^True dat!
The REAL reason Zuko didn't talk to Mai in The invasion rather than leave her a note:
Zuko: Mai, I'm leaving.
Mai: *shocked* Leaving?
Zuko: *sighs* Howe much longer could I stay here? Any day now, my father's gonna find out I didn't kill the Avatar, and then what?
Mai: Ok...I'll come with you!
Zuko: Where I'm going isn't good for you.
Mai: *starts to say something but is interrupted by a huge crash*
Stephenie Meyer: *pissed* Ok, who stole some lines from MY book?!
Everyone: *points to the director*
Stephenie: *seeths* You! *starts walking towards the director*
Director: *sweatdrop* Um....I'm sorry, I- it's just that...you're so inspirational! I wanted to use something from New Moon!
Director: *trembling* I'M SORRY! *begins crying*
Stephenie: Sorry doesn't cut it. You're gonna pay! *turns around and whistles loudly*
(The Cullens, Bella, and Jake all appear)
Aang: O_O Who the he** are they?
Stephenie: GET HIM!
Emmett: *tackles the director to the ground* *chuckles evilly*
Director: *scared* Help...me!
Emmett: I'ma suck your blood! Mwahahahahaha!
Alice: Um...Emmett, you may want to get off him...
Emmett: Why? *feels a wet spot* O_O OH MY GOD! *jumps up* F***! SICK!
Katara: O_O Nice lungs...*looks at Emmett dreamily* And body...
Rosalie: Back off, b***! He's mine!
Katara: *brandishes water whip* says who?
Rosalie: Um...me, his wife!
Katara: O_O Oh...heh...sorry...
Edward: So, what do we do with this line-stealing b**&****?
Jake: I say we rip his arms off!
Jasper: Yeah!
Jake: I'll do it!
Edward: No, I'm the main male character, I'll do it!
Jake: But you already took the love of my life away from me, so I want to do it!
Edward: I'll do it! *grabs one of the Director's arms*
Jake: I'll do it! *pulls on other arm*
Edward: Me!
Jake: ME!
*they both continue to play tug of war until both the Director's arms come off* *blood spills everywhere*
Jasper: O_O Must...resist...human,..blood! *eye twitches* Not...resisting...well!
Emmett: *sigh* I'm on it. *picks Jasper up and they leave*
Alice: *holding nose* D***, I should've seen this coming! *runs after Jasper and Emmett*
Katara: *sigh* I'll heal him... *heals the director' stumpy arms*
Bella: O_O How...did...you...do...that?
Katara: I'm a waterbender. I have healing abilities.
Bella: *impressed* Wow. Don't let the Volturi know that.
Katara: ...Say what?
Bella: The vampire royal family. They're obsessed with people with...special abilities.
Katara: Ahh. *nods* Are they the bad guys?
Bella: Somewhat.
Katara: Ok, thanks for the warning.
Bella: No prob!
Rosalie: *bored* Ok, guys, we got our revenge. Can we please go?
Azula: Walks through door* ZUKO! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!
Zuko: O_O What'd I do?!
Azula: Nothing. Just a code I live by.
Bella: *to Katara* who's that?
Katara: *seething* Azula...
Bella: o.o Evil, I'm guessing?
Katara: Oh...yeah.
Azula: *starts to generate her lightning*
Zuko: *yawns, redirects Azula's lightning*
Everyone: O_O WTF?
Alice: *runs in* The Volturi are coming! The Volturi are coming!
Aro: *kicks door down* Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Aro!
Bella: AAH! *hides behind Katara* Rarw! I'ma suck your blood! *pretends to suck Katara's blood*
Katara: *playing along* No! Agh...can't...breath! *keels over*
Edward: *smacks forehead* Very convincing...
Aro: *(whining* Edward! When are you going to turn Bella into a vampirrrrrre?
Jasper: *comes up behind Aro*

Edward: Never.
Aro: *still whining* Whyyyyyy?
Edward: Because...you suck.
Aro: Whyyyyyy?
Edward: Because you're emo.
Aro: No, I'm nooooooootttttt.
Ozai: *barges in* WTF is going on?
Bella: *thinking fast* *points to Aro* That guy's trying to overthrow you!
Edward: *catches on* Yeah! I'll leave you to deal with him. *grabs Bella and runs*
Alice: Well, there's nothing to do around here. I'm gonna go. *runs*
Jasper: Uh, me too! *runs*
Emmett and Rose: Us three! *run*
Aang: Um...I think we can go back to shooting the episode now...
All: Yeah...right...yeah...
long, I know. XD