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Official Episode Discussion: The Earth King (Spoilers)

  • Avatar of zingerjnr


    [341]Nov 18, 2006
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    people outside america cant see turbonick

    that sucks.

    i'll just have to wait for it to come out on youtube then

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  • Avatar of DeathandDoom


    [342]Nov 18, 2006
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    I hate the fact that the TV show started 10 minutes early - I got into it late, and therefore never really got into it, you know what I mean? And it's frustrating how everyone's talking about this great fight scene that I COMPLETY MISSED.
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  • Avatar of a-tahir


    [343]Nov 18, 2006
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    ok, the whole thing with toph i saw coming. same with the dai lee. but ZOMG for the kyoshi warriors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope they're alright. That would be one less girl for pimp master sokka. also, what the hell is up with zukos dream of becoming an air-bender??? Or was it just aang he saw himself as???I'm preparing for seeing Zuko vs his sister again soon, with Zuko re-directing a lightning attack.

    And yea, that fight scene at the begining was awesome. SORRY! WE'RE ON YOUR SIDE! REALLY!"
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  • Avatar of cdripper


    [344]Nov 18, 2006
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    I've just watched it- one of the tightest, most entertaining and
    intriguing episodes yet in this incredibly addictive and exciting

    In one episode, the Earth King- a mysterious figure
    wrapped in speculation and intrigue for the past entire season- has
    finally been introduced... and I like him. It doesn't hurt at all that
    he has Samurai Jack's voice, but the openness of his face, the
    friendly, affable design and his open, thoughtful mind made me warm to
    the character immediately.
    The opening battle, a desperate, mad
    rush into the HEAVILY guarded Imperial Palace, breaks into my list of
    most exciting/incredible action sequences in a series full of awesome
    action. Aang, Katara and Toph OWN the Earth Kingdom Army, literally-
    the only drawback is that once again, Sokka's relative insignificance
    in the company of his uber-powerful companions is made painfully clear
    (it wouldn't have hurt to have him deflect a rock or knock out a guard
    or two along the way).?? Still, I was squealing again and again at the
    awesomeness of the whole scene.

    Once the Earth King is reached,
    the episode settles a bit into an inevitable stroll towards
    enlightenment for one nation's ruler. Perhaps it was a bit too easy,
    but I'm not complaining. It's high time that this leg of the journey is
    Speaking of journeys, Zuko himself looks to be entering
    a surreal, momentous trek of his own, and it looks to change everything
    about the character- which I both dread and await.

    Finally, the
    episode ends chillingly enough with some aggravating cliffhangers- Aang
    on his way to meet the mysterious Guru; Sokka to meet his father; Toph
    getting captured and Ozai Angels IN THE FRICKIN' CITY.

    What an episode. IT'S GOING TO BE A HARD. TWO. WEEKS.
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  • Avatar of ninjaman42


    [345]Nov 18, 2006
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    Dang good episode.?? Toph and Aang beating through the armies with Earthbending was a sight to behold.?? i knew the bear was going to come back.?? you can't have an episode like that without him.?? and his name is Bosco??? in the words of Doctor Who: Fantastic.?? Now, here's something for ya; did anyone else kind of guess that Toph's letter was a steaming wad of crud??? She ran away from home, how did her mom know she was in Ba Sing Se??? i knew something was up with that, along with the Kyoshi warriors coming to see the Earth King.?? and three of them??? Let's see, there's three girls in Ozai's Angels, and...about five Kyoshi warriors.?? something didn't add up.?? guess we'll have to wait until december first to find out.
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  • Avatar of Herbert0


    [346]Nov 18, 2006
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    Zuko either lost a??massive amount of muscle, most likely from mal nutrition, the creators got lazy, or he somehow gained some fat.
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  • Avatar of Eman5805


    [347]Nov 18, 2006
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    Herbert0 wrote:
    Zuko either lost a??massive amount of muscle, most likely from mal nutrition, the creators got lazy, or he somehow gained some fat.

    I think its the former...remember Zuko Alone? you could see his face was thinning...and all of season one his face was rounder and fuller...he hasn't been eating like a Fire Nation prince...I FINALLY saw the new episode on youtube...HOT DAYUMN squared...and my prediction about what's going to happen to Ba Sing Se is coming true:

    *Zen quote*
    The mighty oak tree falls not from rain or fierce wind, but to blight from within.

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  • Avatar of StaraeGhost9259


    [348]Nov 18, 2006
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    Uhh... I'm too excited to post exactly how I felt about the episode so...

    Here are the moments where I just jumped up (literally), screamed, and was like "WTF?!"

    -When I saw Aang's face on Zuko's
    -When Azula's voice came out of Suki's costume

    Here are the moments where I jumped up (literally), screamed, and was like, "OMG HOTNESS!"

    -When Zuko was drinking that water like he never had water in his life, and it dripped down his hot, sweaty, muscular body as he moaned in longing and satisfaction.
    -When Sokka tried to kick down that fancy door (before he crashed into it... )

    Here are the moments where I jumped up (literally), screamed, and was like, "OH CRAP THAT IS AWESOME!"

    -When Toph crashed all those Earthbenders to the ceiling
    -When Aang did that kick butt earthbending in the beginning of the bending fight, where he had that ambitious, slightly murderous face
    -When Katara did that cool ice pillar thing that she skidded on
    -When I saw Zuko as the Fire Lord and without his scar
    -When I saw Zuko's mom again

    I'm sure there are more moments, but I can harldy remember them haha. I'll have to watch the episode over.

    What were your moments in this epp?
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  • Avatar of Princess_Sasuke


    [349]Nov 18, 2006
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    Theres only one thing to say about those F***king Ozai Angels. They killed Suki. Plain and simple. How else would they've gotten the uniforms? Poor Sokka. All his GF's keep dieing on him after he kisses them. KISS OF DEATH!!! Any ways, its planned, so now the writers are heading towards Sy Lee. Whatever. I saw the Toph thing coming. I was watching with my sister and as soon as she got the letter I'm like "Its those two guys following her. Idjit, why can't she see that coming." And when she was captured, I was like "YEAH! I Soooooo told you!"

    Did anyone else see the Zutara clip at the end? I screamed sooooooo loud! HATE ZUTARA!

    Anyways, what the he// was up with spiritual crisis of Zuko's? I mean, he only had like 2, which I didn't understand. I understood the one where he saw himself as the Avatar, but what about the first one? With the blue dragon, voiced by Azula, trying to get him to sleep, and the red dragon, voiced as Iroh, telling him not to! And Zuko was the Fire Lord (and didn't have his scar) and schtuff...................that had a lot of sybolism in it, problem iss, I can't find it!

    Also, notice in each of the hallucenations, Zuko see's himself without his scar! Foreshadowing.

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  • Avatar of Katialin


    [350]Nov 18, 2006
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    Princess_Sasuke wrote:

    Did anyone else see the Zutara clip at the end? I screamed sooooooo loud! HATE ZUTARA!

    Everyone calm down. Just because Zuko and Katara are in a cave together doesn't mean they are going to suddenly fall in love.?? I think Zuko is going to enter the gaang and he has to bond with somebody. And not romanticly speaking. I think Katara will see another side of zuko and she'll convince the others that he's not so bad and that he could actually help them. and that pose at the end of the preview, she's trying to heal him with the spirit water Pakku gave her (but I personnly wouldn't want Zuko to loose his scar. He has to be able to confront his father even with the scar!)

    Anyway i thought it was a great episode, great cliffanger for the finale!! Can't wait!!

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  • Avatar of Airbenderluver


    [351]Nov 18, 2006
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    ZUKO WAS HALF NAKED HE"S SO HOTTT!!!! Okay, i'm done now.
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  • Avatar of SapphireStones


    [352]Nov 18, 2006
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    Katialin wrote:
    Princess_Sasuke wrote:

    Did anyone else see the Zutara clip at the end? I screamed sooooooo loud! HATE ZUTARA!

    Everyone calm down. Just because Zuko and Katara are in a cave together doesn't mean they are going to suddenly fall in love.?? I think Zuko is going to enter the gaang and he has to bond with somebody. And not romanticly speaking. I think Katara will see another side of zuko and she'll convince the others that he's not so bad and that he could actually help them. and that pose at the end of the preview, she's trying to heal him with the spirit water Pakku gave her (but I personnly wouldn't want Zuko to loose his scar. He has to be able to confront his father even with the scar!)

    Anyway i thought it was a great episode, great cliffanger for the finale!! Can't wait!!

    I agree with you. But friendship can bring other things....

    Not necessarily saying it'll happen. But it could.
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  • Avatar of SapphireStones


    [353]Nov 18, 2006
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    Airbenderluver wrote:

    ZUKO WAS HALF NAKED HE"S SO HOTTT!!!! Okay, i'm done now.

    DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Avatar of puccadoll93


    [354]Nov 18, 2006
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    i think katara and zuko are going to get together because if you saw the clip, zuko said "we both have something in common" because the fire nation killed their mothers. and then you see katara touching his scar.

    i also heard from another thread that some one (in real life) went to the nick studio and saw??an artist drawing katara and someone else in?? a cave.


    and yeah zuko's HOTTT!!

    Edited on 11/18/2006 9:32am
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  • Avatar of SapphireStones


    [355]Nov 18, 2006
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    puccadoll93 wrote:

    i think katara and zuko are going to get together because if you saw the clip, zuko said "we both have something in common" because the fire nation killed their mothers. and then you see katara touching his scar.

    i also heard from another thread that some one (in real life) went to the nick studio and saw??an artist drawing katara and someone else in?? a cave.


    and yeah zuko's HOTTT!!

    That doesn't mean they're getting together. It means they have something to be on common ground with. And I see a friendship developing between them.

    It COULD evolve into something more, but I dont see them automatically becoming together or anything right away. Kataang still needs to be straightened out.

    Ahhhhhhh!!!! *sits in corner and sings happy song for next two weeks*
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  • Avatar of UGamer08


    [356]Nov 18, 2006
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    Ope screentshots- http://www.avatarspirit.com/screenshots.php?ep=218 ??
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  • Avatar of Katialin


    [357]Nov 18, 2006
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    Yeah. And Katara's a sensible girl. She won't fall into his arms like that.well although she did make a mistake with Jet I don't think she's the kind of girl to repeat the same mistake twice. At first when i saw the preview i was like EWWWWWW (my hearts beats for kataang ) but then I thought about it...There's nothing to worry about fellow Kataang shippers!!

    Is anyone else then myself thinking about avatar every 5minutes? I think i'm suffering from advanced symptoms of AWS...

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  • Avatar of Eman5805


    [358]Nov 18, 2006
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    I gotta admit...this is was a tight pose she struck after b!tch slapping those soldiers...

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  • Avatar of avatargold


    [359]Nov 18, 2006
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    This episode was awesome, great story, awesome fight scene, (even though sokka did nothing through out it) great cliffhanger.?? I think its beginning to seem a bit like lord of the rings though (not a bad thing I love that story), but the seperation of the group does kind of remind me of the seperation at the the end of the fellowship of the ring.?? Almost exact Aang and Sokka are Frodo and Sam, Katara is Aragon,??and Toph is Pippin and Merry just by what their story line seems to be at the end of the episode.
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  • Avatar of sluggmunki_tx


    [360]Nov 18, 2006
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    Eman5805 wrote:

    I gotta admit...this is was a tight pose she struck after b!tch slapping those soldiers...

    It proves that she's skilled Good job honey!
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