maniacbiscuit wrote: |
it just gets annoying after a while with duncan and owen doing the same jokes owen farts and eats and duncan picks on harold and talks to courtney its the same thing with them |
alright, i just got done reviewin the tdm trailer and a few ajor thingz stuck out 2 me:
-There'z a seen with trent, justin, and da sasquatch thing playing music and therez a picture of leshawna in the background
-i kno its bin ointed out, but duncan is only in 2 of the scenes, the begiinning with every1 by the plane, and wen he's draggin gwen and courtney down the pyramid
-ezekiel seems to be on dj's team
-at 1:06, when everyone iz in the plane about 2 fall, harold, ezekiel, and duncan arent't there, but then when they all fall, harold reappearz
-most scenez lindsay and bridgetee and lindsay r in, they're in 2gether, mayb a new friendship?
-may meen nothing, but in one scene, itz just cody, heather, and sierra, no courtney or gwen.
-therez a scene with eva and some random guy, and eva throwz the microphone at him
-they mite go bak 2 camp wawanakwa, 1 of the scenes has a rly similar background
dannyranger8 wrote: |
they mite go bak 2 camp wawanakwa, 1 of the scenes has a rly similar background
And, I'm really not trying to be mean, but I find it amusing that though you misspelled a lot of words you spelled Wawanakwa correctly.
Personally, I'm hoping Duncan and Harold get eliminated early since the two characters got the most exposure of all the guys in TDA. Same with Owen, I can accept the fact that he's the writers' pet character, but they can only stretch out his fart jokes for so long.
Lionheart08 wrote: |
Personally, I'm hoping Duncan and Harold get eliminated early since the two characters got the most exposure of all the guys in TDA. Same with Owen, I can accept the fact that he's the writers' pet character, but they can only stretch out his fart jokes for so long.
yes owens jokes are very repetive
Looks like it's not over yet! Beth WAS originally intended to win (shock-er), and Duncan IS going to lose the case in the special. And yes, the person posting is friends with Brian Froud in the website, so it's probably legit.
maniacbiscuit wrote: |
so duncan might not win? |