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episode 28- the yacht party (create-an-episode!)

  • Avatar of jojo2014


    [81]Jul 27, 2008
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    also,not trying to be mean or rude but, geoff is in the woods with bridgette and heather gets sick also.just saying
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  • Avatar of toucansquak7


    [83]Jul 28, 2008
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    Well Geoff and Bridgette have to go to the hospital too. OK?

    Geoff: Ugh... Man down

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    [84]Jul 28, 2008
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    How about they swim to a hospital?
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    [85]Jul 28, 2008
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    how about they find a canoe and they are split up into pairs.

    bridgette and geoff are in the same canoe.

    bridgette: i dont want to talk to you right now ok geoff.

    geoff:the only thing i can tell you is that in my dream you were the one that i loved.


    geoff:yeah i mean your the only girl for me.

    they start making out.

    harold:can you guys start paddling you two are ijured too you know.

    geoffh yeah i guess we should.

    they reach the hospital.

    geoff:well who should go first.

    lashawna:uh boy i think you should go your still bleeding.

    geoffh yeah.

    everyone waits in the waiting room.

    bridgette:whats taking so long?

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    [86]Jul 28, 2008
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    Cody: I'm next.

    Beth: After Cody. Noah's after me.

    Sorry its too short.

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  • Avatar of lilypop10111


    [87]Jul 28, 2008
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    Geoff soon walked out with a bandage.

    Cody walks in.

    Bridgette: What took so long?

    Geoff: No idea.

    Bridgette: oh who cares i'm just glad your alright.

    She hugs him.

    Cody check out and soon heres an explosion.

    All the girls scream.

    Justin just smiles and looks in the mirror. He screams horrified at what he finds.

    Noah drop the book he is reading while waiting for his turn.

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    [88]Jul 28, 2008
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    Cody came out with a full body cast.

    Cody: Hey guys!

    Beth: My turn!

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    [89]Jul 28, 2008
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    beth goes in.

    heather: what happened in there?

    cody: i dont know one minute he was checking my wounds then i was knocked out by part of the roof falling on my by the explosion.

    geoff: hey bridge you dont look so good.

    bridgette: i dont feel good either i think im gonna

    she runs to the nearest bathroom and pukes.geoff knocks on the door but no answer.

    geoff:bridgette are you ok in there.


    she pukes again.geoff breaks down the door and sees bridgette pale.

    geoff:help! help! we have an emergency over here.

    the paramedics take her in.

    geoff:dont worry everythings gonna be fine.

    his hand lets go of bridgettes and they take her to intensive care.

    beth comes out with a neck brace.

    cody: what happened to you.

    beth: they said i had a neck problem so they opperated on me and now i have to wear this neck brace so i dont chew on the scar.

    gwen:geoff dont worry everythings gonna be find with bridgette.

    geoff: i dont know i mean i hope for the best but with these doctors who knows.

    gwen: i guess your right well hope for the best its my turn.

    gwen goes in to see the doctor.

    geoff is seen talking to a picture of bridgette.

    geoff: dont worry everythings gonna be ok. right everything is always ok.

    just then the doctor that is treating bridgette comes out.

    geoff: is bridgette ok?

    what will happen next is she ok,is she dead,hopefully not,will geoff see here ever again?

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    [90]Jul 28, 2008
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    Doctor: Define... okay

    Geoff: ummm..................................

    Duncan: this might take a while

    Everyone agrees.

    Quite some time later

    Geoff: .................................................................................................

    Courtney: Can she leave?

    Doctor wakes up and looks at her in confusion

    Courtney: CAN SHE LEAVE!

    Doctor: oh yeah yeah

    Geoff: ... Good! What was wrong with her?

    Bridgette who came out about minute ago with out anyone noticing: It was something I ate or something.

    Duncan rolls his eyes not caring what was going on.

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    [91]Jul 29, 2008
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    geoff:bridgette!!!your alive and look not sick.

    bridgette:well i knew i could make it thanks to you.

    geoff hugs bridgette,they kiss and then sit in the corner talking.

    duncan:wow those two reaally love each other.

    gwen: yeah theyre probably gonna end up getting married.


    duncan:yes finaly

    gwen: what do you think bridgette and geoff talk about.

    trent: i dont know probably something stupid.

    gwen:yes finally.

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    [92]Jul 29, 2008
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    Geoff: So what are dolphins like?

    Bridgette: There interesting.

    Geoff: Cool.

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    [93]Jul 29, 2008
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    goeff:well i was wondering if sometime when were all cured that, maybe you and i could go swimming with dolphins, i mean if you want.

    bridgette:yeah id like that but where are we gonna go.

    geoff: oh dont worry about that i already got our tickets and itll just be us and the dolphins.

    grodgette:wow really.sounds great you know dolphins are my favorite animal.

    geoff:yes! i had a feeling it was thats why i got you this

    just then gwen comes out.she has a big bandage on her head.

    trent:what happened.

    gwen:well i had a big gash on my head so i got 70 stiches.

    trentuch that must of hurt.

    gwenh yeah.hey whats geoff giving bridgette.

    geoffs present to bridgette was a...

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    [94]Jul 29, 2008
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    Geoffs present to bridgette was a, Considering how bad he is at flirting and slight blondness, A t-shirt with a dolphin and a ticket to sea world to see shamu.

    Bridgette: Wow... That all i can say... well actually I can add that shamu... is a whale

    Geoff looks at her confused for a few minutes then says: oh

    Lindsay: wow even I new that

    Everyone: You Did?

    She nodds

    Courtney: Then what are we talking about?

    Lindsay: Shamu... the whale... at sea world

    Leshawna: I think that blast knocked some sense in to that girl

    Cody: Maybe

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  • Avatar of toucansquak7


    [95]Jul 29, 2008
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    Noah: I'm next.

    Noah walks in

    Noah comes out with a neck brace.

    Courtney: Lets play 7 minutes in heaven and spin the bottle.

    Justin: At the same time?

    Courtney: Yes.

    Duncan: OK eye candy, you heard the woman.

    Everybody starts paddling back.

    Courtney: Ready to play?

    Eva: yes?

    Courtney: Who wants to go first?

    Justin: I will.

    Justin spins and it lands on Courtney.

    Sadie: No way, Boyfriend, Spin again.

    Justin: no!

    Sadie: Oh all right.

    Duncan: Just kiss already!

    Justin and Courtney kiss.

    Heather: Who goes next?

    Katie: I will.

    Katie spins the bottle.

    It lands between Ezekiel and Duncan.

    Courtney: New rule: If it lands between 2 people, You have to kiss them both.

    Katie: Ewww!

    Ezekiel and Duncan: Come here baby!

    Tyler: Man that's just harsh!

    Katie kisses Ezekiel and feels something gooey and soft on his lip.

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    [96]Jul 29, 2008
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    katie:ewww! whats on your lip.

    ezekiel:uhh nothing.

    katie then kisses duncan.

    katie:eww gross.ok whos next.

    geoff:ill go.

    he spins and it lands between bridgette and heather.

    geoff:what i have to kiss that thing.

    heather:excuse me i have a name.

    geoff:whatever lets just get it over with so i can go with my girl.

    they kiss and bridgette slaps heather.

    heather:what was that for?

    bridgette:that was for trying to break us up.

    geoff:well while you guys spin the bottle me and bridge will be playin 7 minutes in heaven well be in the bathroom.

    they are now at a hotel in orlando.

    geoffhh by the way heather your a horrible kisser.

    bridgette starts to laugh.

    heatherk whos next.

    beth: ill go.

    she spins the bottle and it lands on noah.

    noah:yay me lets get this over with.

    meanwhile in the bathroom.

    geoff:hey you know we can go to sea world right now if you want.

    bridgette: yeah lets get out of here.

    they leave the room without no one noticing.the arrive at sea world.

    geoff:well lets swim with dolphins then.

    bridgette:sure lets go.

    geoff:cool and just so you know its a private swim as in us and the dolphins.

    bridgette:cool thats how i pictured it.

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    [97]Jul 29, 2008
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    Geoff: Woah! Isnt this great, you and me swimming?

    Bridgette didnt answer

    Geoff: Bridgette, Bridgette

    OH NO! Bridgette is drowning!

    Just as Geoff was about to save her, Sea World starts to disappear.

    Geoffs wakes up

    Geoff: What!

    Bridgette: Geoff, you fell asleep. That wodden plank hitted you, but you got a big bandage on your head to stop the bleeding.

    Geoff: Is everyone else all right?!

    Everybody: Yeah!

    Bridgette: Good thing I brought a first aid kit! Anyway we are going to do about that ghost?!

    Izzy: We could do a seance again!

    Owen: Come on, Izzy.

    Izzy: No, It happened before.

    Izzy: Okay, we need everybody!

    Everybodies around Izzy and Owen except Eva, Ezekiel, Noah, Beth, Justin, Sadie!

    Eziekiel: Eva, can I tell you something?

    Eva: Yeah?

    Eziekiel: I'm sorry for being sexist, and saying that boys are better than girls, were all equal.

    Eva: I'm sorry for being a bully.

    Just, then Ezekial, and Eva kissed, until Duncan ruined it!

    Duncan: Hey, prarie boy, get your girlfriend, and come over here!

    Eziekiel, and Eva came over.

    Meanwhile, Noah and Beth are making out

    Courtney came over, and interuppted.

    Courtney: Eww, guys come over and help us.

    Noah, and Beth came over holding hands!

    Justin and Sadie were making out.

    Justin: MMM

    Sadie: MMMM

    Tyler: Umm, guys can you come over here for a sec?

    Justin, and Sadie stopped making out, and they were holding hands.

    Lindsay: Okay, Izzy, wat do we need to do to?

    Izzy: Okay, like hold out your hands, but wait did you wash them first?

    Everybody: Yep

    Owen: Okay, whats next?

    Izzy: Lets join hands!

    Izzy: Oh, spirit, why are you causing havoc?

    Suddenly, Izzys bodie is shaking, her head is shaking, and the ghost is possesing her, and she tries to fight it off!

    Owen: Izzy, what is going on, if this is some kind of joke.........

    Everybody gasps!

    Izzy eyes are blank

    Chris and Chef came over, and there jaws are dropped, they are shocked!

    Just then the ghost inside Izzys body began to speak!
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    [99]Jul 29, 2008
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    Ghost inside Izzy: Would you like some girl scout cookies?

    Everybody: What?

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    [100]Jul 29, 2008
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    Ghost inside Izzy: Wow I'm in a human body!

    Owen: Hey, Ghost where is Izzy?

    Ghost inside Izzy: Why? You want to go where she is?

    Owen gulps and whimpers
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