OK I messed up on my other post so I'm gonna type it again so just act like is post is not here and continue on with robotcfan1's post
Heater:HAROLD!!!!!!! you prev your soo dead!!!!!!
she starts to chase him
LeShawna:yo princess leave my honey alone!
Heather: but he saw me topless!
Heather:well geek boy will dream about me!
Le Shawna:why would my sweetie dream about you?
she gives Le Shawna a dirty look and storms off with Cody at her heels
Harold:I'd never dream about her sugar the only,girl I dream about is you
Bridgette:awwww that's so sweet!
she looks at Geoff
Bridgette:do you ever dream about me sweetie?
Geofff cause I do babe
they kiss
Lindsnay:Iknow my little Tyler Wyler dreams about me,right Ty?
Tyler:I sure do and I know my little Lindsnay Windsnay dreams about me.
Lindsnayhhh my gosh I DO!!!!!!!!!
the two of them start to make out
Gwen:I'm gotta be sicky wicky if those two don't stop tougue wresting
Duncan:I with you goth girl,yo love brids stop with the love fest,so we can get back to the game
Lindsey and Tyler stop marking out
Katie:OK Harold who do you pick?
Harold:OK truth or dare
Duncan:truth give it to me dude
Harold: do you ever dream about Courtney naked?
Duncan:hell ya
him and Greff high five
Owen:doses she look good?
Duncan: of course!
Noah:OK juvie who do you pick?
Duncan: Katie truth or dare?
Katie I pick dare!
Duncan OK I dare you to diss Sadie
Katie:no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't do that!I'll do ANYTHING but that! pretty please with whip cream and choclate and ice cream and rainbow sprinkles and-
Duncan:OK OK then I dare you to eat that old sandwich in Owen's fridge
Kate:but that thing is like 4 weeks old!
Duncan:well it's ether that or you have to diss Sadie,witch one will it be?
Katie sighs and goes over to Owen's fridge,she gets the sandwich and takes a bite and swallows
D.J.:how was it girl?
Katiedoses not say a thing,she goes over to the side of the boat and throws up,after she get a drink of water she comes back
Sadie:how was it?
Katie: really gross
Sadie:really really gross
Kate:really really really gross
Sadie:really really really really really gross
Katie remember when we were 10,and we had that sleepover?,and we accidently ate that moldy old sour cream?
Katie:well it teased like that
Katie:remember how we sated up in tell 4:30am?
Sadie:yeah and we made rice crispy treats?
Katie:and we listened to Genie I n A Bottle?
Sadie:And we_
the two continue two talk meanwhile the other campers get board and start to do stuff,Harold plays his Nintendo DS,D.J.,Eva,Duncan,Izzy,Geoff & Beth play cards,Le Shawna listens to her MP3 player,Noah reads his book,Ezekiel looks up into the sky,Owen eats a bag of Flaming Hot Cheeto's,Courtney paints her nails,Bridgette breads Lindsey's hair and Gwen draws.Gwen gets up and goes to the kitchen she gets a Dr.Pepper ,some cheese and crackers and chocolate donuts, jut as she is leaving she here's Cody's voice coming from Owen's room.She trays to open the door,but it's looked,so she looks in a window and sees Heather and Cody marking out
Gwenin her head) I soo gotta tell the guys this!
she rushes back to were the TDI campers are
Gwen:HAY GUYS GUESS WHAT I saw Heather and Cody doing?
no one answers her
Gwen:they were making out
Gwen:well there really going at it
Bridgette:whoa I gotta see this
she gets up and follows Gwen
Lindsey:what about my hair?
LeShawna:forget your hair girl
Lindsey shrugs her shodters and follows everyone to Owen's room
Beth:I wanna see!
Courtney: you guys this is so wrong
Ezekiel: what do mean?
Courtney:hello!!! your invading their privacy1
no one anwsers her
Groff:whoa the Cod-master is getting some action!!
just then the door to Owen's room opens