Hey, all! I've been busy with school, so, I haven't been on in awhile. So, I see they still haven't fixed the avatar thing yet. Yep. It's been a few months short of a year now and still nothing. What's with all these sites turning into social networking sites?! Youtube/Google Plus has been driving me nuts too. lol
Oh, wow. That's...that's just cruel.
I'm glad those were cut. Sadly, though, that's almost how some kids are in middle school/early high school. Like, the way Freddie handled the situation by trying to bribe Janine to kiss him for money is not far off from what real people would do to get others to stop hurting their feelings and whatnot.
Honestly, though, it really does look like the writers had way too much fun writing this. I know it's a comedy, but I don't know, if I was still that age and watched that, my self confidence would've vanished. I know that sounds a bit drastic, but when I was fourteen, I tried to impress my classmates just so they wouldn't make fun of me. I don't think writers realize how much of an impact media makes on other people, especially teens and kids. I'm not saying that all shows should have obvious morals like in that one episode of Spongebob ("All That Glitters") where he clearly states near the end, "All that glitters...is not gold...." or the end of those episodes of that one Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon (30 seconds of advice from Sonic, which is perfect for kids), but at least show that it's not that big of a deal if you haven't been kissed in middle school.
Sorry about the rant. I've been working on this final presentation about anti-bullying, so, I'm really heated up about this. Like, stuff like this causes severe depression. Ok. I think I'm done now