Uh i think their should be an Avatar the last Airbender book 4 air. cause the cycle does go air, water, earth, fire and then air the cycle is reborn over and over agian i'm read ideas from people all over the world. this one guy had the idea for a new season. (that it the final show in season to cross roads of destiny Aang dies. and in the time Aang is dead a new avatar in born into the next cycle). but avatar Ruko says to Aang that if the avatar is killed in the avatar state is then the cycle is broken and the the avatar will cease to excit his idea just dosen't work. but i mean they have to make a season 4 they just cant stop their. the show is to good for that. i'd like to have the creators e-mail or something cause that show has had to of made millions of dollars. it cant stop their.
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