[QUOTE="rawles"] ...Zuko Is Highly Disinclined to Fall in Love with Katara, Thank You Very Much 1) She is not Mai. 2) She hates his guts. 3) She threatened to kill him over another guy. 4) She probably would. 5) Contrary to what bad anime, romcoms, and/or soapy romance melodrama would have you believe, the previous three items are not actually attractive. 6) She's self-righteous and judgmental. 7) She's also really bossy and overbearing.

Contary to what Avatar's aggressively nonsensical fandom would have you believe, the previous two sets of traits neither mesh well with or are liable to be appreciated by someone both proud and oversensitive like Zuko. 9) Zuko, while not the sharpest tool in the shed, is not actually stupid enough not to understand how trying to mack on the Avatar's One True Love would be really detrimental to his training and befriending the Avatar. You know, his repeatedly stated DESTINY that it brought him peace and joy to finally fulfill? Until #3 happened anyway... 9a) Relatedly...she's kind of a buzzkill. 10) She's still not Mai. This gets to be here twice because it is clearly the greatest failing any girl can have when it comes to winning Zuko's affections and, ironically, the one most ignored!
Quite expectedly, in the wake of The Western Air Temple, Zutarians around the internets rejoiced! For Zuko and Katara were finally in proximity to each other and that was certainly much more satisfactory than the first half of the season, during which Zuko's most frequent location was "on top of Mai."
Of course, as is the wont of this fandom, this resulted in people getting carried away, slapping on those good old Opposite Glasses and deciding that Zuko and Katara being in a scene together, no matter the actual content of the scene, means that THEY WILL INEVITABLY FALL IN LOVE 4EVA.
In response to this, various people began to list once more all the many and varied reasons that Katara will never fall for Zuko. This is totally valid. Katara certainly will never fall for Zuko. But there was something missing from this conversation. Just as I had, in my long sordid history in Avatar fandom debate and discussion, noticed it being missing before.
Zutara-detractors tend to go on and on and on about all the reasons Katara would never be into Zuko, but everyone ignores the other half of the story. People tend to just take for granted in these hypothetical discussions that Zuko would be into Katara, which is a supposition just as inexplicable (if not more so!) than the opposite.
While many fans (myself included) love Katara, and Aang is certainly all over that, she is by no means a universally irresistible catch. So, I felt, in the interest of fairness, it was time for an exploration (albeit brief, sardonic, and in list format) of why Zuko is not at all in the market for a piece of 14-year-old Water Tribe ass. ("Katara would totes NEVER put out," almost made the list, but I like round numbers.)