wow TitanPredator you raised some interesting questions
BUt i have to agree mostly with ThisCrazyGUy. The fact that the Gaang and Azula are this powerful and capable at such a young age shows that if that arent already more powerful than those they are compared with, they definitely will be.
May Take on the matchs are
Azula, if sane, will definitely surpass Ozai and Iroh. Zuko imo will also surpass Iroh and Ozai in time. I think one of the main reasons that these two are so powerful is because they are descended from the previous Avatar and FireLords. Zuko has learnt from, and probably continue to learn from, the exprience and knowledge of Iroh, and at such a young age, will most likely learn more than Iroh did when he continues on from him. I however do find it hard to think of whether either of them will beat their elders if they were to verse them at this time. Both have probable all or most of their skills, but i think O&I's experience will win out
BUmi and TOph- BUMI!!! Toph is amazing, but SO is BUmi. This is a guy who at 112 is still incredibly powerful. He not only can bend with simply his chin (lol) but also without touching the ground- TOph is stuffed. If Toph was to gain sight she would become in time definitely his equal or supior. HOWEVER, due to the nature of her weakness she cannot beat Bumi. Nation sees with the ground, but im fairly certain that from the insight BUmi had when telling Aang who to find that he can too. Bumi is also incredible smart and very exprienced, with knowledge of different forms of strategy(forgotten name). He simply needs to levitate rocks and Toph is in trouble- she cannot see any air-bourne object as shown time and again when she is supprised by one- ussually from Sokka. I think she will still be equal or superior (she is only one known to MB) but i doubt she could beat BUmi without becoming far more strategic- something she definitely isnt right now (as she taught Aang- go head-on)
Katara pwns Pakku no challenge (to be fair we havent seen much of him). Even before Katara was properly trained she put a hell of a fight against him, and no with being able to remove water from air and plants, and controlling ppl's body without need of moon (mistake my opinion), Pakku cannot match her
As for Jeong Jeong. hmmmmm well, Azula is far more powerful than him potentially and from what we have seen he cannot do lightning. I do think Azula, if sane, could beat him. And i also think ZUko can too, having shown that he is very powerful and skilled (if he can so easily dispel Azula's attacks in BR, i dont doubt he could do it more so against JJ), plus unlike Jeong Jeong his power comes from original, good source.
Edited on 09/22/2008 3:04am