Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
GrandAbbot wrote: |
A little food for thought for everyone... What type of bender would you be? Why? |
MCMLXVI wrote: | ||
I still stand by earthbending because of its creative potential |
(speaking to GrandAbbot) Off With Your Head-no just kidding-just search the boards before making a new thread.
My order of best to worst is:
Airbender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It??seems to be the most fun bending element, I could finally have endurance, and orange is my favorite color! Plus, airbending can be used almost anywhere (yes, almost, not in space nor in the spirit world).
Waterbender! It took me a while to make this decision, but after the North Pole episodes and "The Swamp", it seems to among the best elements as well. And it, too, can be used almost anywhere for most waterbenders (hello, waterbending pocket!).
Earthbender or firebender. I can't make up my mind upon third and fourth favorites. I mean earthbending can be used for an awful lot of things, but firebending is, er, cool (well, it's really the exact opposite, 'cause fire is hot, but you get my point(I think)). Oh, yeah, and firebending also has limits when you're underwater or, of course, in space (only waterbending can happen there unless you're stealing natural resources!).
Eman5805 wrote: |
why stop at head bending? why not be a reality bender and make anyone who ticks you off vanish into thin air...or turn into Halle Berry... |
oh right the topic...Nothing beats Earthbending to me...that's why I say:
Earth Kingdom is Forever.
Eman5805 wrote: |
Then you must have loved the last episode of South Park... |