I think that they might do two episodes based in the Egypt stuff in the beginning of the season because we can see a lot of scenes that would be in this (thouse) episodes.
There is that scene where Duncan, Gwen and Courtney are running in the pyramids, and we can see alejandro, bridgette and Lindsay dong the same later. We see Chris with egyptian's clothes. There's another scene where Kathie hugs Cody and Brigette was smiling to them.
Heather, Cody and Kathi appeared inside a pyramid where a mummy is following them. Cody heads hits a camel's ass. One scene where Gwen, Courtney and Heather are singing and dancing. A camel sits in Chef's head. There's some pics in cake distribution website in TDM's homepage where see Owen, Noah, Cody, Harold, Izzy, DJ and Leshawna apparently inside a pyramid. Another where Gwen, Izzy, Cody...are riding a camel and the last one where Izzy, Owen, Noah, Tyler and Alejandro are rowing a canoe.
IDK ..there's a lot of things about this episode. I think Duncan is going to be eliminated or he will quit in this episode..when he probably discovers that he will have to sing and he doesnt want to.