pooldude256 wrote: |
I find this thread extremely funny. I'm not sure if people are more ignorant here or stupid. More than half the people saying Avatar sucks have never even seen an episode, only the previews. Avatar is a one-of-a-kind show. It has a lot of different influences and is really UNLIKE anything else we've seen on TV before. It has real Kung Fu, characters dying while others develop and plenty of mystery, action, comedy and drama mixed in. Spongebob was once a show of comedic genuis. But time has passed, writers have moved on, and the show is not as great as it once was. It still has many great episodes I enjoy watching, and it's on my TV.com favorites. People, grow up. I find it sad people can't have a logical discussion about two TV shows without having someone say "This show totally sucks, I've never seen an episode, but it sucks." Both Spongebob and Avatar are good shows in my opinion. NO ONE should be posting in this thread if they haven't watched at least a few episodes of each. |
Right on,brother.