I used to see episodes of avatar on TV from time to time but I only recently became a fan, I just spent the past few days watching all the episodes of avatar, and I loved it. but frankly, I want more. 3 seasons is very short, even though I understand why they did it that way. Anyone know if there's a possibility of continuing the story? Seems they left a lot of unfinished business... the face stealing spirit said they'd meet again but they never did, zuko's mom, and balance has not been restored because there are no airbenders... it seems to me that there is enough to continue the story with the same characters. Any chance we'll get to see new stories with Aang and the rest of the gang?
I mean, the first 3 books would be like their own show, all about defeating the firelord and restoring peace. Then they could make a 'new show' which would have all the same characters but the focus would be on restoring balance to the world, restoring the airbenders and cleaning up the damage done by the fire nation. I think they could get 3 more seasons out of that.