Ugh. This is making me go nuts! Zutara isn't going to happen, Of course I don't make the show, but wasn't The Headband and DOBS enough proof? I heard a Zutaraian say this the other day, "In nightmares and Daydreams, Aang had a nightmare that he was underwater with Zuko on top of him on ice. Later Aang has a daydreams and wakes up from it and Katara, asks what was his daydream was about and he said "Living underwater" and Katara says, "Sounds neat" so therfore Katara thinks Zuko is neat" Most zutaraians would take "proof" like that and cherish it with all their hearts, while Katara and Aang are blushing, Kissing and everything. I don't get why you all have to be so oblivious to what is right there. Katara wouldn't have been jealous of Aang dancing withOnjiif she didn't like him! Also, Roku told Aang, "When love is real it finds a way".He was obviously talking about Katara and Aang, because before Roku said, "Love is hard when you are young"....Aang, says "You don't have to tell me"(obvisouly OBVIOUSLY referring to Katara......Roku says, "Dont worry, it gets better". Roku and Aang have a lot in common, Roku loved someone, who like Katara, Roku wasn't sure (Ta Myn) Katara liked him. People are just starting to be stubborn, which is seriously unessecary. Sure, ship Zutara all you want, but when it comes down to being the mature person, who loves their ship but knows it's not going to happen is where it needs to be. I repect all of you zutaraians with the bottum of my heart, and hope that you never give up, but this denial stage is getting so old. I know someone on another site, who got a death threat by a zutaraian for saying that zutara wasn't likely. I am not saying all Zutaraians are like this but, some are.