So, I watched BR1 and BR2. You may not care, but here are my thoughts. I warn you. This is long. I thought about making it a blog, but I don't want to spoil it for people who may come across my blog and haven't seen the episodes yet.
1) Suki!!! I missed that girl so much. I didn't even realize it until I saw her! She really is just a plain awesome character. The way she scaled the tower to the gondola was just bada$$!!! All little girls should want to aspire to be as cool as she is!! I mean, talk about girl power! Sokka picked a good woman!! Go Suki! I am a Suki fan girl 4Life!
2) That being said, yay George!
3) Sokka/Zuko interaction was just wonderful. They are dorks seperately, and then its like dorks to the second power when they are together. I love it!
4) I am so proud of Zuko! He's actually becoming one of the gaang. I love that he couldn't get Iroh's tea joke right. I love the bad advice about the clouds and silver linings. He is so delightfully dorky.
5) Mai!! I am so proud of that girl! I am proud of her and Ty Lee. But being Mai, she was her expressionless self to the bitter end. Though I am so proud of her for standing up to Azula! I am even more impressed by Ty Lee. She was so idiotically obedient. For her to do that!! It just blew my mind!
6) Maiko... Being a Zutarian... I was fearful of all the rumors. But now that I've seen the episodes. I am at ease. The maiko was handled well. I think we just received closure to this relationship once and for all. I mean, it was owed to the audience, what with the cryptic letter and everything. I am in no fear of Maiko occuring in the end. I think that Zuko and Mai said what they needed to say to one another, and have moved on to their seperate destinies. I really got a sense of this chapter of the story coming to a close.
7) That being said... please, please, please don't let Mai and Ty Lee die! They finally redeemed themselves, and have shown that they can be above Azula's influence! I hope that they don't die off screen (a la Jet). I think Zuko may save them, but that it won't lead to a rekindling of the flames. The flames were sparked, rekindled, burned, and are now up in smoke.
8 ) Mai: "You miscalculated." I believe that these two words will be the begining of Azula's mental break down! Coming from someone she just knew would never, ever, ever betray her. That's got to be a thorn in her side!
I know this was long, the majority of you will ignore this. But whatever!! Yay!! I heart Suki!!!!
Edited on 04/26/2008 8:07pm
Edited 2 total times.