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Create your own Fake Avatar* Bloopers 2

  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [2661]Dec 4, 2007
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    the1stavatar wrote:
    Atu_1 wrote:
    THAT would be messed up.

    It would wouldn't it?

    Yes, it would be VERY messed up. Ok, back to bloopers!
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  • Avatar of Atu_1


    [2662]Dec 4, 2007
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    the_mental_teen wrote:

    I saw another thread with the same name and it was hilarious. Since it disappeared, I thought I could try to continue it! Here's an example of how to do it (This was from the previous one)

    from: book1 ch14

    Meng: Floozy

    Katara: I heard that biotch!

    *uses water whip and hits Meng in the head*

    Director: CUT!! You can't do that Katara!

    Katara: You heard what she called me!

    Director: Mess up again and I take away your paycheck!!

    Katara:...touch my check, and you die...

    Director: You're fired.

    Katara: D@MN YOU ALL!!!

    *Katara walks off set and Aang walks to Meng*

    Aang: Did you do that on purpose?

    Meng: Yep

    Aang: Nice work.

    Have fun! I'll enjoy reading these! (some of you also remember the thread, you might as well try to re-post your previous one)

    Today is this thread's birthday! Someone make a special edition birthday blooper.
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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [2663]Dec 4, 2007
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    Atu_1 wrote:
    the_mental_teen wrote:

    I saw another thread with the same name and it was hilarious. Since it disappeared, I thought I could try to continue it! Here's an example of how to do it (This was from the previous one)

    from: book1 ch14

    Meng: Floozy

    Katara: I heard that biotch!

    *uses water whip and hits Meng in the head*

    Director: CUT!! You can't do that Katara!

    Katara: You heard what she called me!

    Director: Mess up again and I take away your paycheck!!

    Katara:...touch my check, and you die...

    Director: You're fired.

    Katara: D@MN YOU ALL!!!

    *Katara walks off set and Aang walks to Meng*

    Aang: Did you do that on purpose?

    Meng: Yep

    Aang: Nice work.

    Have fun! I'll enjoy reading these! (some of you also remember the thread, you might as well try to re-post your previous one)

    Today is this thread's birthday! Someone make a special edition birthday blooper.

    You freaking serious?! It's been a whole year and it hasn't been locked or anything?! Dude, KICK-ASS!

    I can't think of a good blooper, sadly...I could try, but'll be dumb at best.
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  • Avatar of the_mental_teen


    [2664]Dec 4, 2007
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    Here's the Anniversary Blooper. It stinks, I know, but I tried.

    Sokka: First of wall...I-I-what?

    Aang: What?

    Sokka: D-Don't intawupt me when why make mah speech!

    Katara: What's wrong with him?

    Toph: I'll give you 2 choices but you'll only need 1.

    Katara: I knew bringing free cactus juice was a bad idea...

    Sokka: Anyway...I'd wike to thank Waang for being most of the-the-the bwoopers. Anythwing you'd like to sway?

    Aang: Well...

    Sokka: Who the dwuck asked you?!

    Aang: ...

    Sokka: Before I go on...uh...I'd like to congratulate everyone welse on their effort on being in the bwoopers!

    Toph: We didn't decide; it was the posters who made us me in them and do some horrible, horrible things.

    Sokka: Oh like how they made some of us swuts and woores?

    Toph: ...Yeah

    Sokka: Aw, Twoph is such a great fwiend! She's better than that twash talkin Wowo!

    Aang: It's "Momo"

    Sokka: Not if you look at him upswide down!

    Aang: ...huh?

    Toph: Aang, he's high on cactus juice. *looks at Sokka* You're stupid when you're high.

    Sokka: That's what yo momma said wass night!

    Toph: I'm done here.

    Sokka: Anyway, I'd like t-t-to-to...oh man, I'm so freaking wasted!

    *Passes out*
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  • Avatar of Atu_1


    [2665]Dec 4, 2007
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    lol, that's pretty funny.
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  • Avatar of kkg14


    [2666]Dec 5, 2007
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    Someone posted this in the first thread:

    From Serpent's Pass:

    Sokka: Suki...you talk to much! Sokka leans forward to kiss Suki, and she suddenly jerks back.

    Director: Cut! What's wrong now, Suki?

    Suki: Do we really have to kiss? I mean his breathe smells whale blubber nuggets!!!

    Director: Sokka! You promised you would brush your teeth before coming to work. It was because of your bad breathe that we had to write Yue out of the show. She just couldn't take it anymore!

    Sokka: I did, but the lunch Gran Gran packed for me smelled so good and fried blubber nuggets are my favorite.

    Suki: That's it I am out here, ask the writers to have Azula kill me. At least I won't have to smell her breathe.

    Director: Great, now we'll have to go with Ty Lee as Sokka's love interest.

    Sokka: Ooohh, sweet. (As he pops another blubber nugget in his mouth.)

    Ty Lee gets a very nervous look on her face as Mai comes up from behind her.

    Mai: Ty Lee, I have this covered. Director because of Yue's sudden departure I made sure it was stated in our contracts that neither I nor Ty Lee could become Sokka's love interest. Read it and weep.

    Ty Lee gives Mai a big hug, Sokka pops another nugget while just shrugging it off, and the Director starts looking around.

    Director: I guess that only leaves Toph then. Tokka is the new ship in town.

    Sokka: What!? She stinks! She doesn't take baths, waaahhhh! (Drops the rest of his blubber nuggets.)

    Director, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, the writers, and the camra crew all together(smiling and laughing): Now you know how it feels.

    Toph flings a bugger she just finished picking from her nose, spits towards Suki, and says: I knew you wasn't woman enough to handle my man. Come here Sokka time for our close up kiss. (Wiping her mouth on her sleeve.)

    Sokka: No, no...stay back! (He starts to run.)

    Toph bends the ground around his feet so he can't move, goes over and plants a big wet sloppy kiss on Sokka's face.

    While Sokka pleads, Toph plants another kiss, and everyone else laughs, Suki reaches down picks the lunch box Sokka dropped. As Suki pops a blubber nugget into her mouth, she thinks to herself: Sokka is right about one thing his Gran Gran does fix the best fried whale blubber nuggets anywhere in the world. Two words- Epic Win. I can totally see this happening.
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  • Avatar of lucshu1231


    [2667]Dec 5, 2007
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    the_mental_teen wrote:
    Sokka: Who the dwuck asked you?!

    Aang: ...

    That has got to be the funniest line in he whole thread. Just awesome.

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  • Avatar of MegStar14


    [2668]Dec 5, 2007
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    OK here's my 1st one:

    *Zuko's in a training session w/ Iroh*

    Zuko: C'mon Uncle! i don't got all day.

    Iroh:*shoots lightning bolt*

    Zuko: Hey is that Jessica Simpson?*gets hit by lighning*


    Zuko: Holy $HIT!!! Uncle WTF was that for?!!!!

    Iroh:*pulls off mask showing that he's Britney Spears**sings* Oops! I did it again!*drops the baby**said*Oops!i did it again!


    BRITNEY/Uncle: I'm having Pairs and Nicole over ok?

    Zuko: Huh?

    *3 hours later*

    Paris: Fat @$$!

    Nicole: Shut up, B****!

    Zuko: Shut up the two of u!*kills them w/ fire*

    Britney: Zuzu, i need a new wig. and i dropped the baby again. and-

    Zuko:*kills her w/ fire*well, i put her out of her misery.

    Britney/Uncle/Ghost:Gimme , gimme more!!


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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [2669]Dec 5, 2007
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    zuko: no! i've got to say a few things!
    ozai: fine, go on.
    zuko: first of all, i wasn't the one who killed the avatar in ba sing se, azula is, and he's alive.
    ozai: what? get out of my sight!
    zuko: that's another thing, i'm done taking orders!
    ozai: you will obey- *zuko takes out swords*
    zuko: i'm gonna speak my mind, and you're gonna listen, i need to say something, now!
    ozai: what?
    zuko: i really wanna go to the falloutboy concert! and i really want the chocolate! i want it now!
    ozai: fine! (mumbling to himself) crazy emo boy...
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  • Avatar of MegStar14


    [2670]Dec 5, 2007
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    tomtitan wrote:
    zuko: no! i've got to say a few things! ozai: fine, go on. zuko: first of all, i wasn't the one who killed the avatar in ba sing se, azula is, and he's alive. ozai: what? get out of my sight! zuko: that's another thing, i'm done taking orders! ozai: you will obey- *zuko takes out swords* zuko: i'm gonna speak my mind, and you're gonna listen, i need to say something, now! ozai: what? zuko: i really wanna go to the falloutboy concert! and i really want the chocolate! i want it now! ozai: fine! (mumbling to himself) crazy emo boy...
    lol. zuko and his Falloutboy concerts
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  • Avatar of MegStar14


    [2671]Dec 5, 2007
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    I'm gonna include my fan fic character in this 1(i think i'll post the first chappie in a few mins.)

    *In the Zuko Alone Episode*

    Icelin: r we there yet?

    Zuko: no.

    Icelin:...r we there yet?

    Zuko:u just asked me that 5 seconds ago.


    Icelin:Are we there yet?

    Zuko: No!

    Icelin:Are we there yet?!are we there yet?! are we there yet?!


    Icelin: Hurry up!

    Zuko: Do u have to go to the bathroom?

    Icelin:No...OK yeah.

    Zuko:*stops ostrich horse and she jumps off and run behind a rock*

    5 mins. l8ter

    *Icelin walks out from behind rock*

    Zuko:Ya done


    *They go again*

    Icelin: ARE WE THERE YET?!!!

    Zuko: no!!! not 4 another 100 miles. do u have to go to the bathroom?


    Zuko:WHAT'S THE MATTER?!!!*pull out calendar*Hmm, the 7th was 2 weeks ago*under breath*she doesn't have "that".

    Icelin: It's just that*sniff* we're gonna miss Fall Out Boys farewell concert!!!wah-wah!


    Zuko and Icelin:

    iknow, it was horrible

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  • Avatar of tomtitan


    [2672]Dec 5, 2007
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    tomtitan wrote:
    zuko: no! i've got to say a few things!
    ozai: fine, go on.
    zuko: first of all, i wasn't the one who killed the avatar in ba sing se, azula is, and he's alive.
    ozai: what? get out of my sight!
    zuko: that's another thing, i'm done taking orders!
    ozai: you will obey- *zuko takes out swords*
    zuko: i'm gonna speak my mind, and you're gonna listen, i need to say something, now!
    ozai: what?
    zuko: i really wanna go to the falloutboy concert! and i really want the chocolate! i want it now!
    ozai: fine! (mumbling to himself) crazy emo boy...

    *adds to it*
    zuko: oh and another thing, can me and my band play in the bleeding tearfilled heartbreak battle of the emo bands? there will be more crazy pre-teen emo girls than at a james blunt concert!
    ozai: now you've gone too far! it's time for ozai mania to run wild on your @$$!!! *scars*
    zuko: no! you've burned my emo eye shadow that resembles a scar! noooooo!!!!!
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  • Avatar of Atu_1


    [2673]Dec 5, 2007
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    tomtitan wrote:
    tomtitan wrote:
    zuko: no! i've got to say a few things!
    ozai: fine, go on.
    zuko: first of all, i wasn't the one who killed the avatar in ba sing se, azula is, and he's alive.
    ozai: what? get out of my sight!
    zuko: that's another thing, i'm done taking orders!
    ozai: you will obey- *zuko takes out swords*
    zuko: i'm gonna speak my mind, and you're gonna listen, i need to say something, now!
    ozai: what?
    zuko: i really wanna go to the falloutboy concert! and i really want the chocolate! i want it now!
    ozai: fine! (mumbling to himself) crazy emo boy...

    *adds to it*
    zuko: oh and another thing, can me and my band play in the bleeding tearfilled heartbreak battle of the emo bands? there will be more crazy pre-teen emo girls than at a james blunt concert!
    ozai: now you've gone too far! it's time for ozai mania to run wild on your @$$!!! *scars*
    zuko: no! you've burned my emo eye shadow that resembles a scar! noooooo!!!!!
    Dying of laughter here!
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  • Avatar of the1stavatar


    [2674]Dec 5, 2007
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    *aang while searching for people in Fire Nation Capital*
    Aang: Hmmm, I wonder if katara liked my kiss?
    Random Zutarian: She didn't.
    Aang: FIRE NATION! DIE! *earthbends the zutarian out*
    Director: CUT! Who let the kid in? Thank god we didn't film that.
    Mr.T: I pity that zutarian.
    Director: Who let you in?
    Mr.T: Your Mom.
    Director: Ha ha. Very Funny.
    Director's Mom: Honey! GET OVER HERE NOW!
    Director: But Ma.........!
    Mr.T: I don't pity you.
    Director: Shut the **** up.
    *is tackled by nick agents*
    Mr.T: Still don't pity you!
    Director as he is taken away: SHUT THE....*is out the door*

    *next day*
    Sokka: Who's our new director?
    Aang: Dunno.
    *someone walks in*
    Ju Dee: I'm Ju Dee. Here are you spongebob approved scripts.
    All Actors, Crew, and anyone who works at avatar: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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    [2675]Dec 5, 2007
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    Avatar/Boondocks 4-How to be a Pimp

    I've had this in mind for quite a long time, Slickback teaching Sokka how to be a pimp. Since Blaster posted the results, I've now written this prequel and dedication. This actually leads right into A/B 3.

    (Outside of the actual show, Sokka is fully aware that Toph and Ty Lee like him. Yue is not a spirit.)
    Sokka: Wow, I can't believe Suki, Yue, Toph, and that evil, paralyzing, yet pretty, circus freak likes me.
    A Pimp Named Slickback: Well I can't believe it either.
    Sokka: Who are you?!
    A Pimp Named Slickback: I'm A Pimp Named Slickback.
    Sokka: Who?
    A Pimp Named Slickback:*enunciating* My whole name is A Pimp Named Slickback.
    Sokka: Can't I just call you Slickback, it's easier.
    A Pimp Named Slickback: I'm A Pimp Named Slickback, like A Tribe Called Quest, you say the whole thang. A Pimp Named Slickback.
    Sokka: Wait, who are you again?
    A Pimp Named Slickback: N***a are you deaf?! I'm A Pimp Named Slickback! Say it with me now!
    Sokka: Whatever! Why are you here?
    A Pimp Named Slickback: I'm here to teach you how to be a mutha****in P.I.M.P. like the song n***a!
    Sokka: For yor information, I'm already a... er... pimp.
    A Pimp Named Slickback: N***a what?! Oh hell naw! You tryin to tell me that you're a pimp?! Please don't make me laugh Mr. Sokka.
    (Pimpin All Over the World by Ludacris Plays)
    (Sokka travels around the world and gets a kiss from several girls in a flashback)
    A Pimp Named Slickback: *unimpressed* All you get is a kiss and you fall in love with the b****es. When you talk to these b****es they got to be under your control.
    Sokka: I don't think that's right
    A Pimp Named Slickback: So it's right fo yo sista to control people with they blood...
    Sokka: I didn't say that...!
    A Pimp Named Slickback: But you can't put a b***** in they place. That's some old bulls*** Mr. Sokka. Now.

    "Credit for using the song PAOTW goes to thefireman43, for writing the post that gave me the idea"
    Atu_1 wrote:

    A/B 3-Slickback and Sokka

    (The Serpent's Pass-Sokka's Master elements)
    Sokka: No Suki the ledge can give way!
    Suki: *slightly exasperated* Sokka?....
    Sokka: I just, I just can't lose you!
    *A Pimp Named Slickback appears and pull Sokka aside*
    A Pimp Named Slickback: What the hell you doin bein all clingy lovey dovey with this b****?!
    Sokka: Hey, don't call her that!
    A Pimp Named Slickback: I'll call her whatever the hell I want, and I'm gonna call her a b****. Sokka: No you won't!
    A Pimp Named Slickback: Yes I will. Now shut the **** up.
    Sokka: "*grumble*
    A Pimp Named Slickback: Now, addiction to a b**** can **** with your friends, your health, and scary enough even your money.
    Sokka: What does that have to do with my money?
    A Pimp Named Slickback: Well, what's the reason yo ass is broke now?
    Sokka: Buying her this sleeping bag
    A Pimp Named Slickback: And there you have it! You have an overwhelming problem with Chronic B**** Dependency Mr. Sokka.
    Sokka: Wow, and I never knew...
    A Pimp Named Slickback: Well now you know got-damnit! And now I still got to fix you up some more because yo ass can't fight!
    Sokka: What, I can totally fight!
    A Pimp Named Slickback:Hm. We'll see about that. Oh Sweetest Taboo!
    Sweetest Taboo (one of A Pimp Named Slickback's "items"): Yes Daddy?
    A Pimp Named Slickback: Fight this n***a here.
    *Sweetest Taboo starts beating up Sokka*
    A Pimp Named Slickback: Hit the b****! Come on n***a, if she was Zuko you'd be dead by now!
    Sokka! But I-- OW! ---don't hit girls -- OOOhowhowch!
    A Pimp Named Slickback: You need to hit her, you're protected by law to hit her now! Damn, Sweetest Taboo you are in rare form...
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    [2676]Dec 5, 2007
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    WMMRrocks wrote:
    Thugnificent: Yo n***a I heard you like readin and s**t like that, congradulations man.
    Aang: Did you just congradulate me for reading?
    Momo: What'd you say n***a!
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  • Avatar of DanSandwichBoy


    [2677]Dec 5, 2007
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    "Day of Black Sun"

    Toph: (nausiated by the submarine ride) Yeah, way to go, Sokka. You've invented an even worse way of travel than flying.
    The Duke: (offers his helmet) Helmet? (she gratefully takes it and barfs) I'm sure your boyfriend didn't mean to make you sick.
    Toph: He's not my boyfriend!
    The Duke: But you like him! ^^ It's pretty obvious from everything you write in your diary.
    Toph: You read my diary!? WHY YOU LITTLE-- Waitaminute... I don't have a diary. I can't even read or write.
    The Duke: Hey, neither can I. Weird, huh? Still, you like Sokka! XD
    Toph: Shut up, diary peeker! (shoves The Duke's helmet back on his head while it's still full of Toph's you-know-what)
    Toph: You never bathed before?
    The Duke: Hey, we lived in treehouses and lived off of stuff we stole from Fire Nation soldiers.
    Sokka: (witnessing this blooper) I_T; Um, come to think of if, Mr. Mechanist, I think we better resurface right now.

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  • Avatar of the1stavatar


    [2678]Dec 5, 2007
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    *on set*

    Katara: Toph, when are you going to wear shoes! Your feet are gonna become frozen in this weather!
    Toph: Don't tell me how to live my life Katara! Your not my mom! Your just an actor! So shut it!
    Katara: I never said I was your mom. *sees sokka kissing suki* SOKKA! GO FINISH YOUR CHORES LIKE I TOLD YOU TO!
    Sokka: But Katara!
    Katara: NOW!
    *sokka walks off*
    Toph: Pfft, Fun-Sucker.
    Katara: FUN-SUCKER?!?! Is that what you called me?!?!?! I'm tons of fun!
    Toph: Your boring. You never take risks. Ever.
    Katara: I can take risks!
    Toph: Prove it!
    Katara: Fine! *looks around* *sees fire nation air blimp* O.k...I got a way we can settle it. *whispers to toph*
    Toph: Fine. But whoever chickens out has to sleep in sokka's sleeping bag until WAT comes out, on T.V.
    Katara: Deal.
    *aang walks in*
    Aang: Hey guys! What's going.... *katara and toph have evil smiles on* Oh no! You guys made a bet again and made me the Ref! *they slowly approch him* No. No! NOOOOO! Momo! Save me....!

    *later, on the fire nation blimp*
    Aang: You guys are crazy! This bet is going to kill both of you! Stop it now!
    Katara: No way. I'm not backing out.
    Aang: No way am I going to be a part of this.
    Katara: But your the only one who can judge whether or not one of us screams like a baby.
    Toph: Besides, neither of us are going to get killed.
    Aang: How can you possibly prove that?!?!
    Toph: Ugh...
    *toph gets up*
    Toph: Hey crazy azula! You smell!
    *azula runs over*
    Azula: I'll make you regret that you little...
    *toph pushes her out of the blimp, you can here azula screaming, then a loud thump, followed by massive applause by azula haters*
    Toph: See she only broke every bone in her body. Except her spine. She'll live.
    *azula haters boo*
    Toph: Oh shut up!
    Aang: *looking at Azula haters on the ground* Wow. Now they are really getting violent. They are burning her body...oh, that's ozai. Nvm.
    Katara: K, let's start the bet.
    Aang: Uhhh...I hate to interupt this Catfight, but I'm not letting the two of you get hurt. I won't allow this to happen...
    Katara: *while putting on a parachute* Don't talk back to us and stop slouching!
    Aang: *muttters*
    Katara: What was that?
    Aang: Nothing.
    Toph: *while getting ready* Relax twinkletoes. This will be over before it begins. Katara will chicken out in 5 seconds.
    Katara: No! You will!
    Toph: Wana Bet? *jumps out of the blimp*
    Katara: Hey! Get back here when I'm talking to you! *jumps out also*
    Aang: *sighs and shakes head, then takes air glider and flies out*

    *katara and toph walk in the set the next day with their heads down ashamed, aang walks in behind them smiling*
    Sokka: Hey, who one the bet.
    Aang: First, give me your sleeping bag.
    Sokka: *hands it over* Nice, someone lost. I had $5 down it was katara.
    *toph takes the sleeping bag angerly and walks away from sokka and aang*
    Sokka: TOPH LOST THE BET! There goes my $5. *gives it to momo* Stupid Momo. Stupid Bet.
    Aang: No..it was a tie.
    *sokka quickly grabs money back*
    Sokka: So, they both were brave about it?
    Aang: No, they both screamed like babies. I had to get them on my air glider and fly them down.
    Sokka: *rofl's*
    Toph: Laugh it up sokka. *cuts his sleeping bag in half, and gives katara a half*
    Sokka: WTF?!?!?!? Where do I sleep now?

    Hippies: Sing with us Sokka!
    Sokka: Stupid Hippies...
    *zuko sits down next to sokka*
    Sokka: Why are you here.
    Zuko: I was punished by the director.
    Sokka: Why?
    *zuko puts down a ripped off sexy mustash next to sokka*
    Zuko: That will teach Haru about taking my Fan Girls away.
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  • Avatar of MegStar14


    [2679]Dec 5, 2007
    • member since: 12/05/07
    • level: 12
    • rank: Evil Bert
    • posts: 209

    Katara w/ Tophis at Disneyworld

    Katara:Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Toph can we ride the tea cups?


    Katara:...Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Toph can we ride the roller coaster?


    Katara:...Ooh!Ooh!Ooh! Toph can we ride-

    Toph: Why don't u just go ride Mickey!


    *9 Months later*

    Doctor: Congratulations! it's a-mouse?




    Zuko:*to Toph* This all ur fault.

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  • Avatar of Blaster33456


    [2680]Dec 5, 2007
    • member since: 10/16/07
    • level: 9
    • rank: Door Number 2
    • posts: 1,459

    After the suprising long hiatus of this blooper series. I'm bringing it back!

    Part 8: It's Crushing Time!!!! (pt. 1)

    Aang: * walks to bust Spongebob's door open * Whereeeee arrrrreeee youuuuuu... I seeee youuuuu

    Katara: That's not gonna work Aang.

    Aang: Fine. * starts busting stuff till he sees Gary.

    Katara: What are you thinking?

    Aang: Nothing just thinking of a good way to make a SNAIL Hat!!!!!


    To be continued.

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