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Total Drama Musical Characters Revealed. I'm Not Kidding.

  • Avatar of KingofKlubs13


    [101]Oct 4, 2009
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    [QUOTE="suiteferb"]Bad points: 1. The new characters annoy me (They're the clones of Izzy and Justin). [QUOTE]

    Alejandro? Yes, clone of Justin (From what the trailer can tell us.)
    Kathie? No, not a clone of Izzy. There's a (small) difference between insane and being a fangirl.

    Edited on 10/04/2009 7:45am
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  • Avatar of The_Cartoon


    [102]Oct 4, 2009
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    alagaesian wrote:
    No couples? Someone mentioned this a while back...


    Not to mention that there's a possibility of-
    Bridgette, Lindsay, other girls-Alejandro

    I'm just hoping one of the forgotten non-TDA males gets involved with a relationship. Not Cody and Tyler, how have already hooked up or tried to hook up with someone. I'm talking about Noah or Ezekiel. Those people, along with DJ, haven't shown interest in anyone. Come on! I wanna see them fawn over one of the girls...

    Who would have thought that Cody of all people would be involved in a love triangle
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  • Avatar of shishkabob999


    [103]Oct 4, 2009
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    But we don't know that he's going to necessarily pursue Gwen, just because they're on the same team.
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  • Avatar of DC-Dude


    [104]Oct 4, 2009
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    I think I know how they chose the characters for TDM.

    They had to see who could sing, better yet, who could sing WELL.

    They found the actors who could sing and felt comfortable singing.

    I already knew Courtney would be in TDM because of that.

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  • Avatar of n5d25d90


    [105]Oct 4, 2009
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    The_Cartoon wrote:
    alagaesian wrote:
    No couples? Someone mentioned this a while back...


    Not to mention that there's a possibility of-
    Bridgette, Lindsay, other girls-Alejandro

    I'm just hoping one of the forgotten non-TDA males gets involved with a relationship. Not Cody and Tyler, how have already hooked up or tried to hook up with someone. I'm talking about Noah or Ezekiel. Those people, along with DJ, haven't shown interest in anyone. Come on! I wanna see them fawn over one of the girls...

    Who would have thought that Cody of all people would be involved in a love triangle

    XD Well he's been in one before... on the wrong end of one, anyway.
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  • Avatar of facebookfan


    [106]Oct 4, 2009
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    HaydenAvery wrote:
    100 posts already! why does everyone think duncans not in it? i hate him but i still acknowledge the fact that hes in TDM! i doubt izzy and ezekiel will have a relationship since it was probably just izzy going crazy when she jumped on him. zeke has the potential to go far...but will the producers go with that?

    u may be right about Duncan but since he's gotten really far in both TDI and TDA he'll probably be eliminated early, if he's in.

    as for izzy and ezekiel, i guess we'll have to see. maybe, maybe not, but i'd like to see him in a relationship of some sort. and he'll probably go far, at least until the teams merge, but i hope he'll make it to the top five.
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  • Avatar of alagaesian


    [107]Oct 4, 2009
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    Looks like the Ezzy fans exist outside of fanfiction.net as well as inside.

    Meh, I don't know. Zeke appears to be voted off pretty early. We'll have to wait for the awesome trailer that's bound to come out after TDA/TDDDDA is over.
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  • Avatar of TDMe


    [108]Oct 4, 2009
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    I think Either Kathie or Alejandro will win.

    I want a WHOLE new cast for season 4

    Edited on 10/04/2009 3:03pm
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [109]Oct 4, 2009
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    there probably wont be a season 4 and how in the world do you think kathie or alejandro is going first?
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  • Avatar of TDMe


    [110]Oct 4, 2009
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    lol sorry. I meant win. There is always the chance for season 4.
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  • Avatar of LordGrievous


    [111]Oct 4, 2009
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    TDMe wrote:

    I think Either Kathie or Alejandro will win.

    I want a WHOLE new cast for season 4

    a whole new cast would be a bad idea since there are too many well liked characters now, though some a couple more new ones wouldn't be a bad idea.

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  • Avatar of facebookfan


    [112]Oct 4, 2009
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    alagaesian wrote:
    Looks like the Ezzy fans exist outside of fanfiction.net as well as inside.

    Meh, I don't know. Zeke appears to be voted off pretty early. We'll have to wait for the awesome trailer that's bound to come out after TDA/TDDDDA is over.

    you may be right but if so i'd think he'd return (like Izzy and Eva did in TDI, and maybe Eva might return in TDM, too, since she was in a scene). as for Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Action, i hope that it would wrap up the season well, introduce the 2 new characters, and explain why the 15 TDI/TDA characters get the compete and if the other 7 get some part of the upcoming season (which i hope ).
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  • Avatar of facebookfan


    [113]Oct 4, 2009
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    The_Cartoon wrote:
    alagaesian wrote:
    No couples? Someone mentioned this a while back...


    Not to mention that there's a possibility of-
    Bridgette, Lindsay, other girls-Alejandro

    I'm just hoping one of the forgotten non-TDA males gets involved with a relationship. Not Cody and Tyler, how have already hooked up or tried to hook up with someone. I'm talking about Noah or Ezekiel. Those people, along with DJ, haven't shown interest in anyone. Come on! I wanna see them fawn over one of the girls...

    Who would have thought that Cody of all people would be involved in a love triangle

    i'd think it would funny if he were in a love triangle, but hopefully Kathie and Cody (and the other new character plus the other non-TDA but TDI and TDM characters) will get more screen time than Gwen (like her, but she did get a lot in both seasons) and characters like Heather and Owen (who also got a lot of screen time in both seasons). and i hope that the Tyler-Lindsey relationship will rekindle, and maybe Izzy-Ezekiel? lol
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  • Avatar of KarmaGoddess11


    [114]Oct 5, 2009
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    TDMe wrote:
    I want a WHOLE new cast for season 4

    Suddenly, all I can think of are the craptastic TDI fanfics full of OCs, RPs, and Mary Sues that are so prevalent on FF.net. A whole new cast would suck, since the original cast is the main thing I enjoy about the series.

    Kathie has the most annoying voice ever. I wanted to stab her in the head with a fork listening to that paperbag line. Still, I'm willing to give her a chance to see how she interacts with Cody, because that seemed promising.

    Alejandro seems like a Justin ripoff. Unless Justin turns out to be a non-bad guy by the end of the season, Alejandro seems like an unnecessary addition.

    Looking forward to Noah and Tyler being back too. Hope Ezekial gets more screentime than expected. If Zeke's character speaks 8 languages, it'd be a total waste for him to go out second during a season where they travel the world. Wish Eva were competing, but at least there was a clip of her in Scotland. Overall, it'a a nice character lineup for the returning contestants.

    I think Beth might win TDA, and not compete in TDM as a result. It's another million dollars, so the prize isn't getting beefed up any. What incentive would the winner have to compete again? Owen traded the $100,000 for a chance at a million. No sense in trading a million for a chance at a million. The winner returning only works if Chris has a clever way of cheating the winner out of their prize this time, or if Courtney won but had to use the entire million to pay off her lawyers. Otherwise there's no reason for the winner to come back for TDM.

    Edited on 10/06/2009 9:24am
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  • Avatar of shishkabob999


    [115]Oct 5, 2009
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    I was thinking about the two new characters:

    If Alejandro is really a rip-off of Justin, how will his being on the same team with Noah and Izzy (who hate Justin) work? Unless he's smart enough to fool Team E-Scope, the parallels will be drawn immediately (especially since he seems to start being "evil" early with getting Leshawna out).

    Is Kathie voiced by the woman who worked with the DeVille mother in Rugrats? That's what she sounds like, and it's bothering me that I can't find either VA's name. Although I do like her, I appreciate the irony of Cody getting smothered by a fangirl.

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  • Avatar of PintheDog


    [116]Oct 5, 2009
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    Someone please provide a link to a trailer or something. I wanna see these new guys.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [117]Oct 5, 2009
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    heres a thought. try the first post! alejandro=justin. so athie is my fav of the two new characters and will give cody enough plot to last to the top 5.
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  • Avatar of The_Cartoon


    [118]Oct 5, 2009
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    PintheDog wrote:
    Someone please provide a link to a trailer or something. I wanna see these new guys.

    You just have to click "Play Video" when you go to the main page.
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  • Avatar of BomberFman34


    [119]Oct 5, 2009
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    Did i completely miss where it says the new girl's name is Kathie? I'm at a total loss here... Where'd everyone see this?
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  • Avatar of somewierdkid


    [120]Oct 5, 2009
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    to be honest, i just thought Kathie was just a demo-name since they didnt actually SAY her name in the trailer.
    yeah...how about the TDM cast be switched up. like instead of only 2 newbies, it's just 2 veterans and the rest are newbies (plus Kathie and Alan.)
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