Is this a family sharing time? I'm an only child but my grandmother would compare me to everybody else in the family grade-wise and test score wise. That was kind of annoying, but it's nowhere near what Sam probably goes through. Melanie just seems too perfect. Sam's mom probably thinks Melanie is better at Sam at everything, not just grades.
I do love the behind the scene stuff because I love the cast and Jane Lynch, and it's fun to see them being themselves behind the camera. Jane Lynch seems so nice in person and if she everwas apart of another episode, that would begreat.
That's true about the sneak peeks, I always watch them because I get impatient or overexcited. I did that for iSYL, iGot a Hot Room, iQuit iCarly, and iBloop and they only showed the best parts. I love spoilers too, lol yeah it's weird. At first it sort of reminded me of iMove Out but instead of Freddie/Mrs. Benson it's Sam/Ms. Puckett. Instead of the subplot taking over they will go through some sort of therapy instead. Who knows how misleading the sneak peeks are going to be?