Rin (Firebender)
Rin just got her ass kicked, and got a message from Pyro while she was unconscious. Note, this comes after Ami???s fight.
When Rin came to, she was aching all over. She honestly expected it, after having faced Zeth and Jax before. But Dark Jax was especially fearsome this time around.
???Oh yeah???speaking of Dark Jax, where the hell did he run off to now???? Rin groaned as she struggled to her feet. She could bear with the pain for the time being.
???I guess he???s gone.??? She muttered to herself. ??????but Pyro seemed???well, worried, if that???s the right word???I think I should try to help Scorch somehow. If he???s in jail, I wonder what he did???maybe someone thought he was a spy for the Fire Nation, that???s fairly plausible since he is a Firebender?????? Rin reasoned.
She heard voices around the corner, and darted behind a partially wrecked statue to hide.
???Man, did Sakai catch a culprit.??? One of them said. It was a young man, in Military dress. He was obviously part of the Water Tribe militia. Another militant was beside him in similar uniform.
???Yeah, he must have been trying to bring down the North Pole from the inside, like what happened at Ba Sing Se. Good thing we caught him. Now he???s going to die for sure.???
???I just wonder how a firebender could have got in so easily! We didn???t even notice someone so suspicious, with his hair you could spot him a mile away.???
They both laughed, and continued their discussion as they nonchalantly passed the mostly destroyed plaza. Rin was surprised they didn???t seem to care.
???Sh*t???now Scorch is in jail for firebending? Just his luck, too?????? Rin muttered.
As she pulled up her hood, just noticing how freezing she was after laying on the ice for hours, she thought of a daring plan: break Scorch out of jail. It just hit her.
??????but if I???m caught, I???ll be in jail too?????? Rin shook her head violently. ???No, no way! If I can do it, I???ll be able to save him!???
Rin dashed out of the plaza and noticed one of the guys she had seen earlier, by himself. He was obviously incompetent, he had no weapon on him, at least from Rin???s view, and he didn???t seem that strong. In fact, he looked scrawny.
Rin eyed him, and continued on her seemingly insane plan.
She walked up to him nonchalantly and fell flat on her face.
???Ow! Oh, crap?????? She said, faking pain.
???Are you okay???? He bent down to help her up.
Rin looked up at him, and brought his head down onto her knee. He collapsed, unconscious.
Rin proceeded to take his parka, and a small knife he had in a holster on his leg. It was big enough to wear over her jacket. She dragged his unconscious body to the plaza, and hid him behind a statue that had seen better days. He was going to be cold without his parka, but with his heavy clothing, he would survive.
She tied her hair into a black scarf she found in the pocket of the parka, so her blonde hair would be out of sight. She pulled up her hood, and proceeded to follow the other militant she had seen earlier, who proceeded to the guardhouse of the military headquarters. The guard let her pass without so much as a glance. Security was loose.
???And they wonder why a Firebender got so far?????? Rin thought.
Inside was a path of icy corridors, finally leading to a room with doors on both sides and a sign in the middle, with lots of comfortable furniture. Sort of a rec room, Rin thought.
She proceeded through the door marked ???HOLDING CELLS??? in bold black letters. As she proceeded down the hallway to the door at the other end, another man burst through the door and pushed past her to get to the door, but Rin???s hood fell off and as he looked back to apologize, he noticed that she was a girl. Not a soldier.
???Hey, what are you doing here? Why are you impersonating a soldier?!??? He demanded.
Rin stood up, and charged at him, punching him as hard as she could in the stomach. He collapsed in pain, and she proceeded to take his short sword on his belt, and his parka.
???Sorry, but I???m on a mission here.??? She thought.??She decided to melt a hole in the wall, and threw him into it. She melted the ice above it, and water came pouring down only to freeze over the hole.
???I think I???m starting to like the cold here?????? Rin thought.
Not wasting any time, she proceeded down the hallway and through the door, pulling up her hood. It was simple enough to get into the building, but getting Scorch out would be a problem.
???I???ll use the parka to sneak him out as a soldier???hopefully this will work out well?????? Rin thought.
The prison wasn???t what she had imagined when she walked in. Icy cells were isolated, and each had their own corridor, spaced far apart. The cold was almost unbearable, but Rin knew how to stay warm. Scorch in his current state was another matter.
She was going to save him no matter what.
Okay people, that???s all for Rin???s finale. :3
Oh, and by the way n00bs, STOP F**KING POSTING!!!