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Does Harold deserve to be picked on by Duncan and Courtney so much?

Does Harold deserve to be picked on so much?

  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [161]Jul 7, 2009
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    imverybasic wrote:

    CrystalCoconut wrote:
    1. Courtney AVOIDED the players. She didnt face everyone because she managed to avoid them all which is what she was supposed to do. Harold also did what she was supposed to do. I never said its a win for courtney I said its a tie 2. Tripple points as in 3 point but even with that much the Bass still wouldnt have won. Yes Harold tried but it still didnt count. 3. Oh please Duncan could have easily got owen out. 4. Because if you watch the episode Bridgette and DJ Get 15 And Duncan and Courtney Get 6 Chris then says in the end the bass win with 21 points. 15 + 6 = 21 Probably some writing mistake with Chris liking it. Like remember when Chris said at one point that that ribs werent that bad and then he said they sucked. Exact same thing. But the score is clear that he got a zero. Asuming they choose random dishes not to scored is crazy.

    1. Well, you can't really consider it a tie. I mean, Courtney avoided all the hunters, but avoiding the deer was only part of the challenge, the other part was not to get shot which is considered to be a more difficult task. It could be a tie at best, but throughout the entire game, it was almost like Courtney never even tried at all. Dodgebrawl has proven that Courtney is not a very good dodger. Yes, she dodged a ball and singlehandedly got Cody out, but that was the only victory that Courtney achieved on her own. She got more outs.

    2. This I don't understand. Courtney was the only one left. At least everyone or almost everyone else faced their fears.

    3. How are you so sure that Duncan could have gotten Owen out? That's just a prediction.

    4. Chris liked the meal. There's nothing more to say. Why would he lie about something just to build Harold's self-esteem? Anyone's self-esteem at that matter? He's a host. His job is to judge contestants based on their individual (and sometimes teamwork) skills and abilities, not to make biased choices. With teamwork, the Gophers were able to assemble an exceptional and maybe the best plate of ribs that anyone has ever enjoyed. Whether or not Owen ate the ribs, he didn't eat them all; the Gophers still had a chance to take the lead with their ribs, but Chris barely approved them.

    Bottom line: Chris is a brutually honest guy and is not one to lie or judge unfairly, just to spare a person's feelings and Courtney's and Owen's dishes have proven that so. Furthermore, whether or not the Killer Bass won the challenge, Harold still did better than Courtney.

    1. Courtney avoided and the deer and didn't get shot.
    She did both of those things.
    Why does it matter how much Courtney tried?
    She still got the most points possible (or no points as in a good thing) for a deer.
    She tried enough to do the right job.
    That's all that's tried
    Notice how Harold tried really in the fear
    And it was a very funny fail.
    She got lucky and avoided all the Goaphers.
    We don't know how hard she truly did try but the facts clearly show she did both parts perfectly and I dont see how its a win for Harold.
    Sorry but I will stay say it's a tie for Courtney and Harold in this.

    2. Harold, Tyler, Bridgette, and Geoff didn't face their fears as well you know.

    3. If Harold could get Owen out I'm pretty sure Duncan could LOL

    4. Ha Ha Ha! Chris is an honest guy ROFL ROFL
    Oh.. Anywayz
    I've said this over and over.
    Dj and Bridgette got 15 points
    Duncan and Courtney got 6.
    Chris says the pass win with 21 points
    15 + 6 = 21
    Probably some writing error of chris saying he liked it.
    They have those a lot.
    So come on it's obvious Harold got a zero.
    Or did Chris choose some random dishes not to be scored?
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    [162]Jul 7, 2009
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    Chris didn't say how much the other team got individually but he gave them a total of 12 and he received Harold dish better so they probably got like 7 or 8 out of that 12, so yeah...

    Anyways in the dodgeball COURTNEY made the whole team wake Duncan up and was the one that actually convinced him to play and he had the strategy that got them 4 wins and down to 1 player, Harold got 1 person out, Courtney contributed more to the win how the hell can they give it to Harold The deer was is a tie, you know when you have to constantly use the words in a sense, we don't know that your reaching, just give it up Harold didn't face his fear, neither did Courtney the fact that Courtney went last shouldn't matter, but the last thing done seems to matter more to you guys for no reason this ones a tie
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  • Avatar of Brodoin15


    [163]Jul 8, 2009
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    Wow, you guys are dead set on proving Harold is a bad player aren't you? Even when evidence that proves you otherwise is right in your face.

    It does not matter if Harold shot one deer, or every deer, he still did his job better. The only reason Courtney didn't get out as a deer was because, no one came after her and hunted her. Had Owen gone for Courtney instead of DJ and Duncan, he may have gotten her out. Obviously.

    Why would Harold knock himself out for real? Are you really serious? Harold obviously was going to try to face his fear. Main point, Harold wanted to face his fear, and Courtney didn't. Even if they still would not have won with triple points, Courtney still costed the team more than Harold. Obviously.

    Even though Owen is a big target for everyone on the team, Owen also got everyone out. Harold was the only one that was left, and actually dodged the same balls that got Courtney and Duncan out. Sure, Duncan may have gotten Owen out if he was lucky, but he can't dodge like that. And yes, Courtney suggested that they wake Duncan, but they ALL agreed on it, even Harold. If that is a point for Courtney, it's a point for the whole team.

    Why would Chris lie on a challenge? Sure, he's a messed up guy, but he is trusted to tell the truth, and the truth is he liked Harold and Sadie's food. It's a challenge, it's dumb to think he'd lie to Harold to make him feel better. He didn't grade it like he did the others, for some reason. He would not have gotten a 0, though. He probably would've gotten an 8.

    Just get over it. Both players have had time in the limelight, but Harold has had it more. He won two challenges, one of them singlehandedly. Courtney, nope not one, helped, but wasn't ever the one to bring the "killing blow" so to speak. In fact, she costed a challenge or two, and Harold never did, not on his very own, anyway.

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    [164]Jul 8, 2009
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    *Nods in agreement*
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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [165]Jul 8, 2009
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    How did Harold do his job better?
    No one came after her if because she hid from all the Gophers which is what she was supposed to do.
    Please explain how Courtney did "bad" as a deer when she managed to hide from all the Gophers and not get shot ounce.
    Owen would have probably NOT caught Courtney.
    Notice how fast she was in TDDDI.
    A lot faster then Duncan and obviously faster then Owen.
    But its just a prediction that she would be caught by Owen.
    How could have Courtney done any better as a deer?
    You people keep saying that Courtney would have done "better" if she was in sight and almost get captured.
    That isn't better.
    She avoided them so she wasn't in sight.
    How did she do "bad"?

    Harold was going to TRY to face his but he didnt did he?
    Courtney didnt single handedly cost the bass the win.
    Chris just let Courtney's fear count for 3 due to the Bass's short player.
    But Harold, Geoff, Bridggette, and Tyler didn't face their fears.
    So it didn't make a difference of Courtney not facing her fear.
    If it did the Bass would have voted her off wouldn't they?

    You do know that Harold was VERY lucky when he caught the ball right?
    "Courtney told everyone they needed Duncan... They all agreed... Its a tie for the whole Bass on this."
    How is agreeing with Courtney a tie for the whole team?
    It was Courtney's idea to put him plus she got the team to actually do it.
    It was probably her idea with the stick thing.
    Plus Courtney got Cody out

    And Harold got Owen out

    They both got one person out (Well Courtney got more with the "Rush the new guy")
    Plus Courtny got Duncan in.

    Tell me how it would be a win for Harold

    Cuz I see it as a tie at best for u Harold fans.

    Hmmm so Chris chose one random dish to not grade?

    It was probably some error Chris saying he liked.

    He said he liked Owen's ribs but he later said they sucked.

    u rlly think chris chose 1 dish not to grade?
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [166]Jul 8, 2009
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    CrystalCoconut wrote:
    How did Harold do his job better? No one came after her if because she hid from all the Gophers which is what she was supposed to do. Please explain how Courtney did "bad" as a deer when she managed to hide from all the Gophers and not get shot ounce. Owen would have probably NOT caught Courtney. Notice how fast she was in TDDDI. A lot faster then Duncan and obviously faster then Owen. But its just a prediction that she would be caught by Owen. How could have Courtney done any better as a deer? You people keep saying that Courtney would have done "better" if she was in sight and almost get captured. That isn't better. She avoided them so she wasn't in sight. How did she do "bad"? Harold was going to TRY to face his but he didnt did he? Courtney didnt single handedly cost the bass the win. Chris just let Courtney's fear count for 3 due to the Bass's short player. But Harold, Geoff, Bridggette, and Tyler didn't face their fears. So it didn't make a difference of Courtney not facing her fear. If it did the Bass would have voted her off wouldn't they? You do know that Harold was VERY lucky when he caught the ball right? "Courtney told everyone they needed Duncan... They all agreed... Its a tie for the whole Bass on this." How is agreeing with Courtney a tie for the whole team? It was Courtney's idea to put him plus she got the team to actually do it. It was probably her idea with the stick thing. Plus Courtney got Cody out And Harold got Owen out They both got one person out (Well Courtney got more with the "Rush the new guy") Plus Courtny got Duncan in. Tell me how it would be a win for Harold Cuz I see it as a tie at best for u Harold fans. Hmmm so Chris chose one random dish to not grade? It was probably some error Chris saying he liked. He said he liked Owen's ribs but he later said they sucked. u rlly think chris chose 1 dish not to grade?

    1. No one came after Courtney because they probably didn't consider her as a threat. Everyone else had a hunter after them. Credit goes to whoever managed to both hide and dodge the shots. Dodging is a harder task. I don't even think Courtney had to hide. If she knew that she wasn't going to captured, she wouldn't of even tried and maybe even sat out the entire challenge. If she was a lot quicker in the special, why couldn't she use those skills during the season.

    2. Courtney cost a MAJOR part of the challenge. Courtney didn't outright refuse the offer, but it's that very reason that Courtney was on the bottom two. She accepted the offer, yet, even after being offered triple points, backed out at the last minute.

    3. Harold lucky? Owen threw a fastball and he caught it. He won for his team. Enough said. If Courtney deserved a point or better yet, if it was supposed to be a tie, why didn't Courtney wake up Duncan herself? Why did she have to get everyone into it? Better yet, she didn't. She went around asking "so, who'd gong to wake him up?"

    4. Chris did not say that the ribs sucked. He said "I've seen worse." That doesn't mean that the ribs sucked, just that Owen should have eaten them.

    Let's just lock this thread and that's it. I'm done arguing.

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  • Avatar of Brodoin15


    [167]Jul 8, 2009
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    How can Courtney be good in the deer challenge? No one even hunted her! Let alone shoot at her! She didn't have to hide or dodge anyone.

    She costed a major part of the challenge, as stated by imverybasic. Main point being, Harold wanted to do it, Courtney did not. How is that not even half a point to Harold? If it was the other way around you would be saying this.

    She tried to get Harold to wake Duncan up, she didn't try it first. They ALL had to wake him. Just because she was the first to suggest it, doesn't mean she was the only one thinking it. They all quickly agreed, so they must have been all thinking of it.

    Why do I keep having to say this? Chris liked the dish! It was probably a goof or typo for the show, not Chris himself. Jeez. Courtney and Duncan got a 6, a not bad, but he openly said he liked Sadie's and Harold's dish, which is at least an 8, a great.

    Why is it so hard to accept that Harold is better than Courtney? Most of the other players are better than Courtney, including Harold. This is completely off topic, and I don't like constantly repeating myself, and I'm sure the others on the same side as me are too. We are giving out undeniable facts. You are just in denial in accepting them.

    Edited on 07/08/2009 11:26am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [168]Jul 8, 2009
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    1. If Courtney wasnt a threat to the Gophers then everyone would have gone after her. This made no sense what u just said. There were probably some hunters the looked for her but couldn't find her cuz she good at hiding. She hid from all the Gopher hunters.
    Dodgeing is harder yes.
    But dodgeing is also closer to costing the game.
    So therefore if you can hide without getting shot you are the better deer.
    And Courtney did just that.

    2. If she did the challenge the Bass still wouldnt have won.
    Chris gave her that offer cuz the Bass had a smaller team.
    But since most the team did not face their fears already it wouldnt have made a difference.

    3. Actually the goof or the typo of the show was Chris saying he liked the anti-pasto.
    Look at what happened with the rips line
    "You know what? I've had worse!"
    Heather then ask's if it's over.
    "It is the Bass win 21 to 12 and it's not just cuz I almost died the ribs sucked to"
    Exact same thing with Harold.
    Harold's anti-pasto obviously actually sucked.
    Cuz Harold got a zero.

    Actually Courtney in the 2nd best player on the Bass team
    U just like Harold and can strongly relate to him.
    Therefore you are defending like this.
    And for me this is FUN
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    [169]Jul 8, 2009
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    1. If Courtney wasnt a threat to the Gophers then everyone would have gone after her. This made no sense what u just said. There were probably some hunters the looked for her but couldn't find her cuz she good at hiding. She hid from all the Gopher hunters. Dodgeing is harder yes. But dodgeing is also closer to costing the game. So therefore if you can hide without getting shot you are the better deer. And Courtney did just that.

    She didn't hide from anyone, she was stuck to Duncan for at least half the game, out in the open. Just because she didn't get shot doesn't mean she was hiding. Besides, Owen was the only one really trying for his team on this one, as a Hunter anyway. She did not hide from anyone, she didn't do anything, she does not deserve any credit. Had she dodged the heck out of Owen's shots, then yes, I would give this to her, but she didn't. She didn't do anything but get the head-gear stuck on Duncan's.

    2. If she did the challenge the Bass still wouldnt have won. Chris gave her that offer cuz the Bass had a smaller team. But since most the team did not face their fears already it wouldnt have made a difference.

    I know that. I am just saying that since Harold tried to face his fear of Ninja, he deserves a little credit, whereas Courtney didn't try to face her fear. She just gave up.

    3. Actually the goof or the typo of the show was Chris saying he liked the anti-pasto. Look at what happened with the rips line "You know what? I've had worse!" Heather then ask's if it's over. "It is the Bass win 21 to 12 and it's not just cuz I almost died the ribs sucked to" Exact same thing with Harold. Harold's anti-pasto obviously actually sucked. Cuz Harold got a zero.

    Chris said: "This anti-pasto passes the test-o." Or something like that. He obviously liked it. Liked it more than Duncan's and Courtney's dish. I don't know what points it got and why it was not added on. That is the goof. They would not goof up a whole line and say Chris liked it when he doesn't. He did like it. Harold and Sadie did better than Courtney and Duncan on that part. As to why they did not get graded, I don't know. That is obviously the goof of this episodes.

    Actually Courtney in the 2nd best player on the Bass team U just like Harold and can strongly relate to him. Therefore you are defending like this. And for me this is FUN

    Courtney cannot be the second best. She is unpopular with her team, even Lindsay knows that. The only one who likes her was Duncan, the rest probably just thought she was ok. Plus she lost challenges with her bossing around. Harold won challenges on his own, with his own skills. I'm not saying she was the worst on her team, but she is not the second best.

    Harold, on the other hand, is at least in the top 5.

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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [170]Jul 8, 2009
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    1. Courtney hid from a lot from the Gophers and she got attahed to Duncan at the last second. You just told a lie about the half of she did was get stuck to Duncan. The whole time Owen could not find her obviously that proves Courtney was a great hider.
    If courtney did bad at hiding Owen would have founded her. 2. No Harold does not deserve credit for trying to face his fear.
    It got no gain for the team.
    "That is the goof. They would not goof up a whole line and say Chris liked it when he doesn't. He did like"
    They had a goof with Chris liking the ribs. Why is it all of a sudden an exception for The writters make tons of little goof up's like that.
    But when it comes to who wins and how they win and what the points are.
    The writters are ALWAYS right.
    Tell me when a team has won on a goof? Never
    But there are tons of other goofs and Chris liking Harold's food was obviously just another one.
    Want proof?
    Harold got a 0.

    3. We are talking about last season here.
    Duncan, Bridgette, and LeShawna.
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    [171]Jul 8, 2009
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    I give up.

    I'll leave you with your denial, dude.

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    [172]Jul 8, 2009
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    Brodoin15 wrote:

    I give up.

    I'll leave you with your denial, dude.

    I thought you were in denial 0.o
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    [173]Jul 8, 2009
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    I'm not in denial.

    Why would I be in denial when those of us on Harold's side have 100% facts that prove Harold is better than Courtney.

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  • Avatar of NejiShikamaru


    [174]Jul 8, 2009
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    This is exactly why I stopped arguing with him. He won't listen, he uses the same info, and even enjoys throwing in some hypotheticals...trying to use hypotheticals to try and give Courtney more points.
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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [175]Jul 8, 2009
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    Brodoin15 wrote:

    I'm not in denial.

    Why would I be in denial when those of us on Harold's side have 100% facts that prove Harold is better than Courtney.

    Yes 100%
    Harold wins when he gets 0's in challenges....
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    [176]Jul 8, 2009
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    lol Harold fans are in such denial, Courtney was a better dodgeball player overall then Harold, he caught 1 ball and barely Courtney competed throughout the games and turned the tables by getting Duncan in the game you say Harold why but you don't give a decent reason, he made 1 play how is that a win 1 play, 1 out, that's not a win in a 5 on 5 contest out of 5 1 out isn't a win it sucks bottom line Harold LOSSES there is no room for argument here, he did do good yes, but he didn't do more or better then Courtney Now the Deer one, Courtney alluded capture and sight(which is the point) and your saying IF someone saw her she probably would of gotten out (which you don't know) you can balme it all you want but she got a point that another person may not have, Harold on the other hand got a point (ASUMMING it wasn't Bridgette that made the shot) that someone else would have got if he wasn't there, since they both got a point I call it a tie, but Harold didn't really do anything, and yes neither did Courtney but her job was to do nothing but stay out of sight and she did The fears one, they both failed, Harold knocked himself out (I would make that a - instead of a 0 but you guys make it a plus...) and Courtney was trying to face her fear but didn't after Duncan said it was okay if she didn't (because they didn't really mind voting Harold off) so both failed it a tie

    you guys are just randomly giving points to Harold, I can do the opposite and make it sound like Courtney won everything but I be fair and make it a tie, why don't you try being fair
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    [177]Jul 9, 2009
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    I've just noticed, has anyone taken note to what he's done in TDA? Courtney hasn't been there, but at least Harold isn't a total failure.

    He saved everyone's lives in Masters of Disasters.

    He kicked 4 people's butts with a pair of 'Num-Yos' in Full Metal Drama.

    The only episode I can think of where he epically failed was Alien Resurr-egg-tion. Everywhere else, he's been pretty much neutral. He hasn't done anything especially good, but nothing especially bad either. (Except for maybe Beach Blanket Bogus.)
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    [178]Jul 9, 2009
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    We can't compare Harold in TDA cuz Courtney wasn't in it for most the time.
    And if we compared Courtney vs. Harold in Ocean's Eight or Nine.
    Courtney would probably win because she made her team "Almost" win.
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    [179]Jul 9, 2009
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    Please move all Harold v Courtney stuff to the new topic I had made. It'll make things go a lot smoother, and only concern this topic with whether or not Harold should be picked on by Courtney and Duncan.
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    [180]Jul 9, 2009
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    He should be he deserves it, he's a cheater and annoying and pretends to be smart when he's not and lies about his abilities
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