Sektos wrote: |
Haha just reread my post dont think i explained somethings too well, but anyway. I submit- no more lol! I still think there's a hole there that could have had more time devoted to it. Ultimate;y i think we all would have liked a longer finale to iron more things out (eg Katara feelings from EIP) and im sad we never got Zutoph adventure - would have been awesome. THere was so much this season, i know supposably the creators planned all this out, but i did feel like S3, unlike one and 2, was rushed in places. But ulitimately a great series
Still perfer my scenario, BUT i do get what you guys are saying. BUt im not going to drag out this debate anymore lol its taken up so much of the thread and i should be doing more work lol
Still, loved chatting to ppl again about ideas on this forum , been ages and makes me sad to think this show is (for the moment) over |
MMO comes out in just a few days
Still, I'm glad you enjoyed this as much as I did Still, I'm afraid I'm not going to let you off without summing up my opinion one last time
It's great to have someone here who enjoys debating about these things Will we be seeing more of you around here?