overdramatising and extremist characters are absolutely necessary, as Schneider's bakery has dumbed dowwn the characters too lukewarrm, pointless dummies. Thus it's the holy duty of fanfic writers to restore the pure stereotypes to which the characters truly belong to as far as it goes.
now a few new and upcoming stories of mine:
iSee Clearly: In turn for a date, Magic Malika helps Fredward Benson to find his father, using a crystal ball. Many cans of worms get opened on the way. Includes standard couples like Fredward Benson/Samantha Pucket, Charles Cornelius Gibson Carlsen/Carlotta Shay, plus a few extraordinary wonderful couples lsuch as Magic Malika/Nevel Papperman, Spencer Shay/Miss Fielder, and many many many more
When The Bigfoot Come: Carly becomes a member of the tTroop, section Seattle, who defends Seattle against an upcoming bigfoot invasion. Sam, Spencer and Freddie are clueless, like most inhabitants of Seattle they are busy with the shootings for a new Galaxy Wars epi. Same couples as mentioned above, plus many many many more
Malibu Beach: Sam finds a place to host his boat cheap, but its in California, by the beach of Melanie's boarding school. with wonderful couples like Spencer Shay/Zoey Brooks, Carly Shay/Dustin Brooks, Nevel Papperman/Megan Parker, Melanie Puckett/Vince Blake, and many many many more