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Aang Ain't White?

  • Avatar of chabezu


    [21]Dec 24, 2008
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    I believe that Aang is Asian. There are Asians out there who are light skinned, which I happen to be (an Asian American). Zuko and his family are definitely of Asian influence and Sokka and Katara, Inuit culture. The whole T.V. series was influenced by the continent of Asia and North America (Alaska's true natives) through their use of clothing styles, writing, their arts like theater and music, the architecture of homes and buildings to religion as well. Hollywood, disregarding the heavy influence of the cultures represented in the cartoon goes to show how unprepared and unwiling they are to represent the people the animation was based on. There are many actors and actress' who can stay true to the characters in the cartoon series and who have the ability to act well.
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  • Avatar of tenacon


    [22]Dec 24, 2008
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    NO, it makes you a Ginger/Blond. What is aburn anyway? My brain hurts. SHINKUU over 9000 shoop DA WHOOP HARA-KIRI CARAMELLDANSEN MUDKIP CHUCK NOORIS HADOUKEN TO HEAD!!!!!! dO NOT REPLY 2 ME. I AM OFF THIS TOPIC.

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  • Avatar of _Flutterlight_


    [23]Dec 24, 2008
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    tenacon wrote:
    NO, it makes you a Ginger/Blond. What is aburn anyway? My brain hurts. SHINKUU over 9000 shoop DA WHOOP HARA-KIRI CARAMELLDANSEN MUDKIP CHUCK NOORIS HADOUKEN TO HEAD!!!!!! dO NOT REPLY 2 ME. I AM OFF THIS TOPIC.


    Ooooookayyyyyy then....

    (Auburn is red-brown. It falls under the "Red-head" catagory.)
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  • Avatar of ranger8060


    [24]Dec 24, 2008
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    Asian: http://screenshots.avatarspiritmedia.net/301/096.jpg
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  • Avatar of StrongGaia


    [25]Dec 24, 2008
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    Personally, I don't really care about the cast's ethnicity. All I care about are the actors' acting abilities. I'm not against them including Asians in the cast, but I don't think it's important enough to warrant slowing down production so they can recast and include some Asian people, or replacing a good cast member with a worse substitute just so they can include some Asians. If they did either of these, I'd be pissed.
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  • Avatar of _Flutterlight_


    [26]Dec 24, 2008
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    StrongGaia wrote:
    Personally, I don't really care about the cast's ethnicity. All I care about are the actors' acting abilities. I'm not against them including Asians in the cast, but I don't think it's important enough to warrant slowing down production so they can recast and include some Asian people, or replacing a good cast member with a worse substitute just so they can include some Asians. If they did either of these, I'd be pissed.

    Agreed. If the actors look and act like their characters, who cares where they came from?
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  • Avatar of UncleIrohAP


    [27]Dec 29, 2008
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    This debate has been raging on Avatar Portal for a bit and I'm sure a number of other fansites. To me the real trouble would be if the cast was selected based on race: white, asian, etc. Avatar is a fantasy world of Bryke. Yes it is inspired by Asian influences and does use Chinese characters, but it is still total fantasy. Also, it takes influence from a number of other cultures; it is a melting pot of cultures. To specify any nation or person as being of one race would be false.

    Avatar in the end is about the four nations and their people realizing that they are not four nations but one people. To me, specifying each nation as one race would be much more problematic and even against what Avatar is all about. The cast should not be picked based on race but on acting ability and with a conscious effect to try and include people of different races simply to do it. Not because they need to have people who fit what some people perceive as the race of a fictional nation.

    To me it is better that they are picked indiscriminately than picked because they are white or asian.
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  • Avatar of ElysianGem


    [28]Dec 31, 2008
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    Well I guess Hollywood likes keeping things in the old: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cszbDdpa8Zw&feature=related
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  • Avatar of ThisCrazyGuy


    [31]Jan 3, 2009
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    This pretty much combats everything against the "Aang Ain't White" protests: http://glockgal.livejournal.com/375625.html?page=1#comments

    I personally couldn't agree more with it. This person also talks about Hollywood-racism in general, and how The Last Airbender had the opportunity to be one of the few movies around, that sticks to it's ORIGINAL theme and roots (no matter Hollywood's commandments), and showcases an Asian (Eastern) theme and influence.

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  • Avatar of Chesis


    [32]Jan 3, 2009
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    I find it really disturbing how many people in this thread eaither didn't realize all the characters in the show weren't white (yes, including Aang) or don't care that they whitewashed the case. If you dont think it's going to be really obviously racist to have a whole Asian and Inuit patterened world inhabited by only white heroes, I'm sorry, but you're nuts. This is not okay. This is insulting, not just to the show and the creators, but to all those cultures and all the people from those cultures who aren't good enough to be seen onscreen.
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  • Avatar of _Flutterlight_


    [33]Jan 3, 2009
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    Um... The creators are white.

    And how is it rasist to not care what nationality the actors are from, as long as they look and act like the characters they're playing the movie?

    That's like being offended that Speed Racer is "Asian", because Speed's creator copied "white" American superhero comics.

    And if that's offensive, shouldn't you guys also be offended that the people in this thread keep calling "orientals" "Asians"? Indians and Russians are from Asia too you know.
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  • Avatar of ThisCrazyGuy


    [34]Jan 3, 2009
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    _Flutterlight_ wrote:
    Um... The creators are white.

    And how is it rasist to not care what nationality the actors are from, as long as they look and act like the characters they're playing the movie?

    That's like being offended that Speed Racer is "Asian", because Speed's creator copied "white" American superhero comics.

    And if that's offensive, shouldn't you guys also be offended that the people in this thread keep calling "orientals" "Asians"? Indians and Russians are from Asia too you know.
    So what if the creators of the show are White...? Why does that automatically mean that the cast of the Live Action Movie have to be White and ONLY WHITE? EVERY SINGLE THING, in the Avatar world, is Asian-based, and has a HUGE Eastern-influence. The clothing (of ALL Four Nations), the reading and writing, the beliefs and religion, the basic IDEA of the show, the theme, the music, the festivals, the hairstyles, they are ALL based on Asian civilizations. Can you seriously say that Jesse McCartney looks like Zuko, AT ALL?

    Did you read the link I gave out? What do you think of what that girl is saying? Can you name ONE major fault in ANYTHING she said? I surely can't.
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  • Avatar of _Flutterlight_


    [35]Jan 3, 2009
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    *sigh* Yes, I read the link you provided. And I think you and the girl are over reacting.

    First, I never said that it would be okay for the costumes and the settings in the movie to look "white". I would be VERY unhappy if that happened. EXTREAMLY unhappy. Second, I WAS unhappy when I found out that Zuko was being played by Jessie McCartney. I completely agree with you that he does not look like Zuko, and should not have been cast as Zuko.

    I made my first comment about the creators being white because I do not think having "white" actors play the Avatar characters is an insult to Mike and Brian, like Chesis was saing.

    Besides, what's wrong with not caring what nationality the actors are from, as long as they look and act like the characters they are playing? Apparently you've interppreted that in some way that I didn't mean at all.

    Edited on 01/03/2009 4:07pm
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  • Avatar of ThisCrazyGuy


    [36]Jan 3, 2009
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    _Flutterlight_ wrote:

    *sigh* Yes, I read the link you provided. And I think you and the girl are over reacting.

    First, I never said that it would be okay for the costumes and the settings in the movie to look "white". I would be VERY unhappy if that happened. EXTREAMLY unhappy. Second, I WAS unhappy when I found out that Zuko was being played by Jessie McCartney. I completely agree with you that he does not look like Zuko, and should not have been cast as Zuko.

    I made my first comment about the creators being white because I do not think having "white" actors play the Avatar characters is an insult to Mike and Brian, like Chesis was saing.

    Besides, what's wrong with not caring what nationality the actors are from, as long as they look and act like the characters they are playing? Apparently you've interppreted that in some way that I didn't mean at all.

    Okay, I can see what you are saying, but if you read EVERY THING that woman is saying, you will see, that people are certainly not overreacting, if that were the case, then why are such a HUGE amount of people upset about this? People have every right to react this way, because it is unfair and disturbingly typical... I don't think you are reacting enough, but we all have differing opinions. I think what was meant when someone said it is an insult to the creators, was that Bryke have worked SO HARD to express the Asian-influence that Avatar has had, in the show, and to be honest, they HAVE... This White-washing has completely run down one of the greatest aspects of the show. I am half-White, so no, I have nothing against the movie featuring White people, just so you know.

    And I am NOT overreacting at all my friend. If you said the "Aang Ain't White" protesters were overreacting, while I would COMPLETELY disagree with you, and defend the "Aang Ain't White" protesters ways, I wouldn't argue with you, and I would see what you are saying/understand where you are coming from... But me overreacting, compared to all the other people ranting about this movie = False. I'm just being honest... The people we see in the show, whether fantasy races or not, just are not White, they are either Asian or Inuit, you would have to be blind not to see that, end of discussion. You don't seem to understand the fact that A LOT of things about the show are going to be changed in the movie, race-wise, and NOT for the better... Some of us, actually want the cast to look their parts and races, and Jesse McCartney looking like Zuko is a LAUGH RIOT for me... I have a lot more to say about this, but I'll just leave it at that.

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  • Avatar of phineasavatar1


    [37]Jan 3, 2009
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    Look, you guys: If you have ever seen an Anime, characters are primarily drawn with white color. But then are you going to argue with me that they are not Asian? Because they sure as the sky is blue are! Look at Naruto, most people are white, and they are clearly Japanese. The reason comes down to this: free artisistic expresion. You can't tell me that people who read Chinese characters, wear Asian clothes, drink Asian drinks, eat Asian food, and bend in the style of Chinese Marcial Arts are White. The whole reason for the whole controversy is that people want people to be cased that fit the mark of the culture. I really think most people just judge that because the characters have white skin they are white. Don't judge a book by it's cover. You have to look inward, and watch the cultural things they do and the way that they act. That's what makes these characters Asian; Inuit, Chinese, Japanese, etc. And hi, I'm new to Avatar thread but have been watching and obsessing over the show from Day One.
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  • Avatar of ThisCrazyGuy


    [38]Jan 3, 2009
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    phineasavatar1 wrote:
    Look, you guys: If you have ever seen an Anime, characters are primarily drawn with white color. But then are you going to argue with me that they are not Asian? Because they sure as the sky is blue are! Look at Naruto, most people are white, and they are clearly Japanese. The reason comes down to this: free artisistic expresion. You can't tell me that people who read Chinese characters, wear Asian clothes, drink Asian drinks, eat Asian food, and bend in the style of Chinese Marcial Arts are White. The whole reason for the whole controversy is that people want people to be cased that fit the mark of the culture. I really think most people just judge that because the characters have white skin they are white. Don't judge a book by it's cover. You have to look inward, and watch the cultural things they do and the way that they act. That's what makes these characters Asian; Inuit, Chinese, Japanese, etc. And hi, I'm new to Avatar thread but have been watching and obsessing over the show from Day One.
    Welcome to the Avatar boards, you seem like a cool person! And great post!
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  • Avatar of ThisCrazyGuy


    [40]Jan 3, 2009
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    MarryLarry wrote:

    Heheh. Call me old school but blaming Hollywood for the casting that was done by an Indian, whose culture and religion has direct influence on the show, and bluntly labeling said casting as racist makes me think you're all a bunch of over-reacting and over-emotional weeaboos or azns looking for that attention your real friends and family never gave you. But, I guess that's understandable. I mean where does Hollywood get off. It's not like they've ever let any asians ever speak, let alone star, in any movies before, amirite? That is as long as you disregard the two-bit white-loving race-betraying actors like Jackie Chan, Yun-Fat Chow, and about a dozen others whose name has some version of "Lee" in it. And it's not like the reason for Asians not being in every single movie has anything to do with the fact that they make up less than 6% of America's population or that a teeny-weeny percentile of that number will actually go into the acting profession.

    Bottom line: if you're pissed at the casting because you have some insecure hatred for people you've never met or don't like the way they look, by all means complain and whine about something that's not going to change no matter how much you pray to Cthulhu. However, if you feel the need to use racism to falsely justify your hormonal outrages, I'm going to have to kindly ask you to gtfo. But seeing as how I lack the authority to use the internet version of mjolnir that is the banhammer, I can't really do anything to make you leave. I will, however, call you mean names like stuffy-doo-doo-head and make sexual jokes about your mother whether she's dead or kicking (either or works for me).

    *Sighs*... MarryLarry, you have never REALLY been nice to people on here, have you? Well, I have yet to see that happen... So we are all basically losers looking for attention that our families and friends never gave us? Then why don't we say the same about you?

    Complaining happens on the Internet, 24/7, literally, every minute the Internet exists, there are MILLIONS of people all over the world on millions of different websites, complaining or ranting about something... So why don't we just call everyone on the Internet, losers who never received proper attention from their families and friends? People of a lot of different races, including Whites, see this as an insult, and they are coming to places where they no their voices can be heard, and venting out their frustration... What is so wrong about that? Personally, my definition of people who never received proper attention and love for their families and friends, are people who waste their lives going on to the INTERNET, and blindly insulting people they don't even know, as a form of trying to look smart or cool.

    Oh, and I don't think it was M.Night Shyamalan that did the ACTUAL CASTING...

    We have seen a great amount of Asian stars, I could make a HUGE list of all the major Asian celebrities we have seen in Hollywood over the years (I really could), and you actually named a couple of Asian names that have been MASSIVE successes in Hollywood over time, but this is a movie where almost all the races are Asian or Inuit, and it has been filled with people who certainly don't look Asian or Inuit.

    Edited on 01/03/2009 8:13pm
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