"Then it was Chesis then. We've been debating so long I've forggoten who said what. Maybe we should form a team.
I agree that the actors were an enourmos dissapointment, if not for the same reasons as you. (IF the actors look like their characters, I'll be happy- they don't, so I'm not) I think we can end this part of the debate now."
A team? Erm, no thank you... This is a place where people give their opinions, not make RPG-like teams, and besides, you know Chesis and me are outnumbered in this argument on this Forum... It's like if I asked you to form a team supporting your side on the "Aang Ain't White" official website's front page... To be honest, this thread looks like it's dying anyway, I'm almost willing to LET it die...
But I will happily agree with you to end this part of the debate... It is one of the more pointless parts of this argument.
"You were a little vague in your orignial statement, and I didn't want to resond wrong and risk offending somebody. Thank you for clarifying that.
It IS annoying that the actors look nothing like their parts. They also seem WAY too old to be playing the characters they were cast as. Of course, we don't know who the casting dirrectors were chosing from. There are a lot of issues surrounding the making of a movie that nobody has taken into consideration. We don't know who tried out, we don't know how much money the casting people had to pay the actors, we don't know if they were avoiding having to train people... Maybe we should watch the movie first before making such snap judgements over who the actors are."
Okay, I can agree with the first statement. Thank you for not being as ignorant as some of other fools that have appeared on this Forum.
I am willing to bet that a lot of Asian-Americans tired out for the parts, I'm also willing to bet that a handful of them were talented... And I don't buy the whole "not having time to get acting coaches" stuff... If that was the case, why did they get a young White male with absolutely NO (known) acting experience at all, to play the MAIN part (supposedly, he is White... I could be wrong though (although, he probably IS White... Won't it look a bit weird if all of the main cast are White people, and the main character is the only Asian person in the main cast? (The Forbidden Kingdom, is SLIGHTLY different, because it wasn't based off of anything (can understand if you don't know what I mean). I AM going to watch the movie, but having a reaction (despite how much other people MIGHT not agree with it and/or like it) to the cast is allowed, and M.Night Shyamalan probably saw this world wide drama coming when he gave the okay on the cast, if he ISN'T an idiot, in MY opinion, he must have...
"But if the movie doesn't bring in enough money, they won't be able to make the sequals you mentioned. So wether we like it or not, we NEED the movie to have the added popularity of Jesse McCartney's fangirls, becuase Avatar's fanbase will have grown up by the time the movie comes out, and not everybody who liked Avatar in grade school is going to watch it in Highschool. (People were suggesting that Joe Jonas play Zuko? Well, even he would be better than bleached-blond Jesse).
Keep in mind, dirrectors are like politians, they say one thing and do another. If M. Night Shyamalan really meant what he said, then why is Jesse McCartney playing Zuko? Hollywood's seen him before. And none of the other actors are really "kids", except for Katara. And are we positive that these actors are set in stone? I looked up the movie on IMDB and it said that they were only "rumored"."
Yes, but is the only real way to bring back the fan base, a blind attempt at getting girls to see it? They won't even care about the actual story, just at seeing Jesse, who acting I am majorly (but silently doubting). It's not like the fan base will just disappear, and with the right advertising etc, they could make the movie JUST as popular, or at least almost. Besides, the probabilities of the movie being a success have actually, DEcreased, because of the whitewashing of the main, blatantly Asian-inspired cast. There is a movement going on right now (and I don't care if you don't care, other people do) based on how pissed off people are about this (something that originated from a freaking Nickelodeon cartoon). People are actually NOT going to see the movie because of the cast, even the hardcore Avatar fans, because of the cast. So the expectations of the movie's popularity seem to have dropped quite a bit. Let's hope Jesse's supposedly LARGE amount of fan girls can fill up the spaces of the people who won't be seeing the move because of it's whitewashing... And no, I'm not one of those people, I'm loyal to Avatar, even if the movie and it's actors will suck absolute crap, I'm still going to do whatever I can to make the movie a success (but not to the point of wasting my life AND Summer, going to see it loads of times)... Besides, do you really think McCartney's fan girls will rush off to see a non-naked, almost bald Jesse McCartney with a bang-on **** playing Prince Zuko? When they see the adverts, I am willing to bet they will BURST in to tears... Lol.
The movie starts filming in March, so chances are this is the REAL cast, unless they can gather up an entirely NEW cast in less than eight weeks...
"Because it is my experiance that people would rather be angry than informed, so they would ignore what I was saying and only focus on your comments. That sort of thing happens to me a lot, so I've probally got a chip on my shoulder about it.
And yes, I completely agree with you. My comment that I'd be happy if the actors looked like their parts. I'm hoping that they all have to wear those plastic things the narnia characters who played satyrs had to wear to alter their appearances."
Well, I haven't made that many mistakes, nor made you look like a bigot THAT much, if I have, people will simply read what you say and see that I got the wrong idea... It probably is just a chip on your shoulder...
"Chesis. Over and over again... (If I had a dime for the times I've typed "I never said that"...) I guess I'm letting my annoyances with him interfer with my debate with you, and I'm really sorry for that."
That's okay, we all let our debates get mixed up with other people, especially when we are all in one massive argument with similar opinions (Chesis and myself)...
"As I said earlier, I've been debating this so long I'm mixing you up with Chesis, who keeps changing the meanings of my statements. (I'm dyslexic. I do this sort of thing a lot, and I can't help it. Sorry.) When did I say that the whole "Aang's ain't white" movement was silly? I think that was Falcondude."
Hey! I'm dyslexic too! Anyways...
I do believe at some point you said the "Aang Ain't White" movement was pointless, or at least something along those lines... I could be wrong, or I could be confusing you with someone else...
"*Sigh* I guess you do. Sort of. (You probally don't get glares during the pre-civil war lessons though)... but still, I'd rather have my race edited out of a movie than have to listen to another broadcast/lesson about the evil things my race does."
No one is berating you about what the bad things are, that the White race has done in history though (at least not in this subject and situation)... We are debating the cast of a movie, not things like the African or Native American Slave Trades etc. I see what you are tying to say, and I sympathize with you, because for half of the part, I understand what it feels like to hear those things in your history classes, and I get that the guilt you have to carry is hard, but in this situation, I don't quite think it has been taken that far... I REALLY hope this particular paragraph doesn't offend anyone by the way (I don't see why it would at all, but STILL).