Love the 'aang trying to kiss katara' top ten! Haha! Spongebob Karma at 54percent! lmao! The Toph one and the Yue Moon one absolutely cracked me up.
Oh yeah, and I like the Zuko being swallowed by appa thing, and Zuko being waterbent of a cliff....
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Love the 'aang trying to kiss katara' top ten! Haha! Spongebob Karma at 54percent! lmao! The Toph one and the Yue Moon one absolutely cracked me up.
Oh yeah, and I like the Zuko being swallowed by appa thing, and Zuko being waterbent of a cliff....
What the firebenders are like in Aang's world:
Aang: Can you help me firebend?
Firebender: * kills him *
Sokka's world:
Sokka: Can you help Aang firebend?
Firebender: * kills him and Aang *
Toph's world:
Toph: Can you help Aang firebend
Firebender: * kills her, Sokka, and Aang
Katara's world
Katara: Can you help aang firebend?
Firebender: Sure, I'll help Aang firebend.. You know what I'll help you defeat him myself..
Back to reality
Katara: I think we should keep looking for firebenders
Sokka: ARE YOU MAD!!!!!?? It's not like they're gonna be like we'll help Aang firebend
Katara: Yes they will!
Toph: * comes up and slaps her * You stupid watery b****
Zuko's New Actor Act I - How it all started
Director: AND, Action!
Zuko: It's time I faced Azula!
Iroh: *face palm*
Azula: Your so dramatic. What? Are you going to challenge me to a SaggyGuy?
Zuko: .....
Azula: Whoops sorry, must've slipped my line there...
Zuko: You always slip your line! Everyone here is always screwing up! I can't work like this anymore! I QUIT!!!
Director: But Zuko, you are like our best...
Zuko: I don't need you, I'll just go work on another show where I can act emo, the Sopranos, or Headbanger's Ball! SCREW YOU!
Zuko's New Actor Act II - Auditions
*Aang walks in and sees a bunch of people lined up outside the set. Aang walks in the set.*
Aang: Why are all of these people here?
Director: I'm holding auditions for Zuko's new actor, maybe we can find someone good...
Aang: I have a bad feeling about this...
*first guy walks in*
Director: Hello sir, what's your name?
M. Night Shyamalan: I am M. Night Shyamalan.
Director: Ok, here is a line from Day of Black Sun, try it.
M. Night Shyamalan: I've decided to join with the Avatar, WHAT A TWIST!!!
Director: Next!
50 Cent: I musta' cap-cha' dat' mo' fo' avata' to resto' my ho-na!
Director: ......NEXT!!!!!
Stewie Griffin: What the deuce? How the hell is my father gonna accept me if your the one who took down the bloody Avatar. DAMN YOU!
Director: next, next, next, next, next!
* 3 Hours Later*
Director: Not one actor could fill his shoes, though I believe Dante Bosco got PRETTY close. I just wish Zuko would come back.
* Far Away by Nickelback plays in the background*
Psyche987 wrote: |
Love the 'aang trying to kiss katara' top ten! Haha! Spongebob Karma at 54percent! lmao! The Toph one and the Yue Moon one absolutely cracked me up. Oh yeah, and I like the Zuko being swallowed by appa thing, and Zuko being waterbent of a cliff.... |
DanSandwichBoy wrote: |
"The Waterbending Master" (a shy waterbending boy watches Katara's headstrong attempts to get Master Pakku to teach her) Boy: (steps up awkwardly) You know, since that Katara girl really wants to learn to waterbend, it makes me feel better about coming out and confessing... (in a "I'll just blurt it out and get it over with" way) I wanna learn to heal! Rest of Water Tribe present on the scene: O.o; Master Pakku: )_)* She's a bad influence, that Katara. |
Lol, that was a great idea, original. Keep it up!
tomtitan wrote: | ||
Aww, don't feel that way tomtitan! Here, have a mini cookie. {hands cookie }
And if it makes you feel any better, I've been laughing and following them since your first one, nobody talks about canned laughter quite as good as you do.
If only there'd be more sitcoms like this on real TV, there's never anything good on these days. Bye Frasier, bye Raymond, bye Still Standing, bye family-friendly Two and a Half Men, bye funny-children Home Improvement, bye Married to the Kellys (cries), {flees to TomTitan's sitcom}.
ShadowfaxSTF wrote: | ||
ShadowfaxSTF wrote: | ||||||
Lol, that was a great idea, original. Keep it up!
Aww, don't feel that way tomtitan! Here, have a mini cookie. {hands cookie And if it makes you feel any better, I've been laughing and following them since your first one, nobody talks about canned laughter quite as good as you do. If only there'd be more sitcoms like this on real TV, there's never anything good on these days. Bye Frasier, bye Raymond, bye Still Standing, bye family-friendly Two and a Half Men, bye funny-children Home Improvement, bye Married to the Kellys (cries), {flees to TomTitan's sitcom}. |
ONE MORE THING! i'm sorry but i have to post this, this is an idea i had for a heroes sitcom, involving sylar.
person: sylar.... have you been eating brains again?
*canned laughter*
sylar: maaaaaybe...
*canned laughter*
that's how i fist came up with the idea. carry on forum posters.
*eats cookies*
ONE MORE THING! since it is the festive season here's a great idea for an avatar blooper, yup, you guessed it, avatar christmas carol! i just had an idea for one, and i'm gonna try and make it it involves azula being mean to mai and ty lee and not spending enough on their christmas presents, but then 3 avatars of xmas past (roku) present (aang) and future (nameless) come to her and show her the error of her ways. and here's the best part, i'm gonna try to make it all rhyme!
i probably won't be able to do it well, if anyone thinks they can do it, try!
merry christmas!
azula: bah, humbug!
Atu_1 wrote: | ||||
What were you expecting? A love confession? lol
(Katara can be heard from her trailer singing "All I Want for Christmas"; two crewworkers pass by, one is for Kataang, the other is for Zatura)
Kataang Crewman: Aww, isn't that sweet. She's singing for her Aangie.
Zatura Crewman: What are you nuts!? She's obviously singing for Zuko!
KC: You're nuts! Katara hates Zuko after all that chasing an the "Crossroads of Destiny" thing!
ZC: Katara can't get together with Aang! He's two years younger than she is!
KC: Um, Katara's two years younger than Kuko, you know.
ZC: Yesh, well the hero gets the girl is so cliche!
KC: No more cliche than the girl falls for the bad boy.
ZC: That's it, it's on! Agni Kai at sunset!
KC: You bet, it's on! It's on like Donkey Kong!
(The crewman storm off in their separate ways; Katara peeks her head out the door wondering what all the shouting was about)
the1stavatar wrote: | ||||||||
Thanks. #4: Get ya fortune cookies! This one smells like trouble! Aang: *finds the panda lily* Yes, I got one! Heh heh, nothing can stop me now. Now I need to find a nice romantic spot to give the flower to katara, and tell her my feelings! Nothing can stop me now! *high above in the cosmic energy place* Karma Guy 1: Who do we give karma to today? Karma Guy 2: Let's spin the wheel of karma! *wheel of karma is made up of 54% spongebob, 25% Sokka, 10% Zuko, 10% Cabbage Man, 1% Aang.* *they spin the wheel* Karma Dudes: Spinny! Spinny! Spinny! Spinnny! *meanwhile on appa* Aang: Hey katara, I want to give you something, and also tell you something really important. Katara: What is it aang? Aang: *thinking* Nothing can stop me now* *meanwhile* *wheel turns 100% Aang* *lands on aang* Karma Guy 1: It's Aang! The Wheel has spoken! Karma Guy 2: What do we do to him. Karma Dudes: LIGHTNING STIRKE THE FLOWER! *lightning hits the flower and sets it on fire as aang is about to give it to katara* Katara: Omg, I'm sorry aang. What was it that you wanted to give me? Aang: *annoyed* oh nothing... Katara: What was it you wanted to tell me? Aang: *still annoyed* Oh...nothing... Katara: O.k. *after they land and katara is far away* Aang: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DARN YOU CARMA! Karma Dudes: Chuckras! Chuckras! Everybody loves chuckras! Chuckras! Chuckras! Onion and Bananna Juice Tastes Good! YUM! Moment #3 Coming up! |
the1stavatar wrote: | ||||||||||
#3: Hey Katara I....SOKKA! GET OUT OF HERE NOW! (Avatar Day) *right before kyoshi testifies, in a private area so aang can say his "last good byes* Mayor: O.k, let's make this quick. Citizens are getting angry. Citizen 1: I want the tourture machine! Citizen 2: Eaten by Bears! Citizen 3: Make Zutara happen! *everyone looks at the citizen who just said that* Citizen 3: would torture him forever. *everyone mumbles in agreement* Sokka: Any idea what they are talking about? Katara: Nope. Aang: Phew. Katara: What was that aang? Aang: Uhhh...where's the outfit katara? Katara: Oh yeah, sokka go get it. Sokka: Fine. *sokka leaves* Aang: Katara, I have something to say to you, incase I die. Katara: You won't. I'm positive. Don't worry. *3 second pause* But tell me anyway! Aang: Katara...I... Sokka: Hey, you think being eaten by sharks is painful? That may be the best way to go. Aang: Sokka...go get the costume. Sokka: Fine. *sokka leaves again* Aang: Where was I? Oh yeah...Katara...I... Sokka: Did it hurt when you got that tatoo on your head, and your back, where you spine is? Aang: Sokka....please...go... Sokka: Oh yeah, sorry. *leaves* Aang: Where was I? Citizen 3: ZUTARA! Aang: SHUT UP! *airbends him out of the area* Aang: Katara...*trying to keep cool* I... Sokka: *poking aang* Bother, Bother, Bother, Bother, Bother! Sorry, had to do this before you died. I love when those little puppets do it, they are so cute and... Aang: SOKKA! THE COSTUME! Citizen 3: ZUTARA! Aang: SHUT THE HECK UP!!!!!!! *sokka leaves* Aang: *really trying to keep it together* Katara...I... Mayor: Sorry, times up. Time for you to go back to the trial. You, water tribe girl, leave. *katara leaves* Aang: Can't you give me five... Mayor: No. Sokka: I got the costume. It was right over there, 10 steps away from where your standing. We could have had an awsome, amazing, heart-warming moment that millions of people who could be watching us from somewhere would love, and something big and beautiful could have... Aang: ARRGH! *tackles and beats up sokka* Sokka: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Mayor: We'll add that to your charges. Citizen 4: KATAANG! Moment #2 Coming up! And what will be teh #1 moment? Find out soon enough... |