Gaang collecting money from an internet video
Aang: hey can we collect our money in front of all of you guys?
Ozai: I don't think so. Nothing takes priority over Chocolate Ozai
Haru: Oh there he goes with the ego again . Who named you internet king?
Ozai: I did, when I became bigger than all you b**ches.
Cabbage Man: oh please laughing baby got 4 times as many views as you
Baby: *laughs*
Ozai: you better shut your fu**ing mouth baby.
Afro Ninja: did you all forget about afro ninja? I was bigger than everybody!
Haru: well snezing appa is worth theoretically billions!
Ozai: you all want to motherf**king die?! *cocks gun*
Azula: no! *grabs gun and fights with ozai*
Cabbage man: *throws cabbage at king bumi*
*whole room erupts into violence*
Katara: okay we get it we'll wait our turn
*afro ninja flips, falls, gets up and trips.*
*Bumi and Cabbage man are fighting*
Bumi: *sings numa numa song and kicks cabbage man in the balls*
Azula: *gets betwen them* Leave the cabbage man alone! Leave him alone!
Ozai: *grabs azula's hair* time for some chocolate pain b*tch
Azzula: *bites ozai's leg*
Appa: *eats off Bumi's arm*
Cabbage man: *throws cabbage at appa*
Azula: leave the bison alone! leave him alone i say! *gets swiped in the face by appa*
Ozai: *picks up his gun and shoots Haru
Appa: *eats cabbage man*
Ozai: *shoots appa* *aims at momo* think i forgot about you momo?!
Momo: *does a dramatic stare*
Ozai: my head *head explodes* * gun discharges*
Momo: *head blown off by stray bullet*
*everyone but the gaang is dead*
Sokka: sweet i think it's our turn!
Edited on 06/29/2008 10:47am