DanSandwichBoy wrote: |
"The King of Omashu" "The Blue Spirit" |
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
DanSandwichBoy wrote: |
"The King of Omashu" "The Blue Spirit" |
tomtitan wrote: |
i have an idea, let's make our own abridged series episodes, it' like a fanficfic! ep 6 aang: i'm bored, let's goof off! sokka: aren't you concerned that you only have a few months to master 3 elements? aang: ...o shi-! we'll never make it to the north pole in time! aww if only there was a waterbending teacher on this bison who culd teach me right now. katara: hey aang i could teach you aang: i only there was someone katara: what about- aang: quiet katara i'm thinking! katara: ME MORON! aang: right, i guess we should start training! *training montague* narrator: one training montague later... katara: you must've cheated! there's no way a bald punk like you could outbend me! aang: ..sorry sokka: i'm hungry, let's go into town, what do you say pedro? momo: si si hungry! *in town* aang: oh look! a plot solving whistle! *buys bison whistle* katara: OMG! the latest edition of the naruto manga! yoink! *swipes scroll* run! *they all run away from the pirates* *later* sokka: great we almost get killed because you wanted to read about some ninja! katara: oh no! this isn't naruto! this is... a plot relevant item! all: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! *later* iroh: alright alright ya viny putz, we'll get your stinkin emo band CD! zuko: yay! pirate: that bald kid with an arrow on his head stole our issue 1 of naruto! iroh: uuh... zuko? zuko: not now uncle! i'm looking for my nightwish CD! pirate: if only there were some banished fire nation prince to find the kid for us iroh: zuko? zuko: NOT NOW UNCLE! iroh: ZUKO YA SCHMUCK! LISTEN TO THE PIRATES! pirate: stupid bald arrow kid! zuko: i know! i'll use these pirates to help me capture the avatar! it's a great plan! and i thought of it all by myself! iroh: yeah yer a regular einstein now let's go! *later* katara: well if it's not my manga i mightaswell learn waterbending from it *whole kidnap scene etc etc* zuko: if you give me the avatar, i'll give you your necklace! katara: why are you speaking so suggestively? zuko: because if i do the fans will think we're together and i really really want it and i *goes off into whiny rant* katara: ...loser aang: don't worry katara, we'll save you! sokka: how? we're tied up too! aang: i know, i wanted to sound heroic! zuko: the avatar! now i will fight him to restore my honour! *fight scene, ending with them about to fall off teh waterfall* sokka: oh great! of all the deaths we could've had, we have to have this one! curse you cliches! katara: we're all going to die! aang: not for long! plot resolving bison whistle, activate! *appa appears out of nowhere* aang: thankyou plot solving whistle! sokka: so, what was teh moral of this story again? aang: don't steal? katara: no, we stole from pirates, doesn't count aang: i've got it! plot devices for teh win! sokka: amen brother! amen! then they do the jet episode but i don't want to do that now. |
Spacerac wrote: | ||
![]() |
tomtitan wrote: | ||
well if he steals it he'd better improve it, if this is the finished result i'll be very dissapointed! seriously though, i'd be flattered. but he probably has something similar planned anyway. |
Spacerac wrote: | ||||
tomtitan wrote: | ||||||
if people stop watching him because he makes fun of their ship, that's just sad, he bashes kataang, he hasn't had a chance to bash zutara yet, and i'm sure he will because there's too many comedic opportunities in that scene to be left out, if he doesn't make any references to the fact that people think this scene is 'evidence' for zutara he's missed out, which is a shame for him. |
Spacerac wrote: | ||||||||
the1stavatar wrote: |
"Who made these ships?" *in studio* Aang: So...who really made these ships. Sokka: I dunno. Katara: Who knows. Hey toph, where are you? Toph: How the heck do you work this thing? *toph is infront of a computer* *toph starts hiting random buttons* Katara: TOPH! Toph: All right, all right. God. *hits a random button and leaves* *later, in a forum* Forum Member A: What....what's this? algkjlajgl typed a new message. {Note: That's Toph, but she doesn't know it} *post says: Zutaang* Forum Member A: That's it. THAT'S IT! PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! LET THERE BE ZUTAANG! I'VE SEEN THE LIGHT, AND I'VE SEEN PROOF, PROOF! *studio* Aang: So we'll never know huh? Sokka: Nope. Haru: Hey! algkjlajgl posted that my sexymustash isn't sexy! VENGENGES! Mustash: I am too sexy! *sings* I'm too sexy for my hair, too sexy for my hair, Watch, this will really, really hurt! *rips self off haru* Haru:AHHH! *gaang facepalms* Aang: Why the heck are we letting a mustash be the main character of this? Sokka: We need a new main character. Aang: Let's let the readers decide! Sokka: Ok! A) Iroh's Buff Body B) Zuko's Fangirl Loved Hair C) Aang's Arrow |
MarioMario54321 wrote: | ||
It's all clumped together! |
Falcondude123 wrote: |
Aang: Oh, look! It's...who is that person again? Taang: I'm Ms. Taang! The beautiful yet underrated fictional representative of a beautiful yet underrated fictional ship between two beautiful yet underrated avatar characters! Toph: Hmmm...'taang'...Daang! so it's me and Aang, huh? I wanted sokka... Aang: What? What's wrong with ME?? Toph: *sighs* you're too short and bald for me, kid. Try your luck with Katara. Aang: I already did. For three seasons. *sigh* Taang: That's why I'M here! you two have become what we in the shipping business call 'leftovers'! You're all that remains from the aftermath of the shipping wars! But since all is fair in love and war, it's only fair that you two have someone to fall in love with! Unfortunately, it will have to be with eachother, since no one else is left. Toph: But, we aren't even in love! Taang: No worries, my sweet! Just drink thisss magic potion and you WILL be! Aang: Wait, this potions half gone already! Taang: Mmm-hmm. We had to give some to Teo and Smellerbee! Aang: Well, what the heck? *drinks* ...whoa! Toph! I never realized you were sooo beautiful!! *drools* Toph: 0_0... ...GIVE ME THAT POTION!! *smashes it into the ground* Taang: Oh, dear! You broke my bottle! Toph: I don't care! I'm not gonna let chemicals dictate my emotions! It's ridiculous!! Aang: Wow! You are soo attractive when you're angry! Toph: Get away from me!! *runs away, Aang chases* Taang: *unzips costume to reveal Haru* Aww, yesss, another happy couple thanks to the sexyfine miracles of Haruuu!!!...Now to have some fun with Earth-King and his sexyfine bear! PurrRRRRrrrr!! |
SalFishFin wrote: |
*gloats about winning the "Last" war* |
Falcondude123 wrote: |
Aang: Oh, look! It's...who is that person again? Taang: I'm Ms. Taang! The beautiful yet underrated fictional representative of a beautiful yet underrated fictional ship between two beautiful yet underrated avatar characters! Toph: Hmmm...'taang'...Daang! so it's me and Aang, huh? I wanted sokka... Aang: What? What's wrong with ME?? Toph: *sighs* you're too short and bald for me, kid. Try your luck with Katara. Aang: I already did. For three seasons. *sigh* Taang: That's why I'M here! you two have become what we in the shipping business call 'leftovers'! You're all that remains from the aftermath of the shipping wars! But since all is fair in love and war, it's only fair that you two have someone to fall in love with! Unfortunately, it will have to be with eachother, since no one else is left. Toph: But, we aren't even in love! Taang: No worries, my sweet! Just drink thisss magic potion and you WILL be! Aang: Wait, this potions half gone already! Taang: Mmm-hmm. We had to give some to Teo and Smellerbee! Aang: Well, what the heck? *drinks* ...whoa! Toph! I never realized you were sooo beautiful!! *drools* Toph: 0_0... ...GIVE ME THAT POTION!! *smashes it into the ground* Taang: Oh, dear! You broke my bottle! Toph: I don't care! I'm not gonna let chemicals dictate my emotions! It's ridiculous!! Aang: Wow! You are soo attractive when you're angry! Toph: Get away from me!! *runs away, Aang chases* Taang: *unzips costume to reveal Haru* Aww, yesss, another happy couple thanks to the sexyfine miracles of Haruuu!!!...Now to have some fun with Earth-King and his sexyfine bear! PurrRRRRrrrr!! |
tomtitan wrote: | ||
it's annoying because the last post said 'i'm going to stop trying'! |
tomtitan wrote: |
i have an idea, let's make our own abridged series episodes, it' like a fanficfic! ep 6 aang: i'm bored, let's goof off! sokka: aren't you concerned that you only have a few months to master 3 elements? aang: ...o shi-! we'll never make it to the north pole in time! aww if only there was a waterbending teacher on this bison who culd teach me right now. katara: hey aang i could teach you aang: i only there was someone katara: what about- aang: quiet katara i'm thinking! katara: ME MORON! aang: right, i guess we should start training! *training montague* narrator: one training montague later... katara: you must've cheated! there's no way a bald punk like you could outbend me! aang: ..sorry sokka: i'm hungry, let's go into town, what do you say pedro? momo: si si hungry! *in town* aang: oh look! a plot solving whistle! *buys bison whistle* katara: OMG! the latest edition of the naruto manga! yoink! *swipes scroll* run! *they all run away from the pirates* *later* sokka: great we almost get killed because you wanted to read about some ninja! katara: oh no! this isn't naruto! this is... a plot relevant item! all: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! *later* iroh: alright alright ya viny putz, we'll get your stinkin emo band CD! zuko: yay! pirate: that bald kid with an arrow on his head stole our issue 1 of naruto! iroh: uuh... zuko? zuko: not now uncle! i'm looking for my nightwish CD! pirate: if only there were some banished fire nation prince to find the kid for us iroh: zuko? zuko: NOT NOW UNCLE! iroh: ZUKO YA SCHMUCK! LISTEN TO THE PIRATES! pirate: stupid bald arrow kid! zuko: i know! i'll use these pirates to help me capture the avatar! it's a great plan! and i thought of it all by myself! iroh: yeah yer a regular einstein now let's go! *later* katara: well if it's not my manga i mightaswell learn waterbending from it *whole kidnap scene etc etc* zuko: if you give me the avatar, i'll give you your necklace! katara: why are you speaking so suggestively? zuko: because if i do the fans will think we're together and i really really want it and i *goes off into whiny rant* katara: ...loser aang: don't worry katara, we'll save you! sokka: how? we're tied up too! aang: i know, i wanted to sound heroic! zuko: the avatar! now i will fight him to restore my honour! *fight scene, ending with them about to fall off teh waterfall* sokka: oh great! of all the deaths we could've had, we have to have this one! curse you cliches! katara: we're all going to die! aang: not for long! plot resolving bison whistle, activate! *appa appears out of nowhere* aang: thankyou plot solving whistle! sokka: so, what was teh moral of this story again? aang: don't steal? katara: no, we stole from pirates, doesn't count aang: i've got it! plot devices for teh win! sokka: amen brother! amen! then they do the jet episode but i don't want to do that now. |
Spacerac wrote: | ||||
Reverse Psychology FTW!