Im tired of people asking me like im some kind of shipping-gossiping-wizard
carly's side:
good points- people say that carly's chemistry is better than sam's. they also say freddie is the right person for carly because there two and two. they also say that since carly is perfect-like she deserves freddie more because she doesnt bully freddie.
bad points- she always gets what she wants. she also throws tantrums. she could also get any guy she wants.
sam's side:
good points- need I say more? the majority of people favor seddie. many people think their chemisty is good. plus they look good together-like oppisites attrack(though i dont see how magnets have anything to do with this) people also say that sam needs somebody who can comfort her- and thats freddie.
bad points- yeah.... I can list a billion times more on this one than the carly one. but i'll list the primary factors. this could be an abusive realationship. second people say that she doesnt deserve freddie because of the abuse she gives him.and we seddiers always over look this but.... Sam always gets what she wants, in a bullying sort-of-way. think about it. she needs to mature and stop thinking that shes the queen of the world(thats carly's job to be a know-it-all) would you want to date somebody who makes your life miserable by giving you emotional and physicall abuse
share your ideas with me and dont forget to vote!