*returns high-fives*
Looking at the trailer and other promotional photos, there are some weird groupings I've seen that tend to leave some people out.
Yukon Episode: Harold, Duncan, and Zeke are missing
Egypt Episode: Only Zeke missing
Pillbug (???) Circle: Bridgette, Zeke, and Duncan
Free-falling Circle: Zeke and Duncan
Weird, huh? Ezekiel...is pretty much nonexistent in the trailer. The only times I see him are in the passports, when Izzy is on top of him, and a few other random full-group shots. Similar with Duncan: the only two points I see him are with the plane scene, and pyramid-surfing.
Once we get to the other episodes, however, a slightly more select group appears:
Japan: Owen, Izzy, Courtney, Alejandro, Gwen, Harold, LeShawna
New York: Sierra's Team (Team Amazon, I think), Alejandro's Team
If there is going to be an elimination in the first episode, and the Egypt episode is first, then only Zeke and Duncan can get kicked off. Everyone else is seen in other episodes. Likewise, Harold can only be eliminated in the time-frame of the trailer if the Japan episode occurs before either the NYC or Yukon episodes
Although, we can conclude that Izzy, Courtney, Alejandro, and Gwen are safe for at least the first three episodes. Also, it looks as if DJ's team is logically the ONLY team that can experience eliminations in the first three episodes, four if the Japan one isn't the last episode to take place. Unless, of course, Duncan gets attached to a team other than DJ's. Which, if he's going to be put on a team, is likely; he'll go to a team with five members instead of DJ's six.
I know it might seem like overkill to examine the trailer this closely, but that's what I did for TDA. I was able to reason that the no one was eliminated in the first episode, and that the first three to leave were Bridgette, Geoff, and Izzy.