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Answer the TDA question of the week (spoilers)

  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [121]Nov 13, 2009
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    no harold had no reason to go. ive had enough owen for the entire series.when harold discovered that owen should of gone owen should of gone. yes the winners of rewards appear to go next which annoys me. at least courtney didnt win invincibility for once.
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  • Avatar of alagaesian


    [122]Nov 13, 2009
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    I'm a little miffed that Harold and Duncan didn't really make up before one of them left, but other than that, I'm completely fine with his elimination.

    Yes, I'm a Harold fan, but my highest concern is how good the show is. If Harold had stayed, then Owen would have left. Owen, ironically, has more plot value than Harold at this point. Owen would have made the show more suspenseful and dramatic. Besides, these last two episodes have tied off the Duncan-Harold conflict for the meantime. They've left it at a point where they can untie it and release some sparks in the next season, but can just as easily leave it sitting on the shelf.

    Harold's purpose in TDA has been used up, so I would rather see him leave then sit there and do nothing worth watching.

    As for the reward challenges, I've never noticed that before. It's quite interesting. But, I don't think the challenge rule is going to apply to the next episode. Beth won this round, but because Harold is gone, she's pretty much the guaranteed winner. I actually expect Owen to be the next to go.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [123]Nov 13, 2009
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    harold has tons more plot value than owen who has stank up the show from the beginning.
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  • Avatar of shishkabob999


    [124]Nov 13, 2009
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    He would've had to go eventually, and it was either this or in the Final Four. And really, Owen's got one week left anyway since we know the D/B final two and that the antagonist is going third.
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  • Avatar of Brodoin15


    [125]Nov 13, 2009
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    The main reason I'm upset that Harold is gone is because now it's just all too obvious that Beth is most likely to win.

    They could pull a fast one and have Duncan win, but I doubt that.

    I don't want to sound like a complainer, but it would be much better to have Harold and Beth in the final two. And I say that not just because I like Harold, but because then we wouldn't know who is going to win, it would come as a surprise. (Or, at least, it wouldn't be as obvious as it is now.)

    Edited on 11/13/2009 4:00pm
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  • Avatar of Riankg


    [126]Nov 14, 2009
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    I'm not happy about his elimination but I'm not sad...he's a good character but he isnt one of my favorites so.. for me whatever. I agree with everyone who's upset with Beth being almost certain to win the show. But there's a side of me which thinks that Duncan might win and something happens to Beth and that's why she wont be in the next season.

    It's not that i want Duncan or Beth to win.. i'm just thinking that the producers might surprise us..or not.

    And yeah i noticed what happened to both Lindsay and Harold, but it's a normal thing.
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  • Avatar of Skyancez


    [127]Nov 16, 2009
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    Harold dug his own grave by worrying Owen about his new role in the show. Surely he must have knew that because he killed Scruffy (it was an accident but Duncan WILL get revenge on you, you know he will) thus casting two votes against him already. Another thing he should have known was the girl bust-up. He MUST have known that Beth was gonna vote for Courtney, giving away another vote that didn't go in his favor. It is unknown for whom Courtney voted for but it sure ain't Beth (immunity) or Owen (as it would have been a tie). He dug his own grave and he deserves to go for it.

    Harold's role in the plot wasn't exactly big anymore since LeShawna left. It was just him being bullied by Duncan everyday and at one point it had to end.

    Edited on 11/16/2009 6:30pm
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  • Avatar of Brodoin15


    [128]Nov 16, 2009
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    Harold really should have kept knowing Owen was a traitor to himself. He pretty much told Owen "vote for me."

    I like Harold, but he should have thought that through. (In fact, it was kind of a bad move on the writers. In a real reality show, if someone found out a friend was a traitor, he wouldn't tell the traitor, he'd try to get others to vote him off. Blindside.)

    Edited on 11/16/2009 7:54pm
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [129]Nov 17, 2009
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    nate4123 wrote:
    New episode this week which also means a new question of the week (sorry about the last two weeks) Ok so Harold realized what Owen came back to TDA for: To sabotage the teams. Harold was about to tell everyone, but he was eliminated before he had a chance to speak. Do you think Harold deserved to go? Also EXTRA QUESTION: In the last two eliminations, both contestants won rewards (Lindsay- Movie with Duncan, Harold- A meal made by the girls). But at the next episode, they get eliminated? Have you guys realized that?

    I would have to agree with Brodin on the first question. If Owen had sabotaged his team and Harold knew, he should have secretly informed the others about the situation, rather than telling it to Owen in person. I think that if worst came to worst, a secret intervention could have saved Harold from elimination. On the other hand, I don't exactly blame him for confronting Owen. I think that if I were to walk in his shoes only to discover that there was a traitor in the midst that I would be just as miffed about it. Granted, it was still a bad move on Harold's part. I didn't really mind how the elimination was done, it was the reason for his elimination that bugged me a bit. Owen had a right to try to get rid of Harold, but not Duncan. Surely, Duncan has a right to be a little angry with Harold for killing Scruffy but it was an accident. You can't give Harold a hard time for an accident.

    Yes, I seemed to notice that. I think that if I could recall, a few episodes back in TDI were set up like that.

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  • Avatar of alagaesian


    [130]Nov 17, 2009
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    I just realized something...

    Courtney, essentially, had three people she could choose to vote for: Duncan, Harold, and Owen. She's not going to vote for Duncan, I'm assuming. Now, who is going to be more helpful for her to vote off? Owen, some guy who's not going to win anyways, or Harold? She might also be voting off Harold to spite Beth.

    Harold already had two votes against him that were practically unchangeable (Courtney isn't going to vote off Owen for manipulating people - she does that enough herself, and voting off Harold brings more satisfaction). The only way to save his butt would have been to organize a three-person team of Owen, Beth, and himself to vote off Courtney. But, if Chris is manipulating Owen as hard as I suspect he is, then this plan wouldn't have worked. Owen would have voted off Harold anyways, to throw a dramatic blindside into the show. Plus, Courtney's a nasty villain that Chris himself loves! Is the host really going to just let Owen vote her off? No.

    Harold was technically doomed from the start.
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  • Avatar of nate4123


    [131]Nov 20, 2009
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    I don't believe Harold is supposed to go. He looked like he was going to be a big time part in the finals but Owen has to sabotage his chances. Seriously, why is Owen there when all he is doing is something that is not even in his nature to do? Glad he's out now.

    OMG SHOCKING EPISODE LAST NIGHT! Let's put out the new Question of the week! First off big shocker when Duncan out of all people would vote off his crush, Courtney!!!! Did Duncan do the right thing by voting Courtney off? Also the final matchup has been set last night. DUNCAN VS. BETH! Besides the post that was on the Cake Entertainment website, did you predict the finals to be a matchup like this? (Be honest here people.) FINALE IN TWO WEEKS!
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  • Avatar of shishkabob999


    [132]Nov 20, 2009
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    Without the flip book, I would've predicted Beth in the Final Two (because of the no plot thing), but I think we all expected Duncan to go earlier and Harold to be alongside her, since he's more of a protagonist than Duncan is (though he's gotten better over the last two episodes).
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [133]Nov 20, 2009
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    heck yea! duncan voting courtney off was the smartest thing he ever did! and after harold was eliminated this final 2 was way predictable. that should be harold in the finals with beth not punk boy.
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  • Avatar of iamtunk


    [134]Nov 20, 2009
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    Actually, I think I did kind of think that it might be D vs. B (either that or D v. H). Simply because I thought that Courtney would make it to the F3 than Duncan would be responsible for her elimination.
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  • Avatar of Riankg


    [135]Nov 20, 2009
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    If it wasnt because of the flipbook i wouldnt predict Duncan in the F2..but Beth was easy to predict.

    I dont hate courtney but Duncan did the right thinh..and PLZ eliminate him eraly in TDM!!!
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  • Avatar of alagaesian


    [136]Nov 20, 2009
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    Heck, I knew Beth was in the final two since Beach Blanket Bogus. Duncan, not so much. But he was easy enough to figure out with Harold gone; they're not going to put the antagonist or the guy who won last season into the finals, where Beth's victory would be obnoxiously predictable.

    And, yes, he did do the right thing by voting her off. If Owen hadn't been revealed, she would have easily picked him off using Owen's vote against Duncan. So, Courtney shouldn't be too made if her boyfriend decides that a 32-page letter and a MUCH better chance at the million is enough reason to vote for her.
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [137]Nov 24, 2009
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    I knew that Beth was going to be in the finals all along. That 'braces-off' bit from the beginning made me suspect her to be in the final 2.

    I like Duncan and all, but I don't like how he ended up as a finalist--considering he was a main character last season, that alone can spoil the finale but most importantly, the entire season. As predictable as the finale could have turned out either way, I suspected Courtney to being in the final 2. Her Mary-Sueness got her this far, so why not in the finals?

    And seriously, what happened with Courtney's downfall? Some downfall, huh? I must have said this about a dozen times already-- this probably being the thirteenth-- but I feel the need to stress this: What happened? What was up with that 32- page contract? Why did Duncan have to be so sleep deprived on one of what could have been the most intense Guiled Chris Ceremonies to happen? In other words, why did Courtney get off so easy? I remember what happened in the episode, my question is why did it have to happen this way? Like seriously. Why is it that Courtney's so perfect that she had to get off so safely? I mean that despite her battle over Niagra Falls, nothing happened to her. She basically fought all of these sharks and won and still managed to retrieve her PDA and return to camp in one piece, where unlike Heather, got a buzz-cut and recieved huge amounts of shunning from the public, Courtney once again comes up smelling like roses. To top it off, she was the one who broke up with Duncan and Duncan was too sleep deprived to tell her off. And again, why a contract? Couldn't Courtney do something horrible just to have something as horrible in return? This defines a good downfall.

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  • Avatar of shishkabob999


    [138]Nov 24, 2009
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    Considering the amount of crazed fangirls Courtney has, I'll take whatever I can get as far as a downfall, especially since most of them were still completely up in arms about what DID happen to her.

    And as I said in another thread, a lot happened to her. She lost, which she's so hypercompetitive about, that losing might just be enough for her; she owes her laywers two hundred thousand dollars (20% of the money); she lost the person she's been crushing on for two seasons in the most humiliating way; and she's made an enemy out of pretty much everyone on the show.

    Sure, it's not a physical manifestation like with Heather's hair - but Heather never broke down (she became an anti-hero and hopefully will be a bit more antagonistic next season), while all this emotional damage might just do it to Courtney and let her actually get a personality for TDM.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [139]Nov 24, 2009
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    courtneys the type of girl whos daddy will probably pay the lawyers. i hate how easy courtney got off.
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  • Avatar of iamtunk


    [140]Nov 24, 2009
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    poor Heather had to deal with a bald head on national tv for a whole season! in regards to Courtney fans being mad about her losing, let's put this into perspective: Heather's my 3rd favorite character but I still think she got what was coming to her last season. However, I did start feeling bad for her after awhile. This probably is what caused me to become a Heather fan, actually.

    Well, I'm still hoping that there will be an Aftermath so maybe Courtney will get what's coming to her then. Actually, what I'd like to see is her pining over Duncan in TDM and have him ignore her/brush her off. lol (of course, he might not be around very long for much of this to happen.)
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