stalemate666 wrote: | ||
Um, I meant hit as in punch, kick, slap, etc. Not hit on.
stalemate666 wrote: | ||
Um, I meant hit as in punch, kick, slap, etc. Not hit on.
stalemate666 wrote: | ||||||||||||||
Now your just twisting my words, Harold did regret rigging her vote off he just can't go up to her and apologise because it would be suicidal because of her temper.
stalemate666 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||
She was walking all over Lindsay as well tried to deceive Beth, and no I'.m not singling out Courtney I hated LeShawna for what she did too, but Courtney is the only person who tried to commit murder and that makes her worse then even Heather. plus her whining doesn't help either.
Brodoin15 wrote: | ||||
Um, I meant hit as in punch, kick, slap, etc. Not hit on. |
LordGrievous wrote: | ||||||||||||||||
Now your just twisting my words, Harold did regret rigging her vote off he just can't go up to her and apologise because it would be suicidal because of her temper. |
LordGrievous wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||
She was walking all over Lindsay as well tried to deceive Beth, and no I'.m not singling out Courtney I hated LeShawna for what she did too, but Courtney is the only person who tried to commit murder and that makes her worse then even Heather. plus her whining doesn't help either. |
stalemate666 wrote: | ||||||
stalemate666 wrote: | ||||||||||||||
voted courtney off to attack duncan, punch duncan and kick him in the middle (even though duncan had it coming), ACCIDENTALLY killed duncans spider and pansted duncan.
now here are the extremely bad things courtney has done: attempting to kill harold (over money), leaving duncan to die just so she could win a million dollars, instghate fights and insult people to the point where they want to badly hurt her; attempt to manipulate beth and lindsay. hmmmmmmmmm i wonder which one is worst....and the worst part is, she has her lawyers to back her up on everything so she has unfair advantages and on top of that she still tries to do things in an unfair way besides courtney and duncan ahve both got over the whole cheatiung her off thing anyways. in fact if it werent for harold courtney wouldnt even be on total drama action!!! so if anything you should begrateful ahrodl did that
stalemate666 wrote: | ||||||
That, by no means, gives Courtney the right to hit him. Just because he finds her attractive, doesn't mean she can hit him. She had no reason to, Duncan did nothing to her.
At least Harold had a reason. Besides, like it was said above, how could Harold fight fair? In a 1-on-1 fight against Duncan, Harold stands no chance. What is Harold supposed to do? Have his "last stand at the Alamo" or something?
You cannot say that Duncan can prank Harold, but when Harold tries to get payback, that he is a coward. Its pretty much Duncan's fault for the whole thing. He even knows it, cause he even said he knew he had it coming.
alagaesian wrote: | ||||||||
How was that a cowardly act? Splashing water in his eyes?...Look, do you seriously think Harold, even if he's had a little training, can take down Duncan in a fair fight? Of course not. If he stands up for himself without first taking Duncan down a notch, then Duncan wrings his scrawny neck. That's not really standing up for himself, that's getting pulverized. It does nothing to make Duncan respect him at all, it just makes Duncan think of how pathetic the dork is. And how is hitting on someone a justifiable reason to get nearly castrated with a guitar??? So, he wants to get flirty with her. From your arguments, words don't matter that much. It's certainly nothing for us, the forum-ers, to get upset with, let alone the contestants. She shouldn't jump at the chance to whack him in the kiwis. |
lady_god wrote: | ||||||||||||||||
voted courtney off to attack duncan, punch duncan and kick him in the middle (even though duncan had it coming), ACCIDENTALLY killed duncans spider and pansted duncan. now here are the extremely bad things courtney has done: attempting to kill harold (over money), leaving duncan to die just so she could win a million dollars, instghate fights and insult people to the point where they want to badly hurt her; attempt to manipulate beth and lindsay. hmmmmmmmmm i wonder which one is worst....and the worst part is, she has her lawyers to back her up on everything so she has unfair advantages and on top of that she still tries to do things in an unfair way besides courtney and duncan ahve both got over the whole cheatiung her off thing anyways. in fact if it werent for harold courtney wouldnt even be on total drama action!!! so if anything you should begrateful ahrodl did that |
Brodoin15 wrote: | ||||||||
That, by no means, gives Courtney the right to hit him. Just because he finds her attractive, doesn't mean she can hit him. She had no reason to, Duncan did nothing to her. At least Harold had a reason. Besides, like it was said above, how could Harold fight fair? In a 1-on-1 fight against Duncan, Harold stands no chance. What is Harold supposed to do? Have his "last stand at the Alamo" or something? You cannot say that Duncan can prank Harold, but when Harold tries to get payback, that he is a coward. Its pretty much Duncan's fault for the whole thing. He even knows it, cause he even said he knew he had it coming. |
stalemate666 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||
1. ok harold is a slob but he wasnt doindg it to purposely offend them. unlike courtney who does bad things on purpose. snoring is something that he has no control over. most people who snore have some type of sinus problem or something. its not like he fakes his sleep and then snores on purpose just to get under everyones skin. hitting on multiple girls athis age really isnt a bad thing and its not like any of the girls were into him in season 1 so im pretty sure they didnt care anyways.
2.he didnt cheat courtney off because he was afraid to stand up to duncan. he couldve easily cheated duncan off but he wanted duncan to suffer so he voted courtney off.besides i already acknowledged that
4. ok i agree but lets be honest if courtney was in taht position she wouldve done the same thing and without regret. i mean she was in an alliance with beth who she knew didnt like her and was countermanipulating her so she basically did the same thing but to a further extent
5. duncan had it coming. he shouldnt have laughed at harolds admiration when the alliance was still fresh. besides if you remember duncan was trying to hold in his laugh which means he knew he was going to offend harold
6. last time i checked, beth was the one who hit on him. she THOUGHT he had a thing for her so she dumped her boyfriend to give harold a chance but harold never really liked ehr that way.
at the end of the day the things courtney has done siill outwieghs what harold has done and unlike harold courtney doesnt regret any of the things she does even when she knows its wrong. in season 1 she was just uptight but in season 2 shes an annoying little brat
HaydenAvery wrote: |
seriously are you watching the same show im watching? |
HaydenAvery wrote: |
1. its not like he did that on purpose! and never thought it would tick anyone off. 2. it was pretty smart of harold to do that and you now it. and thats the worst thing harold did. you should be happy since it gave courtney a reason to be in TDA. 3. he didnt hit on heather AT ALL. he tried to help her through her mean problems. hes the first to open up to her so giant leap in the protagonist department. 4. who was the one tricking him into voting off leshawna? courtney! and before you say it was selfless of her remember that she had immunity and duncan was her only ally. 5. duncan was laughing and insulting leshawna even after the truce. and it was no cheap shot since he knocked duncan out. 6. the aftermath revealed heather and leshawna sort of like harold. and beth was the one crushing on him! seriously are you watching the same show im watching? |
lady_god wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. ok harold is a slob but he wasnt doindg it to purposely offend them. unlike courtney who does bad things on purpose. snoring is something that he has no control over. most people who snore have some type of sinus problem or something. its not like he fakes his sleep and then snores on purpose just to get under everyones skin. hitting on multiple girls athis age really isnt a bad thing and its not like any of the girls were into him in season 1 so im pretty sure they didnt care anyways. 2.he didnt cheat courtney off because he was afraid to stand up to duncan. he couldve easily cheated duncan off but he wanted duncan to suffer so he voted courtney off.besides i already acknowledged that 4. ok i agree but lets be honest if courtney was in taht position she wouldve done the same thing and without regret. i mean she was in an alliance with beth who she knew didnt like her and was countermanipulating her so she basically did the same thing but to a further extent 5. duncan had it coming. he shouldnt have laughed at harolds admiration when the alliance was still fresh. besides if you remember duncan was trying to hold in his laugh which means he knew he was going to offend harold 6. last time i checked, beth was the one who hit on him. she THOUGHT he had a thing for her so she dumped her boyfriend to give harold a chance but harold never really liked ehr that way. at the end of the day the things courtney has done siill outwieghs what harold has done and unlike harold courtney doesnt regret any of the things she does even when she knows its wrong. in season 1 she was just uptight but in season 2 shes an annoying little brat |
stalemate666 wrote: | ||
Good lord...
1) I doubt he left his clothes around to bug anyone. Its probably what he would do at home. He didn't do it to tick anyone off. He also said he wouldn't do it again, and as far as I can tell, he hasn't.
2) So Harold can't cheat, but Courtney can attempt murder? Anyone else see the problem in that?
3) He helped her. He was willing to let the past go to have an alliance with someone. That is a good thing to do. He just thinks Heather likes him.
4) Didn't you see he was sorry? He didn't know if he could trush LeShawna. Its not like he did it without remorse or anything. He cried and begged to LeShawna. If he only did it to save his own skin, I doubt he would have done that.
5) Why can Courtney hit people and not Harold? I just don't get that part, still. Duncan was antagonizing Harold, and he finally snapped. He had it coming, and its his own dang fault. If he didn't say anything, nothing would have happened.
6) He just made a little comment. I doubt he meant it. Other than that, he did nothing, and it was all Beth. When Harold had his arms on her, he was just looking for support for being dizzy. Then Beth kissed him, which I doubt he expected nor wanted. He has no interest in her, it was all in Beth's head. (I thought that would be obvious. It's meant to be funny. Jeez.)
I don't like to be rude, but you honestly have no good reasons for things. Courtney can hit Duncan because he likes her, but Harold can't even thought he deserves payback? Really?
You are being biased, hypocritical, and placing double standards.