^^ In response to Avaang18,
Honestly, don't assume why someone ships a certain ship. Shipping Zutara soley because they look good together is shallow and although there are Zutarians that ship it because of that reason, I am not one of them.
I ship Zutara, because they would be, in my opinion, an interesting and dynamic couple. They just made more sense to me than Kataang and its not beacuse Aang is a short bald kid. I don't mind Kataang, actually. I don't like the Katara part of it, though. I love the fact that Aang's is so devoted to her. Watching his crush on Katara transform into love was beautiful to watch. Howvever, I don't like that we didn't get much development on Katara's part. Yes, there were episodes like the Headband, The Fortuneteller, and The Cave of Two Lovers that were obvious Kataang episodes, but after these moments between Katara and Aang, Katara still acts the same around Aang. She still just does the routine kiss on the cheek and hug. If she at least blushes while doing that, I would have been satisfied. Even after the DOBS kiss, which was Aang's confession of how he feels about Katara, in my opinion, she doesn't even mention it. I understand that it was a war and there were more important things to worry about, but she could have at least mentioned it. At least said something to Aang. Instead, Aang had to confront Katara about their relatinpship in EIP. Honestly, if the Kataang EIP moment didn' t happen or happened differently, I would have been satisfied with the Kataang ending. If Katara just said "Now isn't the right time" and left it at that, I would have been alright with. Then, the finale kiss could have meant that "now is the right time." Then, it would look like Katara had feelings, but had to hide them for the sake of the war. But, Katara, instead talks about how confused she is and all that and doesn't even explain herself in the end, which really bothered me. Their relationship needed some sort of communication or explanation in the end, but it didn't happen. I still liked the finale, don't get me wrong. I don't care that much about the pairings. I'm not going to boycott the movies or anything else that Mike and Bryan do, like some Zutarians. I thought the finale was nicely done, but that was one thing that bothered me about it. And, I like Maiko, so I had no problems with that part of the finale 
I didn't read Sozin's Comet, so I wasn't spoiled. My Kataang friends, who were unspoiled, thought, for a split second, eh, more like a nano second, that Zuko and Katara were going to kiss in that moment. But, still thats a small portion of Kataangers, so I can't really know what most Kataangers were thinking then.
Anyway, Katara and Zuko had no romantic moments, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are a crack ship. A crack ship is a pairing that, in my opinion, has absolutely no chance of happenening and that makes no sense at all. So, bizarre pairings like Sokkla, Maizula, Zucest, and many others, fall into that category. I guess that you, as a Kataangers would place Zutara in that category. I, as a Zutarian, would not.
Edited on 09/11/2008 8:37pm
Edited 2 total times.