^LUVD the 1's about Toph's SPYVids!!^ xD
Sokka: Hey, Zuko! Those are some nice broadswords!
Zuko: Thanks. I'm pretty talented with them. That's a nice meteor-sword, but... oh, dear. *tsk, tsk*
Sokka: What! What is it?! What's wrong with my space-sword?!?
Zuko: Oh, it's probably nothing... except, well, nevermind... *tsk, tsk* >:-)
Sokka: WHAT!!? WHAT IS IT???!!! *frantically examining space-sword*
Zuko: Well, it just that... nah...
Sokka: What!!
Zuko: ...it's nothing, really, just...
Sokka: WHAAT!!!
Zuko:....barely noticeable-
Sokka: WHAAAT!!!
Zuko: hardly worth a wootie's pa-tootie...
Sokka: ...0.0...???... huh?
Zuko: I said, 'hardly worth a woo-tie's pa-too-tie'...
Sokka: 0.o
Zuko: ...aargh, aren't you still interested in wut's wrong with your sword???
Sokka: Huh? Oh, the sword? Nah, not really, I just want to make sure I heard you right... A "WOO-tie's Pa-TOO-tie?!?!"

Zuko: Look, nevermind, okay? *starts to walk away, Sokka trails*
Sokka: Hahaha! No, wait up, seriously, a "WOOTIE'S PA-WUTNow?" HAHAHAHAA!!!
Zuko: *sighs* I'll never be good at practical jokes... they always turn back on me at some point... *sighs again*