You wanna hear my pretty logical defense for Zutara? I base it completly on simple human behavior anylasis (or not that simple). When you create a character, that character is made up of many different facets. And because they are human, they sometimes deviate. Katara lost her family at a young age and was exposed to so much war and death which caused her to mature beyond her years and take a maternal role in the show. Zuko, also exposed to the war and family dysfunction was forced to become self reliant. Katara, although sweet and caring, while Zuko selfish turned selfless, are oppisites yet one of the same. (besides the fact that oppisted attract). Katara, with all the pressure being thrown upon her broke down and became revenge thirsty while Zuko gained responisbility and became the sort of the leader of the the little avatar group (role reversal) REALISTICALLY SPEAKING (and for the sake of good writing) Katara should have stayed a much more darker, vigil-anti character, because she can keep true to her morales while all in the same devolving into the character she should really be. (and i'm not using devolving in the negative sense). Because the two have so much and so little in common, that weird sort of chemistry (mostly lust I guess) should have surfaced. And although I don't think they would make a good couple, they would make a good hook-up.