cool?
    Katara: They look amazing.
    *aang closes his eyes, katara turns her back for a sec to get some water, aang leans in to kiss katara, but ends up kissing air, then falls back*
    Katara: There we go, reloaded. Aang? Why are you on your back?
    Aang: -_-

    7. Headband: Dancing Scene (Deleted Scene)
    *katara and aang are dancing*
    *heads start coming close to each other*
    *aang leans in to kiss her*
    *Katara is unaware of this, turns her body*
    *aang trips and hits the ground*
    Audience: Ouch....
    Aang: -_-

    More Moments coming soon...

    It's time for momment #6!

    6: Kiss on the great wall

    Sokka: Well, our best bet is to go that way on the train.
    Aang: Wow, It sure looks nice up here, doesn't it katara?
    Katara: Yeah it does.
    *katara turns around, aang quickly does a breath check, then slowly leans over to kiss katara as soon as she turns around*
    Sokka: We should probally go in this *turns arm to point in one directon, hitting aang and making him fall off the wall*...direction.
    Aang: AHHHHHHHHHHHH! *hits the ground hard*
    Sokka: That had to hurt.
    Toph: Big Time.
    *katara looks over*
    Katara: You O.K aang?
    Aang: -_-

    Moment #5 coming up!
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  • Avatar of GovindaRaya


    [2715]Dec 13, 2007
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    During the final battle, Aang is fighting Firelord Ozai:

    Ozai: Give up, Avatar! Your friends won't help you.

    Aang: Now that you mentioned it...where the heck is everyone?

    Ozai: Katara is "busy" with Zuko, Sokka is high on cactus juice and the rest is trapped in the cave of the two lovers.

    Aang: Snap! I will have to get some help from the spirit world.

    (Aang quickly gets to a safe place, meditates and enters the spirit world, but nobody is there.)

    Aang: Hello!? Avatar Roku? Hei-Bai? Where are you?

    (he stumbles over a note and reads)

    "This place has been cleaned by The Ghostbusters".

    Aang: Oh noooo!

    (he returns to the real world)

    Aang: Um, Firelord Ozai, on a second thought I would prefer not to fight you.Have I ever mentioned that I am a huge fan of your policy of fear and terror?

    Edited on 12/13/2007 2:32am
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  • Avatar of Blaster33456


    [2716]Dec 13, 2007
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    Final part I guess:

    Spongebob: * comes home and sees Gary's shell * Who did this!!!?? * starts to cry after seeing them damage his house *

    Aang: * pops out with a Gary hat * That's what you get for stealing our schedule and changing it.

    Katara: Yeah. Call your boyfriend. Maybe he'll help you. You queery gay!!

    Spongebob: Huh!?? * gets up and slaps Katara * Muthaf****** you and yo mama'sGAY!!!!

    Katara: * gets up and totally tries to drown the water out of Spongebob *

    Spongebob: NO!!!!!!!! * til he gets dried up *

    Aang: well, I guess that's it then.. now I have 1 more question.

    Katara: What?

    Aang: How are we supposed to get out of here!!!!!??

    The End.

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  • Avatar of DanSandwichBoy


    [2717]Dec 13, 2007
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    "Seige of the North"
    Master Pakku: Pupil Aang!
    Aang: Yes, Master Pakku?
    Master Pakku: Care to step into the sparring circle? I figured since you found the time to play with house pets, you must have already mastered waterbending.
    Aang: I wouldn't say mastered, but check this out! (Waterbends himself into a snowman and starts singing and dancing) Aangie the Snowman was a jolly, happy soul...
    Master Pakku and Katara: T_T* ...(facepalm)

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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [2718]Dec 13, 2007
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    more from avatar in the city

    jin: so, i'll see you at chez cabbage man then!
    zuko: you sure will!
    *she leaves*
    zuko: w00t! i have a date with jin!
    *c l*
    mai: so zuko, 7 right?
    zuko: 7 what?
    *c l*
    mai: 7 o clock for our date at chez cabbage man!
    *oooooh sound in background, you know what i mean*
    zuko: yeah, sure, i'll..err...see you then!
    *c l*
    *mai leaves*
    zuko: i have 2 dates on the same night!!!!
    *c l*

    sokka: katara can you get me a soda?
    katara: *looks angrily at sokka*
    *c l*
    katara: sokka, why don't you have a job?
    sokka: i don't need to, aang's avatar work pays for us
    katara: well i don't think it's fair that aang has to do all the work when you don't!
    sokka: fine! i'll get a job!
    katara: there's an opening at great wall mart if you're interested.
    sokka: working on the tills? me? that's not the job for a warrior!
    katara: fine, *throws newspapaer at sokka* find one then! *katara walks off*
    *c l*
    sokka: fine! i will!
    *c l*

    to be continued.
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  • Avatar of theredrobin


    [2719]Dec 13, 2007
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    Avatar in the City

    "Episode 3: Celebrity Benders"

    *scene opens in the apartment*

    *Sokka enters, and girls scream*

    Sokka: Guys, I have no clue what's going on, but everywhere I go people keep asking for my autograph. These funny guys with scrolls keep stopping to ask me to pose for them to paint my 'debonair good looks.' I guess I'm finally starting to be appreciated.

    *canned laughter*

    Toph: And you guys think I'm blind.

    *more canned laughter*

    Aang: You know, Sokka, I kind of know what you're talking about. Something weird is definitely going on. Ever since we've moved into this apartment, I keep hearing all this fake, hystericallaughter. At first, I thought we just had loud neighbors, but now I'm starting to question my sanity...and self-worth.

    *canned laughter*

    Aang: There it is again! *runs from the room sobbing* Why do they mock the one who saved them!?

    *canned laughter*

    Katara: Okaaay. Anyway...Sokka, have you done anything that would grab people attention lately?

    Sokka: Well, I traveled across the world,was a wanted man by the Fire Nation, helped plan an invasion in Ozai's place, was often seen traveling with the Avatar who everyone thought to be dead twice...no, nothing out of the ordinary.

    *canned laughter*

    Sokka: *looking around the apartment* You know, I think I get what Aang was saying about that laughter. Man our neighbor's are noisy.

    *canned laughter*

    Toph: At least youcan hear, I'm...oh, no, wait I'm blind, not deaf. Wring handicap,ahehe, nevermind.

    *canned laughter*

    Aang: *yelling from off-screen* I'd like to know what's so god d@%$ funny!

    *canned laughter and applause*


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    [2720]Dec 13, 2007
    • member since: 06/29/05
    • level: 17
    • rank: The Crazy Neighbor
    • posts: 6,524
    This thread constantly=win.
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