"The Southern Raiders"
(Azula appears at the Western Air Temple raid)
Zuko: What are you doing here?
Azula: You mean, it isn't obvious yet? I'M ABOUT TO CELEBRATE BEING AN ONLY CHILD! (laughs like the Mark Hamill Joker)
Zuko: (to himself) Yep, that's one sure sign your sister's completely off her rocker; when she laughs like a homicidal clown.
(Azula and Zuko fall of the airship, but the GAang catches Zuko)
Zuko: She's not gonna make it. (Azula tries to propell herself to safety but misses and falls into the abyss) Wow, I was right.
Director: Cut! Go unfreeze one of her clones.
Sokka: (raises glass) To Zuko. Who knew after all those times he tried to snuff us out, today he'd be our hero?
Gaang except Zuko and Katara: (toast to him) Here here!
Zuko: I'm touched. I don't deserve this.
Katara: (crossly) Yeah. No kidding. (walks away)
Sokka: What's with her?
Zuko: The Zutarians have been extra tough on us, and Katara's taking it out on me.
Sokka: (suggestively) Well, hellooo... (turns around and sees Zuko)
Zuko: (disturbed) Tell me this wasn't in the script.
Director: It is now.
Aang: Katara, you sound like Jet.
Katara: This is different. Jet attacked the innocent; this man is a monster.
Sokka: Katara, this was my mother too, but I think Aang might be right.
Katara: Then you didn't love her the way I did!
Katara: Sokka!
Katara: Sokka?
Katara: (hugs) There, there. I'm sorry. That was mean of me.
Sokka: You know, you're pretty wise for a kid.
Aang: Thanks, Sokka.
Sokka: Usually it's pretty annoying, but right now, I'm impressed.
Aang: (_(* I appreciate that.
Sokka: So... can I borrow Momo for a week?
Aang: Why do you need Momo?
Sokka: Poker night. He's my good luck charm.
Aang: You mean, you get him to spy on the others' decks for you.
Sokka: 9_9; I never said that.
(Katara waterbends the recordkeeper's ink onto his map, but she overshoots and stains the recordkeeper's shirt)
Recordkeeper: Aww... that was my best shirt!
Zuko: (wakes up Katara and hands her a telescope) There. See those sea raven flags? That's the Southern Raiders.
Katara: Let's Bloo this!
Zuko: ._.; Have you been watching Foster's again?
Katara: Sorry.
Zuko: Don't lie! You look her in the eye and you tell me you don't remember what you did!
Katara: (bloodbends the SR leader into a position where she can look him in the eyes, stares intently into them... and then busts up laughing) I'm sorry! Let me try that again!
Yon Rha: I did a bad thing, I know I did. And you deserve revenge. So why don't you take my mother? That would be fair.
Mrs. Rha: (appears from behind) WHAT!? You were going to hand me over to save your worthless life!? (starts whacking him with a stick) I always knew raising you was a waste of my time!
Zuko: Wow. No wonder he grew to be so messed up.
(sorry if that one offended anyone...)
"The Ember Island Players"
Katara actor: An Airbender! I'm so full of hope, it's making me tearbend!
Sokka actor: And my stomach so empty, it's making me tearbend!
Zuko: (sotto) And this scene's so pathetic, it's making me tearbend.
Iroh actor: Zuko, you must try this cake.
Zuko actor: I don't have time to stuff my face with cake. I must capture the Avatar and reclaim my honor!
Iroh actor: (yittish accent) Oy vey! Enough with the emo already!
Blue Spirit actor: I am the Blue Spirit, scourge of the Fire Nation, here to save the Avatar!
(after a fight between the Blue Spirit and Zuko actors with pathetically fake fire, Aang actor jumps lovingly onto the Blue Spirit actor)
Aang actor: My hero!
Zukaanger: (jumps out of the audience) Proof! Zukaang is real!
Director: CUT! Who let that nutcase on the set!?
Zuko actor: Wait! I thought you were the Avatar's girl!
Katara actor: The Avatar? Why, he's like a little brother to me! I certainly don't think of him in a romantic sort of way!
Zutarian: (jumps out of the audience) Aha! Kataangers, eat your heart out!
Director: Grrr... THAT'S IT! Throw all the shippers out of here!
Finale bloopers will come later.