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Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

Official Discussion: The Guru/The Crossroads of Destiny (12/1 - Spoilers)

  • Avatar of xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx


    [241]Dec 1, 2006
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    avatargold wrote:

    Amazing, I loved it, but not nearly as good as seige of the north.?? The Crossroads of Destiny was awesome, Guru not so much.?? The only thing I like in the Guru was Toph's advance earthbending metalbending.??

    ??I love that Zuko stayed with the fire nation.?? He makes so much more of a bad guy than a good one.??

    I can't wait to rewatch that amazing fight, I know everyone knows which one I'm talking about.?? I don't understand why Katara had to fight Azula who is 10x better than Zuko and Aang is 10x better than Katara.?? I thought it seemed kind of unfair to Katara, but she held her own which I was surprised.??

    It seemed kind of interesting in the Guru that the first three, spiritual blocks (can't remember what their called) were Water, Earth, and Fire.?? I kind of thought that maybe that the writers were making it possible to have other books available such as Grief, Love, and two others.??

    I still want to know what happen to Jet and the Kyoshi Warriors.??

    Good point...I just hope they extend it with good episodes not bad ones that just fill up the time until the series finale...but who knows the writers know that they are doing

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  • Avatar of Super_Mario_man


    [242]Dec 1, 2006
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    now everybody listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I'm gonna tell you what i mean by 3 against 3, and about the big and that seem very true and so close, possibility of zuko being good
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  • Avatar of vincent_chien7


    [243]Dec 1, 2006
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    Raikiri1103 wrote:
    I think this site is about to blow up.

    Yes. If you refresh every second, a new reply comes up.

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  • Avatar of vincent_chien7


    [244]Dec 1, 2006
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    vincent_chien7 wrote:

    Raikiri1103 wrote:
    I think this site is about to blow up.

    Yes. If you refresh every second, a new reply comes up.

    Scratch that, THREE new replies come up.

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  • Avatar of mellomuse


    [245]Dec 1, 2006
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    Lydja-chan wrote:
    I am in serious shock here. It's really draining. I was yelling and screaming at the tv soooo hard. Though I have to admitt that smiley Zuko, while cute, was just plain .... creepy. To me this season finale was like Brian & Mike saying to the fan base... "You think you know what's going to happen? Well, sit down punks, cause this is OUR story and WE call the shots." I feel like a puppy who's been smacked on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. I wanna stick my tail between my legs and sulk in the corner. Maybe I'll be able to watch the replay tommorow, but right now its a scary prospect. They so own us, why, because they know we will come back panting for more.??*wimper*

    I am so with you Lydja-Chan. I feel like I've been disciplined. You know what else I feel?

    Disgusted. Really disgusted. I suddenly find myself wondering why I've invested so much time and emotional energy into a stupid TV show anyway. I feel like I should, to quote Sokka, "go home to where stuff makes sense."

    I want to say more but I think I'll stick it in a blog so you all are not stuck with my venting. Don't be shocked if you find I've pulled every one of my fanvids off of Youtube and Putfile... sorry I'm having such a hissy fit...

    (Yes, I WAS a big Zuko fan, if you want to laugh and say I'm sour because Zuko turned bad be my guest, I am sour, but I had many other problems with the finale as well. )
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  • Avatar of whiteforest


    [246]Dec 1, 2006
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    vincent_chien7 wrote:
    vincent_chien7 wrote:

    Raikiri1103 wrote:
    I think this site is about to blow up.

    Yes. If you refresh every second, a new reply comes up.

    Scratch that, THREE new replies come up.

    Hahaha, I couldn't even get on the site like, right after the episode ended. Probably full of people trying to spaz out on the forums
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  • Avatar of Super_Mario_man


    [247]Dec 1, 2006
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    the good side is the compassion and love, and respect of zuko's mother how he toalt him what it really means to be a noble men, and plus that "what ever you do, never ever change"

    now, that is apart of the possiblitity the second thing standing in the way of zuko being bad is
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  • Avatar of foofoocuddlypoo


    [248]Dec 1, 2006
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    Roghog wrote:
    foofoocuddlypoo wrote:
    Roghog wrote:
    yah this episode was amazing, i loved it! but i hate the cliffhanger...does anyone know when season 3 premieres? ok so u know when aang died,katara revived him, we could see the glow for a split second, which i think means the cycle is still intact? when aang got into the avatar state, why didn't he just kill them all right away, instead of rising up in the air like a target waiting to get hit? i think zuko is actually good yet, him and iroh has some time to talk things over while azula left.
    He was in the process of releasing his last chakra and opening himself to the cosmic energy.
    O thanks, i thought he already did that inside the little crystal dome, but i guess it was longer than i thought. if he would have gotten into it though, it would have been crazy! i guess we will just have to wait till season 3!!! but then he might not want to go into it again, because of the risk...hmmmm...

    omg! I totally thought he was gonna get ccrrrazy on the dai lee and azula in the avatar state, that would've been almost a sweeet way to end this season also. That frikin lightning bolt out of no where, never saw it coming!
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  • Avatar of Fronzel


    [249]Dec 1, 2006
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    I was a little bit disappointed by some of this...some of it seemed rushed. Zuko turns all super mellow right away, Aang busts chakras one after another like popcorn, Zuko and Katara are all nice-nice (these people tried to kill each other a while ago)??without us seeing them talk or anything...they could have filled a full episode with the stuff they abbreviated.

    The end was fairly tops, though.??Exciting and imaginative bending battle, and??having the Fire Nation win the war is a great way to end the middle book of this legend.

    Hell, that's a smooth narrative move in any "Great War" story like this. They freakin' won!

    Assorted comments:

    -Toph's proclamation of Earthbending supremacy...was a little weakly voiced. She's the Queen of the Goddamned Mountain! Put some UMPH into it! Regardless, she was pretty badass a number of times these two episodes.

    -I thought the mental reflection in ???Guru??? was a little superficially presented???what does it mean to let go of shame, of fear, of earthly attachments? Especially that last one, because Aang finally tries to do it at the end.

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  • Avatar of Kage_za_Samurai


    [250]Dec 1, 2006
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    CRAPTASTIC, I want to watch, curse you canada and my lack of channel nick!!
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  • Avatar of Super_Mario_man


    [251]Dec 1, 2006
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    iroh, his uncle, tutoring him( without zuko noticing) about good, giving him respect, love, and tellinh him what he should really do and saying how he should be his own free man then the third
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  • Avatar of dr_critic


    [252]Dec 1, 2006
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    I seriously think that aang is the weakest of all the characters on the show, it angers me on how he has so much power and yet is always getting his @ss kicked ( excuse my language).??Katara looked more skilled and powerful then aang in the big fight scene. I say death to aang and the rise of toph and Iroh, cause iroh is da bomb no doubt.??
    Edited on 12/01/2006 7:53pm
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  • Avatar of Super_Mario_man


    [253]Dec 1, 2006
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    iroh, his uncle, tutoring him( without zuko noticing) about good, giving him respect, love, and tellinh him what he should really do and saying how he should be his own free man then the third
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  • Avatar of redjasmine


    [254]Dec 1, 2006
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    Why Zuko, why? As soon as all that happy, smiley, "everything-in-the-world-is-just-great-and-dandy" Zuko revealed himself in the first episode, I was thinking... Yeah, something bad is definitely going to happen. Poor Zuzu. He's so mislead and confused.

    Otherwise, the finale was fantastic. It seems that all of our favorite little benders have improved greatly. They're practically like.. superbenders or something now. There are lots of cool new bending moves, and the showdown at the end was amazing. Then there were the other awesome fight scenes, the metal bending, the cave scene with Zuko and Katara, the magic water, the Guru, Bosco (he's so adorable), Iroh's new tea shop, the Water Tribe warriors, Ty Lee's little crush on Sokka, and proof that Azula is in fact a mad, evil, cunning genius (but most of us already new that). She's so evil... turning Zuko to the dark side and all. Someone really needs to take her out. And let's not forget Iroh, who is now the unfortunate prisoner of Azula, and who has been betrayed by his beloved nephew. There were some Kataang moments, which were sort of cute, but I'm still hoping for Zutara... Also, Aang is able to go into the Avatar State nowl, and Katara is minus one bottle of magical water as well (though there is possibly the slightest chance that she saved some of it). I'm already looking forward to the 3rd season. It's going to be great!
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  • Avatar of Eman5805


    [255]Dec 1, 2006
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    I've been searching like crazy...but I havent' been able to find it...but I said in this forum a while back (right around the Avatar State)??something along the lines of "what could be powerful enough to kill Aang when he's in the Avatar State...a well placed bolt of lightning maybe?" If I can find it I'll post it but Lord when I'm right I'm right
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  • Avatar of xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx


    [256]Dec 1, 2006
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    jdc143 wrote:
    Is the avatar dead? not aang but the avatar spirit? think about it, roku said that if the avatar died when he was in the avatar state, the avatar chain whould be broken. when azula atacked aang when he was in the avatar state, she might have killed him and brouht back to life by the water from the owasise. if this is the case, then was the avatar spirit brouht back???

    I doubt he would be dead or we would have no show but I do think it might lead up to when the series finale comes..Aang will be the last avatar thus ending the series.

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  • Avatar of kashmere1009


    [257]Dec 1, 2006
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    cali_cutie92 wrote:
    kashmere1009 wrote:
    cali_cutie92 wrote:
    kashmere1009 wrote:
    cali_cutie92 wrote:
    kashmere1009 wrote:
    cali_cutie92 wrote:
    kashmere1009 wrote:
    cali_cutie92 wrote:
    k i just thought of something what if zuko has a higher plan, maybe he is pulling an azula on azula!!!what if he tricked her like she has done to him sooo many times!!
    at the end of the episode, when it was just azula and zuko, i kept thinking *hoping* that zuko would turn and all of a sudden attack her or something on the line of what you said. i suppose theres always season 3.
    i know nick left us on such a cliffhanger, they tricked our minds!!anyways, i really have a feeling that zuko is good deep down and that iroh,katara, and his mother really effected him, zuko is one of my favorite characters and to see him make that bad decision really dissapointed me, he better redeem himself, i think thats what the nick creators are setting up
    he's (zuko) one of my favorites too. i just hope that the creators aren't as mean as to drop his case with this. i think he'll somehow redeem himself because i'm sure we're not the only dissapointed zuko fans. if he does redeem, i hope its something really big.
    ughh i know!!For a moment I thought that Zuko would be so. . good, and do the right thing!i just really hope that he redeems himself and I think that may have something to do with his mother, and possibly his uncle and katara they wouldn't have included all of this foreshadowing and charachter development, they have built Zuko up to be more than an easily manipulated evil prince, he has a good side he has oh so close to being "the beautiful prince" he as meant to be.
    i know. if the creators wanted us to hate zuko in the beginning (of the series) then love him (second season) and then hate him again... grrr, thier gunna have to make up thier minds!
    i know!!the creators must like messing with our minds!!
    true that!
    this has been like the biggest cliffhanger of the series and now we have to wait like 3 months for a new one!!:'[nick must really hate us right now

    they just might!
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  • Avatar of PheElyForEva223


    [258]Dec 1, 2006
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    Man..this episode was so sad, but I'm still a bit confused. Did Aang master the Avatar State? Or does he have to start over because Azula striked him? Did he let go of Katara? And did he really die, or was he just severly wounded? Oh, and is the Avatar cycle still ok, or is he the beginning of a new cycle?

    Lol, lots of questions. Wait, another one coming: Did anyone else find it ironic how, if Katara had??wasted??(yes, I said wasted)??that special bending water on??Zuko (who I'm very mad at because he betrayed his uncle, the only person who stood by him) there would be none left for Aang, and he could've...would've...died? It's weird, almost scary...

    Anyway, I was so sad when the Earth King said that the Earth Kingdom had fallen. Stupid Azula and Zuko!??Wait,??some more irony: In the episode before this one, in the end,??Sokka was talking about how everything was perfect and nothing could go wrong. And look at them now *shakes head*

    One last thing, I think this episode basically blows Zutura to smitherens (coming from a Kataang fan,??that statement probably??doesn't mean much)...now that Zuko's evil and all...again...but who knows, he could change *coughdoubtitcough*

    Great episode, and now I can't wait until season 3!

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  • Avatar of Super_Mario_man


    [259]Dec 1, 2006
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    katara, how he understanded his pain and scar and was about to understand him, and how he knew how it ment to lose a mother and made him feel better and give him the love he needed, now thats th good side that could stad in his way of being bad but bad side is
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  • Avatar of dr_critic


    [260]Dec 1, 2006
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    Eman5805 wrote:
    I've been searching like crazy...but I havent' been able to find it...but I said in this forum a while back (right around the Avatar State)??something along the lines of "what could be powerful enough to kill Aang when he's in the Avatar State...a well placed bolt of lightning maybe?" If I can find it I'll post it but Lord when I'm right I'm right

    thats exactly what im saying, aang is weakling, unlike

    Iroh The Dragon of The West

    Edited on 12/01/2006 7:56pm
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